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Our Assessment:
B+ : sometimes too obviously polemical, but does a lot well and quickly See our review for fuller assessment.
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One pretty much knows going in where The Sad End of Policarpo Quaresma is going -- that title is a dead giveaway.
Nevertheless, the protagonist's struggles and Lima Barreto's critique of Brazil -- the actual subject of the novel -- make for a richer picture than the outlined course of decline and (repeated) failure might have led one to expect.
The conviction he had always had that Brazil was the leading country in the world, and his great love for his homeland, could no longer be suppressed and drove him to contemplate great undertakings.Even his friends and neighbors find he takes things a bit far, with even his sister, Adelaide, complaining: It's an obsession with your friend, Sr. Ricardo, this business of only wanting Brazilian things. And the stuff we have to eat ! Ugh !Among his idées fixe is that Brazil should move away from the borrowed language, Portuguese, and instead (re)turn to the truly local Tupi-Guaraní, "the only one capable of expressing the beauties of Brazil, putting us in tune with our nature". A petition to that effect that he writes up is ridiculed, and then a slip at his workplace involving his dedication to learning and spreading the language leads to his dismissal, the first big blow that marks his sad end. Policarpo is devastated, and it takes him a while to recover from no longer being a servant of the state that he has always wanted to help realize its full glory. Only when he sets his sights on a new project, a new way to help the country forward, does he brighten up again. He buys a farm, certain that since the country is blessed with the best soil and the best climate he will be able to demonstrate what an agricultural powerhouse Brazil could be. True, the neighborhood remains impoverished -- but only because the locals won't work together to reap the possible bounties, he suspects. He'll show them ..... Of course, his grand plans are undone here as well -- both by: "an intelligent, organized society that was both persistent and daring" (not humans, of course, but rather colonies of ants) as well as the local bureaucracy, which undermines his efforts when he refuses to participate in the local political games and maneuverings. Moving on, Policarpo is then convinced to do his patriotic duty and joining the: "patriotic battalion 'Southern Cross'", to fight off yet another rebellion against the government. With his pince-nez glasses he's not well-suited to either laboring in the fields or fighting on the front, and of course this too all goes south. Not that combat, for the most part, resembled traditional warfare -- indeed: As time passed, the revolt became a festivity, a public entertainment for the city. When a bombardment was announced on a Monday, the promenade of the Passeio Passeio Público would be crowded.Even in victory, Policarpo emerges the loser. A fighter for ideals, he has no place in dealings with a government that is solely self-interested. His fate is preordained, as it is much too late that he comes to understand: The fatherland he had wanted was a myth, a fantasy he had invented in the silence of his study.Policarpo had been warned early on: "Brazil presents so many obstacles ...". The determined idealist argued: "there's no obstacle that can't be overcome", but deeply entrenched interests prove him very wrong. If The Sad End of Policarpo Quaresma is mainly an attack on Brazilian politics and the (dis)organization of society holding the country back from realizing its potential -- those ants a force of nature showing what truly organized and selfless society can accomplish -- Lima Barreto also manages to address other issues, both amusingly and poignantly, making the novel more multi-dimensional. Anti-intellectualism is repeatedly comically addressed. For example, there are those who find Policarpo suspect because he reads so much: "He didn't have a degree. Why get involved with books ?" someone wonders. Books are just for scholars, is the thinking. And there's the doctor who marries Policarpo's goddaughter, Olga, who can't see his way through the books she reads: "Goncourt, Anatole France, Daudet, Maupassant [...] they sent him to sleep just like the medical books". Determined to give the appearance of a serious reader, he needs to find a way of staying awake over a book's pages -- so: He ordered some stories by Paul de Kock with altered titles on the spine and so avoided falling asleep.Lima Barreto doesn't put blind faith in learning either: Policarpo's faith in science and hard data is used to good comic effect as well, as in his careful use of hygrometer, barometer, and other devices -- despite (or because of) which ...: every forecast Quaresma made based on combining the data was wrong. When he predicted fine weather it rained; when he predicted rain it stayed dry.Notable, too, is Lima Barreto's criticism of the institution of marriage. Neither Policarpo nor his sister are married, and the woman closest to Policarpo, his goddaughter Olga, is deeply disappointed by the marriage she enters into. It is a step that society expects or even demands, especially from women, but Lima Barreto presents these expectations as unrealistic and oppressive. He makes a strong, sad case in describing the consequences for one girl of Policarpo's acquaintance whose second-rate fiancé abandons her, driving the girl to madness (a descent he presents very well, right down to the awful image of its end). With an Introduction by Lilia Moritz Schwarcz, and extensive endnotes from translator Mark Carlyon, this is a novel of its times and circumstances, dealing with local historical and political events from both a century ago and earlier; much of the specific detail remains obscure to the modern reader. Nevertheless, many of Lima Barreto's points, criticism, and observations are general enough to make for an easy to relate to story. While its satire isn't of Voltairean sharpness, there's quite a bit Lima Barreto does exceptionally well, including his treatment of the societal pressures on women to marry. An honest love of Brazil that also shows keen awareness of much that ails the nation -- at that time and, to some extent, still -- also makes it an invaluable novel of that nation. In most respects, it is also a novel that has held up very well and it remains a rewarding and entertaining read even in our times. - M.A.Orthofer, 16 January 2015 - Return to top of the page - The Sad End of Policarpo Quaresma:
- Return to top of the page - Brazilian author Afonso Henriques de Lima Barreto lived 1881 to 1922. - Return to top of the page -
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