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Our Assessment:
B+ : incompleteness ultimately shows, but otherwise impresses See our review for fuller assessment.
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The Prologue and Epilogue of Viennese Romance are set in Paris between the World Wars.
Here readers are introduced to Michael Rost and what has become of him, but the bulk of the novel is set twenty years earlier, in fin de siècle Vienna and describes Rost's early adventures there.
Presumed to be a foreigner here in Paris someone guesses he is German; Rost suggests: "Let's say an Austrian", and he is indeed a product of the motley Austro-Hungarian empire, and especially its Viennese apotheosis.
He found the city where he had landed no worse than others, and in fact there was no reason for him to continue his journey.Just eighteen, he decides to settle down in Vienna. Rost is a(n improbably) mature and self-assured protagonist, his cockiness that of someone at least a few years older, but little is made of his age (or youth) and it is easy (and hardly an issue) to forget that he is supposedly still a teen. He doesn't have much of a plan, but he's certain he'll be able to get by -- if on nothing else than: "Personality. I'm confident of myself". Indeed, Rost is all carefree youthful exuberance -- even as he is neither a naïf nor a cynic. It's not just occasionally that: Full of a sense of freedom and self-confidence, he felt as if he could conquer the world, attain whatever his heart desired. He regarded the carriages, the automobiles, the people passing with magnanimity. How good it was that all this existed, free for the taking; existed for him, for his benefit, for his enjoyment.Vogel makes it easy on himself and Rost by having Rost catch the eye of a self-made man, Peter Dean. Dean sees a lot of potential in Rost, and likes his attitude -- "as far as the conventions of society are concerned, I can do without them", Rost claims -- and, no strings attached, hands over ten thousand kronen to the youngster -- "as your allowance for a year". Assuring Rost has no financial concerns -- in a world and time where the struggle to make or get any money is something he constantly encounters -- makes life a lot easier; indeed, Rost can (and does) then take it quite easy. Dean is unfortunately a very underdeveloped character -- rich backstory, practically no present story -- and doesn't figure much in the novel beyond this act of great generosity. It is the most implausible part of the novel, but it allows Vogel to leave his protagonist free of what otherwise would be crippling money-worries. Vogel rents a room in the house of the well-to-do Shtift family, and almost immediately begins an affair with the woman of the house, Gertrude. From early on he finds the sixteen-year-old daughter Erna more intriguing, however, and Erna -- curious and blossoming into womanhood -- is drawn to him too. Rost also constantly returns to Stock's kosher eatery -- "a combination of bar, restaurant, inn, and café" -- and the crowd there. It is one of several overlapping circles of the society of that time Vogel presents -- and Vogel is particularly good in these scenes of interaction and conversation. Whether the interaction among the clientele at Sock's or a teen soirée Erna attends, Vogel is very good at presenting the dynamics at play. Sex and money also constantly crop up -- often together, as many of the woman who appear provide their services for money. Rost's romances are hard to see as such: here as elsewhere he still seems to be feeling his way, exploring the possibilities but maintaining an emotional distance. Even as Gertrude clings desperately to him, he barely seems involved. His affair with Erna is seductive, and leads even him to think: "this is the point of everything. This is what makes it all worthwhile -- but it too is inconclusive. Viennese Romance is a posthumous publication, the manuscript unearthed more than half a century after his death. It has been edited into its current shape -- the cleaving of the Paris-framing-scene of two decades later into Prologue and Epilogue the most obvious structural interference by the editors -- and it shows its lack of finish (as opposed to mere lack of polish -- which is far less of an issue here). Parts of the novel -- such as Dean's involvement -- are unresolved and would have been surely been dealt with had Vogel had the opportunity to complete the novel. What is now the framing device of Prologue and Epilogue might well have also been integrated differently; as is, it also feels like one of the less complete parts of the novel. Despite the fact that this is clearly not the final novel Vogel intended, Viennese Romance is a good and often fascinating read. Its depiction of fin de siècle Vienna, in particular, is a rich and revealing one, easily (and quite convincingly) moving across class and social lines. While Vogel's Otto Weininger-influenced depiction of women is rather too limited, with far too many prostituting themselves, his individual depictions can be remarkably insightful and there are several strong minor characters here. His depiction of Erna's coming of age, and especially her curiosity and uncertainty about it, is also very well done. Most of the flaws of the novel can readily be ascribed to its being unfinished (by Vogel's hand) and to the limited alternatives his modern-day editors were left with. What's left is nevertheless some very impressive writing and a work that, while incomplete in a number of respects, is nevertheless a very satisfying read. - M.A.Orthofer, 15 August 2015 - Return to top of the page - Viennese Romance:
- Return to top of the page - Born in 1891 in what is now Russia, Hebrew-writing David Vogel (דוד פוגל) lived in Austria, Palestine, and Paris, and died in Auschwitz in 1944. - Return to top of the page -
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