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Our Assessment:
A- : wonderful ideas, nicely done See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review: The Letter Killers Club imagines a group of emphatically non-writers -- creative souls focused solely on story, creators of "conceptions" brought to bloom but never set down in written or printed form. The narrator is introduced to the group who practice this -- this 'letter killers club' - by a once very successful writer who has abandoned writing and now fights against the tyranny of the written word: Once profligate with my phantasms, I began hoarding them and hiding them from inquisitive eyes. I kept them all here under lock and key, and my invisible library reappeared: phantasm next to phantasm, opus next to opus, edition next to edition -- they began to fill these shelvesIt is a "garden of conceptions" he is tending here -- the ultimate in ephemera -- and the narrator is invited to witness the weekly sessions where the 'letter killers' gather to tend to it. There they recount their inventions -- telling stories. Unmoored -- since they are not fixed on the page -- the stories tend to get out of hand, taking on lives of their own, with characters taking matters into their own hands or slight changes in the tales changing their outcomes. Indeed, the premise is, in part, a mere excuse for Krzhizhanovsky to allow his own imagination to run wild (which he was very. very good at). The narrator admits early on: "I'm afraid I am not very good with words", but there's a reason he gets drawn into this odd round -- and, as readers can't help but note, he is narrating a written text, and in recording the conceptions of those in the letter killers club his actions are the very anti-thesis of their ideal. Krzhizhanovsky neatly and beautifully resolves that little conundrum, the narrator admitting: "As a writer I'm all thumbs, it's true" -- but finding that he nevertheless serves a purpose. Krzhizhanovsky allows for some debate about the focus on the unwritten word even among the club-members; one admits: A conception without a line of text, I argued, is like a needle without a thread: it pricks, but does not sew. I accused the others and myself of fearing matter. That's just what I called it: matterophobia.The conceptions -- and what happens with them -- are quite entertaining (including a variation on Hamlet's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern that features a bifurcated Guilden and Stern)), but it's the sheer passion Krzhizhanovsky conveys, of the magic of storytelling, that is the most appealing thing about his fictions. Krzhizhanovsky's wild conceptions really do seem to have a life of their own, and his veneration of story and storytelling is beautifully conveyed -- as when one club-member begins his tale: This time the key and the floor belonged to Tyd. Upon receiving them, he inspected the key's steel bit, as though searching for a theme in its scissure. Then, shifting his attention to the words, he began carefully extracting them one after another, inspecting them and weighing them. The words came slowly at first, then faster and faster, all jockeying for position; Tyd's sharp cheekbones bloomed with ruddy blotches. All faces turned towards the storyteller.A character in one of the tales laments: Men's minds have become as coarse and flat as this field: it's easier to cackle than to think. Where are the syllogisms of the great Stagirite, the definitions of Averroes, Erigena's hierarchy of ideas ? People no longer know how to treat ideas: rather than look an idea in the eye, they peek under its tailKrzhizhanovsky knows how to treat ideas, and The Letter Killers Club is yet another example of the wondrous and yet practical imagination he possessed (or that possessed him). This novel is all the more poignant, too, because Krzhizhanovsky's remarkable conceptions themselves almost suffered a fate that would be welcomed only by members of the letter killers club: they were essentially long lost, barely existing in printed form for decades as he was hardly allowed to publish during Soviet times. Fortunately, some of his work is now available even in translation (even if this volume was already published in French back in 1993, at the beginning of the Krzhizhanovsky-renaissance, which has been a long time coming everywhere, but especially in the US and UK). The Letter Killers Club is important, remarkable, and unique fiction, by a major writer. - M.A.Orthofer, 28 February 2012 - Return to top of the page - The Letter Killers Club:
- Return to top of the page - Russian author Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky (Sigismund Krzyzanowski, Сигизмунд Доминикович Кржижановский) lived 1887 to 1950. He was a prominent but largely unpublished literary figure in the Soviet Union in the 1920s and 1930s. - Return to top of the page -
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