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Our Assessment:
B : fine if familiar-feeling journey in memory and writing See our review for fuller assessment.
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Wert and the Life Without End is divided into two parts.
In the first, a character tries to get his bearings: writing in the first person, he describes his current situation and begins to piece together parts of his recent (and clearly traumatic) past.
Wert finds himself in some sort of institution -- something like a hospital, but isolated and bare (which also reflects Wert's own state), and with limited human contact.
In the second part, largely presented in the third person, Wert journeys, in a sort of quest -- the next stage in his healing process, as he tries to become whole again.
I engrave my tablet, my own past, my old past, scribe by trade, plagiarist or crude apprentice, amateur striking the pose.Traumatized in war, he slowly rebuilds his self -- though it's a fragile process: What could happen here that would disrupt the ordinariness of things happening over and over again and taken in hand by the subject, supported and worked on through and through, montage in a loop, actions frozen, magic lantern to besiege and exhaust the patient, surviving bearer of ruined affection, actor and witness, will be nothing but a witness later, will no longer bear anything.When he came to this place, he was: "Too disoriented to behave correctly outside", but his stay does give enough of a hold to venture out into the world again -- though his departure, the closing words of the first section of the novel, certainly sound ominous: Then I go through the door, wordlessly admitted into the afterlife of grief.The second section is a different sort of quest: where previously he had been safe within four walls, he now wanders. But while the perspective shifts -- to a third person narrative -- the presentation remains the same, the observations simply now (mainly) exterior rather than interior. Uncertainty remains pervasive; Wert also has little sense of, for example, the passage of time. The journey takes on mythic qualities -- even as he travels by 4x4 and boat -- and leads Wert to "Xian the Sage", a Buddha-like figure. The promise here, of what amounts to 'the life without end', is a quasi-religious one, and Wert seems destined for it, a final resting place for his troubled self. Often stylish, with some very fine pieces and observations, Wert and the Life Without End is an interesting text. Much of this, however -- the approach, the arc of much of the 'story' (man slowly rebuilds life by writing in some mysterious, vague setting) -- is terribly familiar, and there's not enough of a new or different spin to make this variation stand out. If it's the first time one comes across such a text, Wert and the Life Without End would impress greatly; after dozens of similar encounters it gets to feel a bit tired. - M.A.Orthofer, 25 June 2011 - Return to top of the page - Wert and the Life Without End:
- Return to top of the page - French author Claude Ollier lived 1922 to 2014. - Return to top of the page -
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