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Our Assessment:
B+ : only a selection, but career-spanning and quite impressive See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review:
Even Now is a selection of Hugo Claus' poetry in English translation, culled from some twenty-odd Dutch volumes published between 1948 and 2004.
The prolific author, whose collected poems in Dutch come to almost 1500 pages, was also an accomplished novelist and dramatist; too little of his work has been translated (much less remains available), but Even Now offers a good introduction to Claus as poet.
My poems aren't a classic fuck,Spanning more than five decades, from the teenage 'For the Poet Antonin Artaud' to the creepy 'Rehearsal' with the old man preparing for euthanasia ("I wish I was dead", he explains, before going through the chemical cocktail that would eventually be used in ending his life), there is considerable and impressive variety here. The collection covers it all, giving a good overview of Claus' poetry, though the in some cases very isolated examples -- a single poem from a collection -- can make for rushed snapshot impressions: it's a lot of poet to compress into these pages. 'Message to the Population' is a longer declamatory 'public' poem -- as much political statement as poem -- but he also has a go at everything from sonnets to the "four-lined stanzas [...] based on a selection from the Sanskrit poem of the Chaurapanchasika" that make up the title-sequence. There's a good deal of the sensual here, too, Claus living up to his reputation even in his verse: "Her slit is my sign", he suggests, drawn always to: "her vertical smile" -- though elsewhere he describes himself as, for example: "like Mickey Spillane, weathered out of my own desires". If the flow and shifts are more abrupt than in the original, complete collections, there are nevertheless also many pieces that easily stand entirely on their own. '(Translation)' -- in which Claus explains that he: "Translated Borges's Tango today" -- is one of them, a lovely bit on the frustrations of translation that nicely plays with the difficulty of rendering both Borges' poem as well as the general sense of the tango into Flemish: Jesus !Claus is no novelist who just dabbled in poetry; he is a major writer in both genres. Published in fits and spurts in English translation -- with editions disappearing out of print before new works are made available -- Claus has never gotten the foothold he deserves in English. While unlikely to spur translations of the full collections, Even Now at least serves as a sturdy foundation presenting Claus the poet to English-speaking audiences, and is certainly a welcome -- and, in the absence of anything more complete on the horizon, essential -- volume. - M.A.Orthofer, 23 October 2013 - Return to top of the page - Even Now:
- Return to top of the page - Belgian author Hugo Claus lived 1929 to 2008. - Return to top of the page -
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