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Our Assessment:
B+ : fairly entertaining text-reading and criticism dressed up as fiction See our review for fuller assessment.
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Much as the great Arno Schmidt did in works such as his Radio Dialogs I and Radio Dialogs II, Julián Ríos presents a reading of a text -- Joyce's epochal novel -- within a new one in The House of Ulysses.
Literary criticism and analysis mixes loosely with fiction itself (though the emphasis is overwhelmingly on the former -- Ríos doesn't look to muddle things up too much by layering his own invention too thickly on Joyce's); like Schmidt, Ríos
finds a form of dialogue the best approach (though there's more embellishment in this purely literary text than Schmidt had in his radio-plays).
The mature reader (did she call him Ananias ?), the young female reader (Babel or Belle ?), and the old critic. Let's call them A, B, and C, for short.Screen-shots from the computer, outlining each chapter, are also utilized (though that's about as hypertextual as Ríos gets here), as the characters are led through and discuss the novel, chapter by chapter. A section of 'passageways' at the end of each chapter offers additional takes. As reading and analysis of, and reaction to Ulysses, Ríos' The House of Ulysses is most useful and appealing as a companion-volume; understandably, it has some difficulty standing entirely on its own (though it is thorough enough to serve as a decent crib for those who don't want to bother with Joyce -- though that would seem to entirely defeat the purpose, and certainly doesn't seem to be what Ríos intended the text for). It is, however, also a bit thin simply as exegesis: this isn't a radical new or in-depth reading of Joyce's work, but rather summary instead. Nevertheless, Ríos' own creative approach and his embrace of Joycean (and his distinctive own) wordplay make for a volume that is certainly an enjoyable way to revisit and reflect on Ulysses. There are useful titbits and observations throughout -- right down to the number of times the words 'yes' and 'no' appear (354 and 640, respectively) in Joyce's novel. Much is banal and familiar -- "Ulysses is a labyrinth of excreta, said A" -- but Ríos' playful (and generally wordplayful) approach makes for a a reasonably entertaining and informative tour. Ríos' style obviously loses something in translation, but Nick Caistor gamely does his best, and if occasionally the wordplay feels too tortured and forced (beginning with the opening line: "Step inside and take a look, or perhaps he said book" ...) on the whole it's reasonably well dosed (i.e. doesn't completely dominate and overwhelm the substance of the narrative). Short riffs -- "Green snot, how green I love you, A mucously mocked. Snot as the concretion and excretion of Irish phlegm ..." -- are mercifully short, with Ríos quickly moving on (if, admittedly, often to the next riff ...). As Ríos admits (via on of his characters): Yes, but above all Ulysses reads itself, C. said. Like Hamlet, it advances by reading the book of itself.Obviously not for everyone -- there's not much plot here, other than the advancing through the text --, The House of Ulysses is an enjoyable reading-novel for those who like this kind of thing (as, obviously, I do). It shouldn't be a Ulysses-substitute, but is a welcome and accessible companion volume -- and, for those who like Ríos' wordplayful style, quite good fun. - M.A.Orthofer, 22 January 2011 - Return to top of the page - The House of Ulysses:
- Return to top of the page - Spanish author Julián Ríos was born in 1941. - Return to top of the page -
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