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Our Assessment:
B : literary-historical curiosity, usefully presented; rather mediocre poetry See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review: Antonio Beccadelli's The Hermaphrodite is a collection of some eighty-odd epigrams, many of which are extremely lewd; it is divided into two parts -- ostensibly: I have divided my book into two parts, Cosimo,But, while explicit in his language (and in Holt Parker's translation), Beccadelli isn't quite so careful and orderly in his collection: it's more of a grab-bag of ball-draining, bottom-wiggling, smelly orifices, and varieties of sexual release in no particular order and ranging from fairly harmless wordplay to some extraordinarily filthy (literally and figuratively) stuff. Parker's Introduction begins by noting the book's reputation -- that it was: so loathsome that it (eventually) set off the French Revolution or worse -- Protestantism.But Parker also warns that: After all the hyperbole of praise and condemnation, the reader's initial reaction may be disappointment. The truth of the matter is, despite Valla's praise of him (when they were getting along) as the best poet of his age, he was not especially good.Indeed, it's a long list of mediocrity Parker notes: His Latin is at best serviceable [....] Tenses are virtually meaningless; subjunctives are used as meter demands or model provides. [...] There is a certain amount of redundancy and padding. He is also largely tone-deaf.Indeed, the poetry rarely truly impresses. There's the occasional clever, or at least apt, neologism -- Ursa's merdivomum ('shit-barfing') hole, for example -- and some decent verses playing on the inappropriate material collected here, including Ad libellum ne discedat ('To His Book, Not to Leave Him'), which closes: I, verum auctoris rogitet si nomina lector,And there is undeniable shock value to some of these verses, for sure, from Ursa's ample cunt and big clit to some literally dirty (and invariably smelly) activities. But certainly the sense is that these epigrams are meant more to shock than to please or arouse -- and part of the fun of the collection is Beccadelli's teasing his readers about the worth of his verses, and how they should be taken. So he suggests Ad puellas castas ('To Chaste Girls'): Vos iterum moneo: castae nolite puellaeThe collection includes a variety of additional material, having to do with the reactions to The Hermaphrodite -- including Beccadelli's own recantation from ca. 1435, in which he asks forgiveness and acknowledges that what he did was wrong: Immortale mihi sperabam surgere nomen,Beccadelli does seem to have tried to pass this off as something of a youthful indiscretion; it doesn't seem to have hurt his rather impressive career much, but was obviously always a concern. Among the interesting supporting documents are several which also address the question of the extent to which what an author writes should or can be held against him; Poggio's response to an early defense by Beccadelli is particularly good, the writer noting: I am not one of those who thinks that they can deduce a man's life from his verses. Not only is it childish, but ridiculous and frivolous, to consider someone's words and speech rather than his way of life. We all play around with words, we use jokes and witty remarks, things that if we were to act out physically, we should quite rightly be regarded as insane.That there are also personal quarrels and literary feuds here adds to the fun too: among the best pieces is Porcellio Pandoni's poem on The Hermaphrodite from ca. 1432, which amusingly (if somewhat self-righteously) tries to put Beccadelli in his place with questions such as: Estne in podicibus gravitas, probitasve decusve ?The Hermaphrodite isn't a particularly impressive verse-collection, or even great erotica, but there are a few choice nuggets here. Still, it's not first choice, either, for those who want to improve their vulgar Latin: Beccadelli's handling of the language is hardly poetic-expert (either or, in fact), and there's far too much reliance on, for example, femur for (female, surprisingly) genitalia (though its good to know that that was one of the (linguistic) peculiarities of the age); on the other hand, merdivomus is a keeper. This edition, part of the I Tatti Renaissance Library, provides good supporting material -- of particular interest, as the story of the reception of the collection (and Beccadelli's backing away from it) proves quite entertaining as well. A literary-historical curiosity, The Hermaphrodite is -- especially as presented here -- of some but still rather limited interest. - M.A.Orthofer, 12 July 2010 - Return to top of the page - The Hermaphrodite:
- Return to top of the page - Italian author Antonio Beccadelli, also known as 'Panormita', lived 1394 to 1471. - Return to top of the page -
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