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Our Assessment:
B- : tries too hard See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review: Three Drops of Blood and a Cloud of Cocaine takes place in the Boston suburb of Watertown. It seems an unlikely setting for a French-writing Swiss-Canadian author's novel -- but he does have a mystery author stand-in -- successful author James Ellsor -- explain to the PI Franck: Look, if you're hoping to please the Boston critics, for instance, you should never set a book in Boston. What jingoists! What chauvinists !Write about far-off places, Ellsor recommends -- and for Mouron, Watertown is pretty far off. Even Franck, the New York-based PI who winds up in the middle of the action, mentions that he's there having come down from Toronto, rather than somewhere closer in the neighborhood. Franck founded Sherlock Investigations a few years earlier, and has had considerable success with it, hiring talented help whose flaws hurt their careers elsewhere but weren't a problem in this line of work. Sherlock Investigations has become so successful that Franck's role now is mostly managerial -- but: Occasionally, however, he will accept what he calls a "special mission."Franck is a heavy drug user -- cocaine -- and doesn't pull his punches; author Ellsor, for example, probably wishes he hadn't invited Franck for drinks at the hotel bar. Franck's moral compass is a bit ... flexible, and, for example, he's willing to make the case for the: "barbarous murder of an elderly Watertown man, Jimmy Henderson, as he sat behind the wheel of his pickup" that is at the heart of the novel: Now take this murder: you find it bizarre. Well, you're welcome to think what you like, but you have to admit it's a success: it strikes a jarring note in the silence, and that's something.Franck hasn't heard of the bestselling author Ellsor -- but he's reading Joséphin Péladan, which is meant to tell you all you need to know about him (see e.g. here and here). Yes, Three Drops of Blood and a Cloud of Cocaine is meant to be a stylish noir of a particular style, and in case the Péladan mentions don't get that message across strongly enough, there are chapter-epigraphs by the likes of Blanchot, Gombrowicz, and Georg Lukács ..... Franck's counterpart in this story is the local sheriff, Paul McCarthy. [It's an unlikely job title for someone in the Watertown Police Department (there are sheriffs in Massachusetts, but they work in a separate department; Watertown is covered by the Middlesex sheriff's office). But presumably 'sheriff' resonates better with the feel Mouron is going for in his novel -- Franck certainly is a 'wild West' kind of character.] McCarthy sees a world of neat law and order -- and moral order too. He has a family, a stable life -- but the murder he's called to investigate calls all that into question for him. He finds himself on less uncertain ground; suddenly he realizes that his world -- and the entire world -- looks very fragile, easily upset and upended. The murder was brutal, and there doesn't seem to be much motive to it. Soon enough a suspect and a motive, of sorts, are found -- as it turns out the victim was no angel either -- but it doesn't really seem to add up. Franck ambles about, taking care of some other business and remaining at least on the periphery of the murder and its investigation. Eventually, the book climaxes with him and McCarthy coming together -- the frenzied Franck exhorting: "Sheriff, let's dance !" he exclaims. "Let's dance ! Dance till we go nuts, till we shatter, pulverise ourselves !Three Drops of Blood and a Cloud of Cocaine definitely favors style over substance -- but falls short in that department too. Too much feels forced, or half-baked. Mouron's book won't please the Boston critics, not because its Boston(-area) depiction doesn't feel authentic -- that could pass -- but for the same reason critics anywhere likely take issue with it: there's not enough polish to the muddle, not enough style -- and certainly not enough substance, to the crime(s) and investigations. - M.A.Orthofer, 3 August 2017 - Return to top of the page - Three Drops of Blood and a Cloud of Cocaine:
- Return to top of the page - Swiss-Canadian author Quentin Mouron was born in 1989. - Return to top of the page -
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