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Our Assessment:
B+ : unfolds almost too easily, but a lot of good fun See our review for fuller assessment.
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Birds begins with Athenians Peisetaerus and Euelpides having: "up and left our country with both feet flying".
They're tired of the city where the locals: "harp on their lawsuits their whole lives long", and seek instead: "a peaceable place, where we can settle down and pass our lives".
With a jackdaw and crow to guide them they're searching for Tereus, the former Thracian king, "who once was a human and turned into a bird" -- a hoopoe.
Well, originally you were human, like us, and once owed money, like us, and once enjoyed not repaying it, like us; then trading all that for the guise of birds, you've flown the circuit of land and sea, and your mind contains everything a human's does, and everything a bird's does too. That's why we've come to visit, hoping you knew of a nice cushy city, soft as a woolen blanket, where we could curl up.(Tereus' transformation was not voluntary, but rather a punishment, ultimately the consequence of his raping his sister-in-law Philomela and cutting out her tongue so that she couldn't tell anyone about it. As translator Jeffrey Henderson notes in his short Introductory Note regarding this story: "its violent episodes are ignored" in Birds -- but Sophocles did dramatize the whole story, and Aristophanes does have his sorry-looking bird-Tereus, with barely any feathers, rail against that playwright: "That's how shabbily Sophocles treats me -- Tereus ! -- in his tragedies !" in some allusion to the bigger story.) Tereus has a few suggestions, but not really the sort of places that Peisetaerus and Euelpides had in mind. Instead, it is they who urge him to think bigger, intrigued by the life Tereus has found among the birds. Peisetaerus argues he and the birds should use their position to their advantage -- "Found a single city", even. When the birds gather, Tereus tries to sell them on this: "prop of a prodigious plan" -- though the Chorus of birds is, initially, highly skeptical, both of the two humans and the idea. It doesn't look good for Peisetaerus and Euelpides, but Peisetaerus makes the case for bird-rule -- claiming, also, that, after all: "in olden days it wasn't gods who ruled mankind and were kings, but birds" -- and, eager then to reclaim their lofty position, the birds ask his advice as to how to proceed. He encourages them to build: "a single city of birds" -- and then a huge wall. Peisetaerus and Euelpides join the flock, themselves taking wing, and then work on selecting a name for the city, settling on 'Cloudcuckooland' (Νεφελοκοκκυγία). The new ideal city immediately attracts a variety of old-world figures -- "a parade of pests and profiteers", Henderson calls them in his Introductory Note -- such as an Inspector and Decree Seller, but Peisetaerus will have none of this and kicks them out. The gods, meanwhile, are not happy. Iris -- goddess of the rainbow and messenger of Zeus -- is the first to make an appearance, but is hardly treated better than the other unwanted visitors. She warns: "Provoke not the terrible spleen of the gods", but Peisetaerus is unimpressed. Then Prometheus makes a stealthy visit, and gives Peisetaerus some tips on how to out-do an increasingly desperate Zeus, who is already suffering from the lack of human sacrifices. A delegation of Poseidon, Heracles, and Triballian God come to negotiate; Peisetaerus tries to sell them on accepting the sovereignty of birds "down below" -- and does so. The happy ending sees Peisetaerus completely triumphant, brandishing Zeus' thunderbolt and marrying Zeus' princess, consolidating his position as the new all-mighty. It's an amusing play, with some decent bits of drama to it too. The Chorus of birds is initially very leery of the two humans, while the gods want to lash out at being undermined -- though in both cases a confident Peisetaerus rather easily navigates matters so that everything goes his way. If the progress and resolution is ultimately all a bit too easy, there is also good comic fun along the way. From the predictable jokes -- when the birds overrun them, Peisetaerus observes: "Who's brought an owl to Athens ?" (τίς γλαῦκ’ Ἀθήναζ’ ἤγαγεν; -- which is, as Henderson, notes: "Proverbial, like 'coals to Newcastle.'") -- to familiar kinds of scenes -- the First Herald bearing the golden crown to Peisetaerus, heaping hails on him until he flails: "just give me my cue !" -- to various comic back-and-forths, Aristophanes offers a steady stream of good laughs in a play that moves along well. Henderson's translation reads well -- and is more forthright than Benjamin Bickley Rogers' previous Loeb version (1924) regarding the more explicit and risqué language (though that goes for pretty much all the modern translations by now). So, where Rogers only decorously has: for if ever you catch them descendingHenderson has: And if they do trespass, then clap a seal on their boners, so they can't fuck these women anymore.Beyond the explicit, Aristophanes plays with the language a great deal in other ways too, and Henderson's versions are certainly solid if occasionally a bit of an odd reach. So, for example, for: πυκνότατον κίναδος,Rogers had: The subtlest cunningest fox,And Henderson: He's the craftiest fox,The Triballian Gods rough speech also requires a creative rendering, e.g. for: σαὺ νάκαRogers has: HideythineWhile Henderson tries: No hittum hide wit bat.There are very many allusions and incidental mentions in the play -- identified here in footnotes, though a more thorough discussion of these and their use might be of interest to readers. Birds is, allusions and language-play aside, a rather light comedy -- though certainly with enough to it that it lends itself to easy (over)interpretation. Henderson favors the simpler reading of: "a fantasy that soars above the world's particulars to a conjured realm", and Birds can certainly be enjoyed as such. This is fine comedy, and enjoyable to read in Henderson's rendering; as always, the facing Greek text of the Loeb edition is welcome, as Aristophanes' (original) word-play and use of language (down to the bird-sounds) is certainly of considerable interest and appeal as well. - M.A.Orthofer, 13 July 2021 - Return to top of the page - Birds:
- Return to top of the page - Greek playwright Aristophanes (Ἀριστοφάνης) lived ca.446 BCE to ca. 388 BCE. - Return to top of the page -
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