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In Hora Mortis -
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Our Assessment:
A- : the beginnings of the distinctive voice See our review for fuller assessment.
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Thomas Bernhard is best known as a novelist (certainly in the English-speaking world), as well as a playwright, but his first published works were poetry collections.
The two presented in this bilingual edition, In hora mortis and Unter dem Eisen des Mondes, were both first published in 1958, a year after Auf der Erde und in der Hölle; a fourth (and perhaps the strongest) collection, Ave Vergil, was completed in 1960 (though only published in 1981), while translator James Reidel notes another collection "of over one hundred poems" was turned down by an Austrian publisher in 1961.
Certainly, poetry marked a transition for Bernhard, as he moved from the dashed hopes of his singing-ambitions to the novelist and dramatist of later notoriety, but it was more than just a phase.
While the forthcoming (fall, 2006) volume devoted to his poetry in the German standard edition of his works will weigh in at about 500 pages, here finally is at least a decent-sized chunk of it in English translation.
die KrankheitBernhard often makes such a point of precision and certainty in later works, but here one still finds doubts of the sort expressed hardly anywhere else -- including the almost plaintive: o mein Gott ich weiß nicht mehrThere are some doubts and challenges: Wo bist Du Herr und woBut for the most part Bernhard's outlook is entirely religious here: "I want to pray"; "I want to praise You my God", etc. He turns there for relief and succour -- presumably still shackled by the religious environment he had been raised in (and to some extent still found himself in), and perhaps really writing out of a sense of final hours (hora mortis as the hour of death). Under the Iron of the Moon is a leap beyond this. This longer collection is more ambitious in style and range, and no longer as god-centred -- though several poems still resonate much like those in In hora mortis (as when he observes: "God hears me / in every corner of the world"). But here finally one can also picture and hear the 'true' (or at least later) Bernhard: Ich bring Verachtung in das Tal und viele sagen,And while In hora mortis succeeds as a very personal collection, its limitations are fairly obvious. On the basis of that alone it would be difficult to call Bernhard a poet; not so once Under the Iron of the Moon is also considered, where Bernhard manages and shows considerably more. There are some stunning lines here, too: Der letzte Tag ist im Bierkrug(Though Bernhard, too, seems to have liked the line so much that he begins the poem with it, and then closes it by repeating it -- something he can get away with here, but which the practised poet might have avoided.) There's a danger in coming to these poems with the strong pre-conceptions that almost any familiarity with Bernhard likely brings with it: he was such a forceful personality, with that force so clearly on display in almost all his texts, that it is difficult to read the poetry on its own terms. These are early works, where the writer is still finding his way and his voice -- and it can be hard to ignore that loud (and so sure) voice of the later works. (A second reading is strongly recommended !) The Princeton University Press edition is an attractive one, and -- most importantly -- a bilingual one, which always comes as a great relief. Transator Reidel explains that he: tried to provide an English rendering that corresponds line-by-line with the German text yet reads as naturally and histrionically as the original and can exist on its own.The approach works quite well, and what is lost -- some of the sound, especially, as in that first line, the beautiful: "Wild wächst die Blume meines Zorns" (tempered in English as: 'The flower of my anger grows wild') -- is at least not entirely hidden from the reader thanks to the facing original. Also noticeable is Reidel's preference for substituting different English words when the same one is used twice in the German, as in: Über dem FeuerIt reduces a great line in the German to a much more pedestrian one in English. Still, most of these losses are hard to avoid, and Reidel has done well in mirroring Bernhard's poems. The histrionics come across -- and that's already an important part. Reidel's short Preface is also informative, providing useful context and background. However, Bernhard's poetry has received very little attention (especially in the English-speaking world), and coupled with the absence of a comprehensive English biography (as Reidel notes, Gitta Honegger's study of Thomas Bernhard is tightly focussed on the playwright) there is a desperate need for a more comprehensive treatment of this part of his writing career. As this volume shows, Bernhard's poetry is also very much worth reading. A long overdue and very welcome introduction to Bernhard the poet, well presented. (Now if someone would only translate Ave Vergil !) Note: In his Preface James Reidel refers to and quotes from complete review managing editor (and contributor to this review) M.A.Orthofer's piece, Fragments Shoring Ruin - Return to top of the page - In Hora Mortis - Under the Iron of the Moon:
- Return to top of the page - Austrian author Thomas Bernhard lived 1931 to 1989. - Return to top of the page -
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