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A Literary Saloon and Site of Review
Index of Books
Written Between 1900 and 1945
under review
the complete review
Most of the books under review at the complete review are contemporary titles.
Most were first published in the past few years, and the vast majority were first published over the past few decades.
There is, however, also a significant proportion of titles that were published before the end of World War II.
This index lists all those books first published between 1900 and 1945.
See also the Index of Books Written Before 1900
Books Written Between 1900 and 1945
- Edition 69 (1931-3)
- ADÁN, Martín: The Cardboard House (1928)
- AKUTAGAWA Ryunosuke:
- ALAIN-FOURNIER: The Lost Estate (Le Grand Meaulnes) (1913)
- ALBERT-BIROT, Pierre: The First Book of Grabinoulor (1921)
- ALI, Sabahattin: Madonna in a Fur Coat (1943)
- ALLAIN, Marcel: Fantômas (with Pierre Souvestre) (1911)
- ANDRADE, Mário de:
- ANET, Claude: Ariane, a Russian Girl (1920)
- ANTONENKO-DAVYDOVYCH, Borys: Duel (1928)
- APOLLINAIRE, Guillaume: The Poet Assassinated (1916)
- APPARAO, Gurajada: Girls for Sale (rev. 1909)
- ARLT, Roberto: Mad Toy (1926)
- AYMÉ, Marcel: Beautiful Image (1941)
- BANDOPADHYAY, Bibhutibhushan: Pather Panchali (1929)
- BARTOL, Vladimir: Alamut (1938)
- BENOÎT, Pierre: Queen of Atlantis (1919)
- BIERBAUM, Otto Julius: Samalio Pardulus (1908)
- BORGES, Jorge Luis: Ficciones (1944)
- BOURDOUXHE, Madeleine:
- BOVE, Emmanuel:
- BOYE, Karin: Crisis (1934)
- BROCH, Hermann:
- BRÚ, Heðin: The Old Man and His Sons (1940)
- BRUCKNER, Ferdinand:
- BURDEKIN, Katharine: Swastika Night (1937)
- BUZZATI, Dino: The Tartar Steppe (1945)
- CAIN, James M.:
- CAIN, Paul: Fast One (1933)
- ČAPEK, Karel: The Absolute at Large (1922)
- CARAGIALE, Mateiu: Rakes of the Old Court (1929)
- CARCO, Francis: Perversity (1925)
- CARRERA ANDRADE, Jorge: Micrograms (1940)
- CASPARY, Vera: Laura (1943)
- CATHER, Willa: O Pioneers ! (1913)
- CÉLINE, Louis-Ferdinand:
- CHACEL, Rosa:
- CH'AE Man-Sik: Turbid Rivers (1937)
- CHATTOPADHYAY, Saratchandra: Devdas (1917)
- CHUGHTAI, Ismat: The Crooked Line (1944)
- CHUKOVSKAYA, Lydia: Sofia Petrovna (1940)
- CONNOLLY, Cyril: The Unquiet Grave (1944)
- CORRINTH, Curt: Potsdamer Platz (1919)
- COUPERUS, Louis:
- CREVEL, René: Babylon (1927)
- DE ANGELIS, Augusto:
- DELEDDA, Grazia:
- DERVIŞ, Suat: In the Shadow of the Yali (1945)
- DÖBLIN, Alfred: Bürger und Soldaten 1918 (1939)
- DOŁĘGA-MOSTOWICZ, Tadeusz: The Career of Nicodemus Dyzma (1932)
- DOROSHEVICH, Vlas: What the Emperor Cannot Do (1902)
- EÇA DE QUEIRÓS, José Maria de: The Illustrious House of Ramires (1900)
- EDOGAWA Rampo:
- ELIADE, Mircea:
- ELSSCHOT, Willem:
- ELVESTAD, Sven: Through Three Rooms (1907)
- EMAR, Juan: Yesterday (1935)
- EROSHENKO, Vasily: The Narrow Cage (1915-23)
- ESCOTT, T.H.S.: Edward Bulwer (1910)
- ESPRIU, Salvador: Ariadne in the Grotesque Labyrinth (1935)
- FAGUNWA, D.O.: Forest of a Thousand Daemons (1938)
- FEARING, Kenneth:
- FELSEN, Yuri: Deceit (1930)
- FÉNÉON, Félix: Novels in Three Lines (1906)
- FILLOY, Juan:
- FÜST Milán: The Story of My Wife (1942)
- GIDE, André: Imaginary Interviews (1942)
- GILLIAMS, Maurice: Elias (1936)
- GIONO, Jean: Melville (1941)
- GIRONDO, Oliverio: Decals (1922/25)
- GRABIŃSKI, Stefan: The Dark Domain (1918-22)
- GREEN, Julien: The Closed Garden (also: Adrienne Mesurat) (1927)
- GUILLOUX, Louis: Blood Dark (1935)
- GÜIRALDES, Ricardo: Don Segundo Sombra (1926)
- HAILU, Gebreyesus: The Conscript (1927)
- HALLDÓR Laxness: Salka Valka (1932)
- HARRISON, Jane Ellen: Reminiscences of a Student's Life (1925)
- HARTWIG, Mela: Am I a Redundant Human Being ? (1931)
- HAŠEK, Jaroslav: The Secret History of my Sojourn in Russia (1921)
- HEDAYAT, Sadegh: The Blind Owl (1941/2)
- HOEL, Sigurd:
- ILIAZD: Rapture (1930)
- JACQUES, Norbert: Dr. Mabuse (1921)
- JAVAKHISHVILI, Mikheil: Kvachi (1925)
- JIROTKA, Zdeněk: Saturnin (1942)
- JONES, David: In Parenthesis (1937)
- KAMEL, Adel: The Magnificent Conman of Cairo (1942)
- KARÁSEK ZE LVOVIC, Jiří: A Gothic Soul (1900)
- KAWABATA Yasunari: Snow Country (1937)
- KESSEL, Joseph: Belle de Jour (1928)
- KESSEL, Martin: Mr. Brecher's Fiasco (1932)
- KEUN, Irmgard:
- KEYSERLING, Eduard von:
- KILPI, Volter: Gulliver's Voyage to Phantomimia (1938)
- KLÍMA, Ladislav:
- KRISTENSEN, Tom: Havoc (1930)
- KRLEA, Miroslav: The Banquet in Blitva (1939)
- KUBIN, Alfred: The Other Side (1909)
- LA VILLE DE MIRMONT, Jean de: The Sundays of Jean Dézert (1914)
- [LAFORET, Carmen: Nada (1945)]
- LARBAUD, Valery: Fermina Márquez (1911)
- LATIMER, Jonathan: Solomon's Vineyard (1941)
- LE ROUGE, Gustave:
- LEE Hyoseok: Endless Blue Sky (1941)
- LEIRIS, Michel: Manhood (1939)
- LERNET-HOLENIA, Alexander:
- LEVY, Louis: Kzradock the Onion Man and the Spring-Fresh Methuselah (1910)
- LEWIS, Wyndham: One-Way Song (1933)
- LIMA BARRETO, Afonso Henriques de: The Sad End of Policarpo Quaresma (1915)
- LONDON, Jack: Martin Eden (1909)
- LU Xun:
- LUCA, Ghérasim: The Passive Vampire (1945)
- LUGONES, Leopoldo: Selected Writings (1897-1930)
- MAC ORLAN, Pierre: A Handbook for the Perfect Adventurer (1920)
- MACHADO DE ASSIS, Joaquim Maria:
- MAHFOUZ, Naguib:
- MÁRAI Sándor:
- MARIENGOF, Anatoly:
- MASEREEL, Frans: The City (1925)
- McCABE, Cameron: The Face on the Cutting-Room Floor (1937)
- MICHAUX, Henri: A Barbarian in Asia (1933)
- MILNE, A.A.: The Red House Mystery (1922)
- MIRBEAU, Octave:
- MOEIS, Abdoel: Never the Twain (1928)
- MOFOLO, Thomas: Chaka (1925)
- MORAND, Paul: The Man in a Hurry (1941)
- MORI Ogai: The Wild Geese (1913)
- al-MUWAYLIḤĪ, Muḥammad: What ʻĪsā Ibn Hishām told us (1902)
- MYNONA: The Creator (1920)
- NAGAI Kafu: Rivalry (1918)
- NATSUME Sōseki:
- NESCIO: Amsterdam Stories (1942)
- NEZVAL, Vítězslav:
- NIRALA (Suryakant Tripathi): A Life Misspent (1939)
- O'HARA, John: Hope of Heaven (1938)
- OLESHA, Yuri:
- OLSSON, Hagar: Chitambo (1933)
- OSORGIN, Mikhail: The Riven Heart of Moscow (1928)
- PAPADIAMANTIS, Alexandros: The Murderess (1903)
- PAPINI, Giovanni: The Failure (1913)
- PARKER, Dorothy: Constant Reader (1928)
- PARLAND, Henry: To Pieces (1932)
- PAWLOWSKI, Gaston de: New Inventions and the Latest Innovations (1916)
- PILNYAK, Boris: Ivan Moscow (1927)
- PITIGRILLI: Cocaine (1921)
- PLATONOV, Andrey: Happy Moscow (1930s)
- PONTOPPIDAN, Henrik: Lucky Per (1904)
- POOLE, Ernest: The Harbor (1915)
- POWELL, Anthony: Afternoon Men (1931)
- PREMCHAND: The Gift of a Cow (1936)
- PROUST, Marcel: The Lemoine Affair (1918)
- QUENEAU, Raymond:
- QI Fanniu [?]: The Adventures of Ma Suzhen (1923)
- RADIGUET, Raymond: Count D'Orgel's Ball (1924)
- RAMOS, Graciliano: São Bernardo (1934)
- RAMUZ, Charles Ferdinand: The Young Man from Savoy (1936)
- RAY, Jean: Malpertuis (1943)
- REBREANU, Liviu: Ciuleandra (1927)
- REJTŐ Jenő: Quarantine in the Grand Hotel (1939)
- REMIZOV, Alexei: Sisters of the Cross (1910)
- REYMONT, Władysław: The Revolt of the Animals (1924)
- ROHMER, Sax: The Mystery of Dr. Fu-Manchu (1913)
- ROKEYA Sakhawat Hossain: Sultana's Dream and Padmarag (1905/1924)
- ROMAINS, Jules: Donogoo-Tonka (1920)
- ROUSSEL, Raymond: How I Wrote Certain of my Books (to 1932)
- SÁ-CARNEIRO, Mário: Lúcio's Confession (1913)
- SABATINI, Rafael: Captain Blood (1922)
- SAGARRA, Josep Maria de: Private Life (1932)
- SALTEN, Felix: Bambi (1923)
- SARRAUTE, Nathalie: Tropisms (1939)
- SARTRE, Jean-Paul: The Age of Reason (1945)
- SAUVAGEOT, Marcelle: Commentary (1933)
- SCHEERBART, Paul: Munchausen and Clarissa (1905)
- SCHUYLER, George S.: Black Empire (1938)
- SEBASTIAN, Mihail:
- SERNER, Walter:
- SHEN Congwen: Border Town (1934)
- SHERRIFF, R.C.: The Hopkins Manuscript (1939)
- SHKLOVSKY, Viktor:
- SHNEOUR, Zalman: A Death (1909)
- SIMENON, Georges:
- SLAUERHOFF, Jan Jacob:
- SÖDERBERG, Hjalmar:
- SOUPAULT, Philippe:
- SOUVESTRE, Pierre: Fantômas (with Marcel Allain) (1911)
- STARK, Freya: The Valleys of the Assassins (1934)
- STEAD, Christina: House of All Nations (1938)
- STEIN, Gertrude:
- STORCH, Mathias: Singnagtugaq (1914)
- [SZATHMÁRI Sándor: Voyage to Kazohinia (1941)]
- SZERB Antal:
- SZITTYA, Emil: The Hashish Films of Customs Officer Henri Rousseau and Tatyana Joukof Shuffles the Cards (1916)
- TAGORE, Rabindranath: Farewell my Friend (1929)
- TANIZAKI Jun'ichirō:
- TERGIT, Gabriele: Käsebier Takes Berlin (1931)
- THEOTOKIS, Konstantinos: Slaves in their Chains (1922)
- TISNA, Anak Agung Pandji: The Rape of Sukreni (1936)
- TUCHOLSKY, Kurt: Castle Gripsholm (1931)
- TYNYANOV, Yury: The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar (1927)
- UKRAINKA, Lesia: Cassandra (1908)
- UNGARETTI, Giuseppe: Allegria (1919/1931)
- UNO Koji: Love of Mountains (1919/1923)
- VAGINOV, Konstantin: The Works and Days of Svistonov (1929)
- VALLE-INCLÁN, Ramón del: Tyrant Banderas (1926)
- VALLEJO, César: The Complete Poetry (1938)
- VERNE, Jules: The Meteor Hunt (1908)
- VOGEL, David:
- VŨ Trọng Phụng: Dumb Luck (1936)
- WEISS, Ernst:
- WERFEL, Franz: Pale Blue Ink in a Lady's Hand (1941)
- WHARTON, Edith: The Custom of the Country (1913)
- WHITE, Patrick:
- WITKIEWICZ, Stanislaw Ignacy: Insatiability (1927)
- WRIGHT, Austin Tappan: Islandia (1942)
- WU Zhuoliu: Orphan of Asia (1945)
- XIAO Hong: Ma Bo’le’s Second Life (1941)
- YASHPAL: Divya (1945)
- YI T'aejun: Eastern Sentiments (1941)
- YOM Sang-seop: Three Generations (1931)
- YOURCENAR, Marguerite: Coup de Grâce (1939)
- ZAYDAN, Jurji: Tree of Pearls, Queen of Egypt (1914)
- ŻEROMSKI, Stefan: The Homeless (1900)
- ZHITKOV, Boris: Виктор Вавич (1941)
- ZWEIG, Stefan:
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