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Our Assessment:
B+ : stylish and evocative See our review for fuller assessment.
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Exemplary Departures is a collection of five stories, each of which leads up to the death of its protagonist(s).
The 'departures' are unusual, shrouded in at least some sense of mystery, the characters in one way or another on the run, death only a final disappearance.
On its way to Koblenz Die Nixe von Biebrich glided slowly past. From a table on deck the passengers were enjoying the sound of clarinets and violins. Frau Weisshaupt, having put down her cup, held up her binoculars toward Lahneck. When she saw a woman on top of the donjon waving a handkerchief she answered her salutation with a wave. A little later, the ship having already passed several bends, Frau Weisshaupt remembered the woman's hair blowing in the wind, unless it had been some white scarf, but the image, veiled by more hills, the sky and the water, faded, dispersed like steam. It nonetheless left the lady with a vague unease and, unable to make sense of it, she endeavored to banish it to the depths of oblivion.Poe's is the most familiar story, the reader likely coming to Wittkop's version with an already deeply ingrained sense of man (and sad life, and end), which makes it difficult to go anywhere new with this. Still, Wittkop presents his last, dark flight, and the worry about his lost manuscripts, in her usual fine form. She captures well that, as one character reports: "profound disharmony in him ... He spoke like a gentleman and behaved like a lunatic". A Descent is a sad-sack story featuring one Seymour M. Kenneth, a life-story of failure that Wittkop chronicles and leads to its unusual final resting place. Seymour's life isn't one of abject failure: he lives reasonably comfortably but completely under the thumb of first his mother, in Detroit, and then, after her death, a woman he meets when he ventures to New York, who is in many ways supportive but also doesn't let him come in any way into his own. When that tie too breaks, the unmoored Seymour descends -- quite literally -- to his end. Claude and Hippolyte is another story that chronicles life -- two lives, here -- more than focusing on the point of death (though for them too it comes). The title characters are practically identical twins born in 1724 -- and both hermaphrodites: "No single sex dominated the other". Born into nobility, their mother a strong-willed and very independent-minded widow, their true identity remains a family secret. They are raised very much together -- sharing a bed for all their twenty-five years (yes, Wittkop makes clear early on that they will die young) -- and allowed considerable freedom: "with everything being possible, everything was permitted". Eventually, their behavior, and identities, do arouse some suspicion; their end, however, isn't (directly) due to their nature, but of a far more conventional-predictable sort. Throughout, Wittkop captures the deathly air -- and her characters' relationship to it -- well, from the atmosphere in Idalia's tower-tomb to the hermaphrodite twins as tourists: "In Naples, death was everywhere, but for Claude and Hippolyte, only its fabulous setting mattered". Wittkop's writing drips with the feel of (and occasional allusion to) fin de siècle decadence -- "Pallid, villous, Kubinesque anguish poked its head between the curtains" --, a style so well-suited for these kinds of tales. Exemplary Departures is a fine little collection of stylish, beautifully crafted morsels. Despite her obsessions and the inescapable death-focus, Wittkop offers considerable variety here; these are very different tales, both in approach and the situations (and, obviously, the characters). Limited to story-length, Wittkop only gets so far with them -- a drawback to the more life-focused tales, especially about Thompson and the twins -- but she still packs a great deal in, and manages to evoke much more. - M.A.Orthofer, 1 June 2019 - Return to top of the page - Exemplary Departures:
- Return to top of the page - French author Gabrielle Wittkop was born in 1920 and died in 2002. - Return to top of the page -
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