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Index of
German Literature
under review
the complete review
German offerings at the complete review include all German-language literature, including German, Austrian, Swiss and other writing in German.
Note: for books in square brackets ("[...]") we only offer review-overviews
- AICHNER, Bernhard: Woman of the Dead (B)
- ALLEMANN, Urs: Babyfucker (B+)
- AMANN, Jürg: Pekinger Passion (B+)
- AMÉRY, Jean: Charles Bovary, Country Doctor (A-)
- ANI, Friedrich: The Nameless Day (B)
- ARANGO, Sascha: The Truth and Other Lies (B)
- BÄCKER, Heimrad:
- BERG, Sibylle: Grime (B)
- BERNHARD, Thomas:
- BIERBAUM, Otto Julius: Samalio Pardulus (B)
- BILLER, Maxim: Inside the Head of Bruno Schulz (B)
- BLOM, Philipp: Luxor (B)
- BRAUN, Volker:
- BRECHT, Bertolt:
- BROCH, Hermann:
- BRONSKY, Alina:
- BRUCKNER, Ferdinand:
- BRUSSIG Thomas:
- BURGER, Hermann:
- CAMENISCH, Arno: The Alp (B)
- CORRINTH, Curt: Potsdamer Platz (B)
- DELIUS, Friedrich Christian: Portrait of the Mother as a Young Woman (B+)
- DÖBLIN, Alfred: Bürger und Soldaten 1918 (B+)
- DRVENKAR, Zoran: Sorry (C)
- DÜRRENMATT, Friedrich: The Physicists (A-)
- DUVE, Karen: The Prepper Room (B)
- EDELBAUER, Raphaela: DAVE (B)
- ENZENSBERGER, Hans Magnus:
- FALLADA, Hans: Every Man Dies Alone (UK title: Alone in Berlin) (B)
- FLAŠAR, Milena Michiko: I Called Him Necktie (B)
- FREYTAG, Gustav: The Journalists (B)
- FRISCH, Max: From the Berlin Journal (B)
- FRITZ, Marianne: The Weight of Things (B+)
- GAPONENKO, Marjana: Who is Martha ? (B)
- GEIGER, Arno:
- GLATTAUER, Daniel:
- GLAVINIC Thomas:
- GOTTHELF, Jeremias: The Black Spider (B+)
- GRASS, Günter:
- HAAS, Wolf:
- HANDKE, Peter:
- HARTWIG, Mela: Am I a Redundant Human Being ? (B+)
- HAUSHOFER, Marlen:
- HEIN, Christoph:
- HEINSE, Wilhelm: Ardinghello (B)
- HERRNDORF, Wolfgang: Sand (B+)
- JACQUES, Norbert: Dr. Mabuse (B-)
- JELINEK, Elfriede:
- JESCHKE, Wolfgang: The Cusanus Game (B)
- JOHNSON, Uwe: Anniversaries (A)
- JONKE, Gert: Homage to Czerny (B)
- JUNGK, Peter Stephan:
- KAPPACHER, Walter: Palace of Flies (B+)
- KEHLMANN, Daniel:
- KEILSON, Hans: Comedy in a Minor Key (B)
- KEMPOWSKI, Walter: Homeland (US title: Marrow and Bone) (A-)
- KESSEL, Martin: Mr. Brecher's Fiasco (A)
- KEUN, Irmgard:
- KEYSERLING, Eduard von:
- KHIDER, Abbas: The Village Indian (B)
- KNAPP, Radek:
- KOCH, Ariane: Overstaying (B+)
- KOFLER, Werner: At the Writing Desk (B)
- KRACHT, Christian:
- KRAUSSER, Helmut: Eros (B)
- KRÜGER, Michael: The Executor (B+)
- KUBIN, Alfred: The Other Side (B+)
- KURBJUWEIT, Dirk: Fear (B)
- KUTZENBERGER, Stefan: Jokerman (B-)
- LEBERT, Hans: Die Wolfshaut (B+)
- LEHR, Thomas:
- LENZ, Siegfried: A Minute's Silence (US title: Stella) (B)
- LERNET-HOLENIA, Alexander:
- LINK, Charlotte: Die Täuschung (B-)
- LÜSCHER, Jonas: Kraft (B)
- MARGWELASCHWILI, Giwi: Officer Pembry (B+)
- MARTYNOVA, Olga: Mörikes Schlüsselbein (B+)
- MEIER, Gerhard: Isle of the Dead (B)
- MEISTER, Ernst: In Time's Rift (B+)
- MENASSE, Robert:
- MERCIER, Pascal: Night Train to Lisbon (A-)
- METTLER, Michel: Die Spange (B+)
- MICKEL, Karl: Einstein (A-)
- MORGNER, Irmtraud: The Life and Adventures of Trobadora Beatrice as Chronicled by her Minstrel Laura (A+)
- MOSEBACH, Martin: Der Mond und das Mädchen (B+)
- MUSCHG, Adolf: Löwenstern (B+)
- MÜLLER, Heiner: Heartpiece (A+)
- MÜLLER, Herta: See the complete review's Herta Müller page
- MYNONA: The Creator (B+)
- NEUHAUS, Nele: Snow White must Die (B)
- PAREI, Inka: Die Schattenboxerin (A-)
- PASTIOR, Oskar: o du roher iasmin (-)
- PLENZDORF, Ulrich: The New Sorrows of Young W. (B+)
- PLETZINGER, Thomas: Funeral for a Dog (B)
- POSCHMANN, Marion: The Pine Islands (A-)
- PÖTZSCH, Oliver: The Ludwig Conspiracy (B-)
- RABINOVICI, Doron: Die Außerirdischen (B)
- RAMMSTEDT, Tilman: The King of China (B)
- RANSMAYR, Christoph:
- REIMANN, Brigitte:
- ROCHE, Charlotte: Wetlands (B)
- ROTH, Gerhard: the autobiography of albert einstein (B)
- RUGE, Eugen:
- SACHS, Nelly: Flight and Metamorphosis (B)
- SALTEN, Felix: Bambi (A-)
- SCHAMI, Rafik: The Dark Side of Love (B+)
- SCHENKEL, Andrea Maria: The Murder Farm (B)
- SCHERTENLEIB, Hansjörg: A Happy Man (B+)
- SCHIMMELBUSCH, Alexander: Die Murau Identität (B)
- SCHIRACH, Ferdinand von:
- SCHMIDT, Arno:
- SCHNITZLER, Arthur: Late Fame (B)
- SCHOLEM, Gershom: Greetings From Angelus (B)
- SCHRÖDER, Adolf: The Game of Cards (B)
- SEILER, Lutz: Kruso (B+)
- SENDKER, Jan-Philipp: The Art of Hearing Heartbeats (B)
- SERNER, Walter:
- SETZ, Clemens J.:
- SIMMEL, Johannes Mario:
- STAMM, Peter:
- STANIŠIĆ, Saša: Where You Come From (B)
- STEIN, Benjamin:
- STEINER, Wilfried:
- STICHMANN, Andreas: Eine Liebe in Pjöngjang (B)
- STRUBEL, Antje Rávic: Tupolew 134 (A-)
- SUTER, Martin:
- SZITTYA, Emil: The Hashish Films of Customs Officer Henri Rousseau and Tatyana Joukof Shuffles the Cards (B)
- TAWADA Yoko:
- TELLKAMP, Uwe: Der Turm (B+)
- TERGIT, Gabriele: Käsebier Takes Berlin (B+)
- TROJANOW, Ilija: The Collector of Worlds (A-)
- TUCHOLSKY, Kurt: Castle Gripsholm (B)
- VANDERBEKE, Birgit: The Mussel Feast (B)
- WEDEKIND, Frank: Spring Awakening (A-)
- WEISS, Ernst:
- WEISS, Peter:
- WERFEL, Franz: Pale Blue Ink in a Lady's Hand (A-)
- WERNER, Markus:
- WIENER, Oswald: die verbesserung von mitteleuropa, roman (A-)
- WITZEL, Frank: Die Erfindung der Roten Armee Fraktion durch einen manisch-depressiven Teenager im Sommer 1969 (B+)
- WOLF, Christa:
- WOLF, Ror: Two or Three Years Later (B+)
- WUNNICKE, Christine: The Fox and Dr. Shimamura (B)
- WÜRGER, Takis: The Club (B)
- ZEEMANN, Dorothea: Das Rapportbuch (B)
- ZEH, Juli: Empty Hearts (B)
- ZWEIG, Stefan:
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