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Index of Books Written
Before 1900
under review
the complete review
Most of the books under review at the complete review are contemporary titles.
Most were first published in the past few years, and the vast majority were first published over the past few decades.
There is, however, also a significant proportion of titles that were published before the end of World War II.
This index lists all those books first published before 1900:
See also: the Index of Books Written Between 1900 and 1945
Books Written 1800 to 1899
- The Education of Women and The Vices of Men (1887/95)
- The Story of Hong Gildong (ca. 19th century)
- The Tale of Cho Ung (ca. 1800)
- AHMET Midhat Efendi: Felâtun Bey and Râkım Efendi (1875)
- ALAS, Leopoldo:
- ALCOTT, Louisa May: A Long Fatal Love Chase (1866)
- APPARAO, Gurajada: Girls for Sale (1892)
- ARBES, Jakub: Newton's Brain (1877)
- BALZAC, Honoré de:
- BANGS, John Kendrick: The Dreamers (1899)
- BAUDELAIRE, Charles: Late Fragments (1860s)
- BLOY, Léon:
- BORDOLOI, Rajanikanta: Miri Jiyori (1894)
- CAMBACERES, Eugenio: Pot Pourri (1882)
- CHATTERJEE, Bankim-Chandra: Krishnakanta's Will (1878)
- COUPERUS, Louis:
- DARWIN, Charles:
- DE AMICIS, Edmondo: Love and Gymnastics (1892)
- DE QUINCEY, Thomas: The Last Days of Immanuel Kant (1827)
- DUMAS, Alexandre: The Thousand and One Ghosts (1849)
- EÇA DE QUEIRÓS, José Maria:
- ELIOT, George: Middlemarch (1872)
- EMANTS, Marcellus: A Posthumous Confession (1894)
- FITZGERALD, Edward: The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (1879)
- FLAUBERT, Gustave:
- FREYTAG, Gustav: The Journalists (1852)
- GARBORG, Arne: Weary Men (1891)
- GIDE, André: Marshlands (1895)
- GOTTHELF, Jeremias: The Black Spider (1842)
- GREEN, Anna Katharine: The Leavenworth Case (1878)
- GRIBOEDOV, Alexander: Woe from Wit (1823)
- HAMSUN, Knut: Victoria (1898)
- HUNT, Leigh: The Rebellion of the Beasts (1825)
- JACOBSEN, Jens Peter: Niels Lyhne (1880)
- JAMES, Henry:
- KHVOSHCHINSKAYA, Sofia: City Folk and Country Folk (1863)
- KIVI, Aleksis: Seven Brothers (1870)
- KOVALEVSKAYA, Sofya: Nihilist Girl (1892)
- KYOKUTEI Bakin: Eight Dogs, or "Hakkenden" (1814/16)
- LAMARTINE, Alphonse de: Graziella (1849)
- LEOPARDI, Giacomo: Zibaldone (1837)
- LORRAIN, Jean: Monsieur de Bougrelon (1897)
- LOUŸS, Pierre: The Woman and the Puppet (1898)
- MACHADO DE ASSIS, Joaquim Maria:
- MAISTRE, Xavier de:
- MARÉCHAL, Sylvain: The Woman Priest (1801)
- MELVILLE, Herman: Bartleby, the Scrivener (1853)
- MILL, John Stuart: On Liberty (1859)
- MIR AMMAN: A Tale of Four Dervishes (1803)
- MIRBEAU, Octave: Torture Garden (1899)
- NAQIB al-MAMALIK, Muhammad 'Ali: Amir Arsalan (ca. 1880)
- NERVAL, Gérard de: The Illuminated (1852)
- NGUYỄN Du: The Song of Kiều (1820)
- NIEVO, Ippolito: Confessions of an Italian (1858)
- PANAEVA, Avdotya: The Talnikov Family (1848)
- PAVLOVA, Karolina: A Double Life (1848)
- POUGY, Liane de: Chasing the Dream (1898)
- PRUS, Bolesław: The Doll (1890)
- PUSHKIN, Alexander: The Captain's Daughter (1836)
- RIZAL, José:
- RODENBACH, Georges: Bruges-la-Morte (1892)
- RUSWA, Muhammad Hadi: The Madness of Waiting (1899)
- SADE, Donatien Alphonse François de: The Marquise de Gange (1813)
- SCHNITZLER, Arthur: Late Fame (1895)
- SHARAR, Abdul Halim: Paradise of the Assassins (1899)
- al-SHIDYAQ, Ahmad Faris:
- al-TŪNISĪ, Muḥammad: In Darfur (1845)
- TURGENEV, Ivan: First Love (1860)
- VERNE, Jules:
- WEDEKIND, Frank: Spring Awakening (1891)
- ZOLA, Emile:
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Books Written 1700 to 1799
- BHARATCHANDRA Ray: In Praise of Annada (1752)
- CAO Xueqin: The Story of The Stone (1763)
- CHULKOV, Mikhail: The Comely Cook (1770)
- DENON, Vivant: No Tomorrow (1777)
- DIDEROT, Denis:
- DIYĀB, Ḥannā: The Book of Travels (1764)
- GIBBON, Edward: Memoirs of my own Life (1794)
- HEINSE, Wilhelm: Ardinghello (1787)
- HOLBERG, Ludvig: The Journey of Niels Klim to the World Underground (1741)
- KRASICKI, Ignacy: The Mouseiad (1775-1780)
- MAHOMED, Dean:
- MAISTRE, Xavier de: Voyage around my Room (1790)
- MIR: Zikr-i Mir (1783)
- POLIER, Antoine-Louis Henri: I'Jaz-i Arsalani (Persian Letters) (1779)
- PU Songling: The Emperor of China in a House of Ill Repute (ca. 1700)
- SADE, Donatien Alphonse François de:
- SHAH, Hasan: The Dancing Girl (1790)
- al-SHWĒʿIR, Ḥmēdān: Arabian Satire (to ca. 1740)
- TAKEDA Izumo (et al.): Sugawara and the Secrets of Calligraphy (1746)
- UEDA Akinari: Tales of Moonlight And Rain (1776)
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Books Written 1600 to 1699
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Books Written 1500 to 1599
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Books Written Before 1500
- Erotic Poems from the Sanskrit (-)
- One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each (the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu) (ca. 1237)
- The Tales of Ise (ca. 10th century)
- (Anonymous): A Hundred and One Nights (1190)
- (Anonymous): Master Incapable (887)
- (Anonymous): Simhāsana Dvātriṃśikā: Thirty-Two Tales of the Throne of Vikramaditya (ca. 1300)
- (Anonymous): Solomon and Marcolf (ca. 1410)
- (Anonymous): The Tale of Princess Fatima, Warrior Woman (ca. 12th century)
- (Anonymous): Top Graduate Zhang Xie (ca. 15th century)
- AËTIUS: Placita (ca. 100)
- ALBERTI, Leon Battista:
- ʿANTARAH ibn Shaddād: War Songs (ca. 6th century)
- BECCADELLI, Antonio: The Hermaphrodite (1426)
- BHARAVI: Arjuna and the Hunter (ca. 6th century)
- BUDHASVĀMIN: The Emperor of the Sorcerers (before 1000)
- CHARITON: Callirhoe (ca. 50)
- DAṆḌIN: What Ten Young Men Did (ca. 6th century)
- EUNAPIUS: Lives of Philosophers and Sophists (ca. 400)
- GORGANI, Fakhraddin: Vis and Ramin (ca. 1055)
- HARSHA: Priyadarśikā (7th century)
- HELIODORUS: Ethiopian Story (ca. 230)
- HOMER: Odyssey, Book I, ed. Simon PULLEYN (ca. 8th century BC)
- JAGADĒŚVARA Bhaṭṭāchārya: The Ocean of Mirth (ca. 14th cent.)
- JAYÁNTA Bhaṭṭa: Much Ado about Religion (ca. 900)
- KAO Ming: The Lute (14th century)
- KHAYYAM, Omar:
- LI Qingzhao: The Magpie at Night (12th century)
- MAGHA: The Killing of Shishupala (7th/8th century)
- MANETTI, Giannozzo:
- MARCUS AURELIUS: Meditations (ca. 180)
- MAXIMUS of Tyre: Philosophical Orations (ca. 2nd century)
- MENANDER: Dyskolos (316 BCE)
- Pseudo-METHODIUS: Apocalypse | An Alexandrian World Chronicle (ca. 692)
- MURASAKI Shikibu: The Diary of Lady Murasaki (1010)
- PETRARCA, Francesco: My Secret Book (1353)
- PONTANO, Giovanni Gioviano:
- QUINTILIAN: The Major Declamations (ca 1st/2nd cent.)
- QUINTUS Smyrnaeus: Posthomerica (ca. 300)
- RAGHAVANKA: The Life of Harishchandra (1225)
- ROJAS, Fernando de: Celestina (1499)
- SAND, George: Gabriel (1839)
- ŚŪDRAKA: The Little Clay Cart (possibly ca. 7th century)
- SU Shi: The Misadventures of Master Mugwort (-), with LU Cai and TU Benjun (ca. 1100/1516/1608)
- SUGAWARA no Takasue no Musume: The Sarashina Diary (ca. 1060)
- SUBANDHU: Vāsavadattā (ca. 6th century)
- TZETZES, John: Allegories of the Iliad (ca. 1150)
- VATSYAYANA: Kama Sutra (ca. 200)
- VISHÁKHA·DATTA: Rákshasa's Ring (ca.350-450)
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