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Our Assessment:
B : a bit rough in its structure, but good fun See our review for fuller assessment.
[* review of 2013 translation] From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review:
Mad Toy is a short four part coming of age novel, each of the four chapters basically focused on a different stage of Arlt stand-in Silvio Drodman Astier's youth and young adulthood.
With the exception of one absent person, the local police officer, everyone in that small, quiet cave idled in sweet vagrancy, passing in lazy leisure from the novels of Dumas to the comforting sleep of their siestas and the friendly gossip of the afternoon.Silvio and his friends are inspired by their reading -- "eager to follow in the footsteps of Barabbas and to court immortality as notorious criminals". They form a 'Club of the Midnight Horsemen', out for adventure; naturally, they propose: The Club should have a library of scientific works so that the brotherhood may rob and kill according to modern industrial methods.It's all child's play, of course, but they engage in petty theft and then do stage one grander break-in. Typically, what they steal (to re-sell) are books -- and lightbulbs (at that time a still (more) valuable commodity). In the second part, the time for child's play is over. Silvio turns fifteen, and his mother says there's no choice but for him to find a job. The family isn't well-off, and there's not enough money for him to study -- or to write. His mother holds out hope for the future, when Silvio's sister finishes her studies, dreaming that perhaps things can be different: "The day Lila graduates and you publish something ...". Silvio finds employment -- and terrible living conditions -- in -- where else ? one is tempted to say -- a bookstore. It is hardly a literary idyll -- indeed, it could be almost any sort of business, complete with the domestic conflicts between the owner and his wife that overwhelm almost everything else. This chapter, too, is an almost self-contained story, concluding very nicely with a despairing Silvio taking drastic action to change his circumstances -- that (thankfully) fizzles out. The third part opens with Silvio at home again, surrounded by books yet again -- including sentimental novelist Luis de Val's: "Virgin and Mother, four volumes of eighteen hundred pages each" -- but: Now comfortably settled in, I eyed Virgin and Mother with distaste. Today I was clearly not in the mood to read a potboiler, so I picked up Electrical Engineering and began to study the theory of rotating magnetic fields.Silvio has long been an amateur inventor, coming up with some clever inventions -- but, as with literature, circumstances don't allow him to unfold his talents fully. Here, briefly, he would seem to get an opportunity, as the Military School of Aviation is looking for candidates and Silvio easily impresses with his knowledge, winning a place as as apprentice airplane mechanic. This dream, too, is shattered -- "We don't need smart people here, just dumb brutes who can work", he's told. Finally, in the fourth part, Silvio finds another job, as a paper salesman -- if not dealing with books, literature, and printed words, he at least handles the blank sheets of potential ... (even if most of the sales are for packing paper). Despite some initial frustrations, he makes something of a success of it -- though frustrations continue. And the story also comes full circle, as his childhood past resurfaces -- as well as an opportunity for a coup of the sort he dreamed of with his friends, back in the day, a money-filled safe, there for the taking. Silvio faces a moral dilemma -- to commit this crime and leave everything he knows behind, or to rat out his co-conspirator ..... Mad Toy is a quick four-stage Bildungsroman of a young man who bursts with ambition and fantasy: More than ever I was convinced that a great destiny lay ahead of me. I could be an engineer like Edison, a general like Napoleon, a poet like Baudelaire, a devil like Rocambole.Inspired by the fantasy-world of the romantic literature he voraciously consumes, but also with a real-world technical aptitude, Silvio dreams of greater things but finds himself limited by circumstances, even in the vibrant Argentina of that time. (When Arlt published the novel, Argentina was one of the wealthiest countries in the world.) Arlt is good with Silvio's adventures, each almost a story unto itself, but this also leaves the novel too episodic -- a series of chapters from the life, without sufficient sense of a continuum. It's quick and observant, but ultimately also a bit thin. Where Arlt excels is with character: though this is very much Silvio's story, and the episodes focus very much on him, it's the colorful people he deals with that really stand out. The descriptions of the back-and-forth between Silvio and a desperate homosexual, or his relationship with Rengo, who plans and proposes the safe-theft, are particularly good. Throughout, Arlt also plays with speech, as various characters speak in different dialects, or have different personal tics -- with translator Aynesworth noting the many difficulties that poses in translation. Enough comes across to give a good impression, and it all works very well in the larger story. The stories -- Silvio's adventures, as it were -- are themselves quite good, and the characters even better, making for a solid, enjoyable little read. Mad Toy feels somewhat like an apprentice-work, Arlt trying out a variety of things rather than working towards really constructing a complete novel -- but he's certainly talented enough that it's still quite worthwhile - M.A.Orthofer, 14 July 2018 - Return to top of the page - Mad Toy:
- Return to top of the page - Argentine author Roberto Arlt lived 1900 to 1942. - Return to top of the page -
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