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Our Assessment:
B+ : interesting selection of essays See our review for fuller assessment. The complete review's Review:
As John Hargraves notes in his introduction, Hermann Broch remains best known, especially in the English-speaking world, for his fiction (in particular the novels The Sleepwalkers (see our review) The Death of Virgil (see our review), two of the towering works of the 20th century), but of the twelve volumes of the German edition of his collected works four are devoted to his essays (and one to his poetry) -- and almost none of that, except the long piece Hugo Hofmannsthal and His Age, has been translated.
The maker of kitsch does not create inferior art, he is not an incompetent or a bungler, he cannot be evaluated by esthetic standards; rather, he is ethically depraved, a criminal willing radical evil. And since it is radical evil that is manifest here, evil per se, forming the absolute negative pole of every value-system, kitsch will always be evil, not just kitsch in art, but kitsch in every value-system that is not an imitation systemThe second essay, from 1934, is on The Spirit in an Unspiritual Age, and begins: "Humanity today has been overtaken by a peculiar contempt for words, a contempt that is almost revulsion." It's a contempt that, as described by Broch, is remarkably similar to the one one finds today (complete with the same dispiriting consequences), and it's the one essay here that will strike the strongest chord among contemporary readers, mirroring so horribly closely the current state of affairs (especially in the United States). Again, Broch invests a great deal in the power of the word (and of art): he understands the limitations too -- he's no wide-eyed romantic -- but his belief (or even: understanding) is a convincing one. The third essay is on Joyce and the Present Age, written in 1936, and discusses the author with whom Broch clearly had the greatest affinity. It is an insightful piece, and of particular interest because Broch shared many of Joyce's aspirations in his own artistic endeavours, especially in his striving for new means of artistic representation. But Broch is also aware of the dangers, both for Joyce and himself, and he doesn't simply offer blind praise, acknowledging, for example: The dangers of increasing aloofness are real and are to be found both in his pessimism and in the power of the artistic resources he has placed at the service of this pessimism.The Style of the Mythical Age is was an introduction for a book on the Iliad (by Rachel Bespaloff) -- and is the only piece in the collection originally written in English. It is another fairly good summary of Broch's ideas on literature and myth, usefully also considering older examples (including Homer). The fifth essay, Some Comments on the Philosophy and Technique of Translating is the one essay that Hargraves substituted from the original German version of Geist und Zeitgeist -- and a good choice that was. The piece -- amusingly written to be presented by Death of Virgil-translator Jean Starr Untermeyer (so there are many third-person references to author Broch, despite the fact that he wrote the text) -- is of great interest because it specifically does discuss the Death of Virgil-translation. Some insight is offered into that incredible undertaking (though not enough ! -- someone should devote a book just to that story), and Broch also writes more generally about translation issues. The final piece offers the beginning of Broch's longer essay, Hugo Hofmannsthal and His Age (previously published in its entirety in 1984 in a translation by Michael P. Steinberg). Focussing on Art and Its Non-Style at the End of the Nineteenth Century, Broch offers a useful survey and analysis of what led up to this fin-de-siècle period -- though regrettably there's little of Hofmannsthal to be found here. From literary ideas (and ideals) -- "with inadequate means, namely those of naturalism, the novel pursues an unattainable end, namely the mythical" -- to broader cultural and historical ones he offers an impressive picture of the times, leading to the present he writes from (both as artist and as citizen). Specifically, the Vienna of his youth and his formative years (Hofmannsthal's Vienna), is clearly presented, from being "less a city of art than a city of decoration par excellence" to the very "center of the European value vacuum" (and metropolis of hated kitsch) Broch is a writer well worth looking up to, a firm believer in the power and importance of literature (and a man who, amazingly, was able to create fictions that stood up to his high ideals). One always has to be wary when people write of, for example, the "mission of literature", but authors (and others) would do well to heed his clear and strict ambitions: It is at this point that the mission of literature begins; the mission of a cognition that remains above all empirical or social modes of being and to which it is a matter of indifference whether man lives in a feudal, bourgeois or proletarian age; literature's obligation to the absoluteness of cognition, in general.Where philosophy had failed, Broch saw literature assuming that mantle. Sounds good to us. We weren't entirely thrilled by the translation(s) in this volume (despite what it says on the cover, there were three different translators at work here, which doesn't help) -- and the stylistic problems should already be apparent from the quotes above, but then the precision of Broch's German isn't easily transformed into English. Geist and Zeitgeist is certainly a worthwhile collection. It's not always easy going, and many readers may not be receptive to these arguments (or Broch's presentation), but for those willing to make the effort it offers ample -- indeed: great -- reward. (But read the novels too !) - Return to top of the page - Geist and Zeitgeist:
- Return to top of the page - Austrian author Hermann Broch was born 1 November 1886, and died in New Haven, 30 May, 1951. He wrote such notable novels as The Sleepwalkers and The Death of Virgil. - Return to top of the page -
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