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Our Assessment:
B+ : interesting portrait of the times, and of a friendship See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review:
A Novel Without Lies doesn't read much like fiction.
In fact, it looks very much like a straightforward memoir, Anatoly Mariengof recounting his relationship with the great Russian poet Sergei Esenin.
In any case -- whether more, or less, fictional -- it offers a remarkable story, and a good picture of Russia in the revolutionary years between 1917 and 1925 (when Esenin hanged himself).
Usually, we love those who love us. Esenin loved no one, and everybody loved Esenin.In Mariengof Esenin seems to have found a kindred spirit, however. What they shared was that for them art was everything. (It's no surprise that their relationship fell apart when Mariengof fell in love, proving that a mere woman could mean more to him than poetry .....) Their devotion to art was by no means unique: Mariengof observes: There is no force capable of separating a Russian from his ruinous devotion to the arts -- not a typhoid louse; nor ankle-deep provincial mud; nor 'loo-lessness'; nor war; nor revolution; nor an empty stomach.Several times their poetic reputation helps get them out of uncomfortable spots -- this really was a world where, despite famine and revolution, poetry still meant a great deal. A Novel Without Lies is also a who's-who of Russian writers of the time: Mariengof and Esenin seem to have met nearly everybody -- which also makes for some good anecdotes and personal sketches, including of Velemir Khlebnikov and Vladimir Mayakovsky. (Understanding that all the name-dropping might confuse English-speaking readers, the Glas edition has wide margins that includes summary information about the various people mentioned; it takes a bit of getting used to, but is certainly helpful -- though footnotes might have done the job just as well.) Finding a place to sleep, heating material, and food are among the major problems of the day, not that they let that get them down too much. Occasionally things don't work out -- Mariengof awakes one morning to find not only his wallet and boots have been pinched, but that all his clothes have been taken -- but they do come up with some ingenious ideas, including setting up a writer's studio in a bathroom, and getting a girl to agree to be a bed-warmer: Esenin said that he could set her up as a Soviet typist if she would come round to our place every night about one o'clock, disrobe and crawl in between our frigid sheets. It wouldn't take her fifteen minutes to warm the bed ! Then she could crawl out, dress and go home.That went well enough for three days, but she quit on the fourth, having hoped to do a bit more in bed with them (an opportunity they grasped too late). Mariengof charts Esenin's career, and there are quite a few good scenes of their poet-lives in those days, as when Esenin declaims on a boulevard in Kharkov at Easter: The crowd, in pointed cloth helmets, hats and peaked caps, contracted into a huge black fist. Esenin dropped the words like heavy copper coins on the asphalt.It is Esenin's marriage to Duncan, and his trip to western Europe that finally breaks them apart. Mariengof quotes from Esenin's letters from abroad; to say he was miserable there is to put it mildly. So, for example, in a letter from Düsseldorf (where he perhaps should not have been expecting all that much ...): I've yet to meet a human being, and don't know where to look for one. Mr. Dollar is terribly in vogue, and to hell with art; its highest expression is the 'music hall.' I don't even want to publish my books here, despite the affordability of paper and translators. Nobody cares about poetry.As close as the two friends were, their final encounters are nearly unbearable, Esenin on some level clearly a broken man -- and no doubt finding that Mariengof too has betrayed him. A Novel Without Lies offers a very good picture of the lives of the poets -- these and many of the other Russian writers of the times -- in that period, albeit in fairly sketchy manner. It is certainly a very good Esenin-portrait, but also gives a nice feel for the difficult and very strange times. (As in Cynics, it's remarkable how Mariengof sustains such good cheer in the face of even the greatest hardships.) A Novel Without Lies is also very entertaining, full of good anecdotes. - Return to top of the page - A Novel Without Lies:
- Return to top of the page - Soviet author Anatoly Mariengof (Анатолий Мариенгоф, Anatoli Marienhoff) lived 1897 to 1962. - Return to top of the page -
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