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Our Assessment:
B+ : over-heated, but fine portrayal of passions See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review: Confusion is narrated by a professor of literature who has just celebrated his sixtieth birthday, and thirty years of teaching. To mark the occasion, he has been presented with a Festschrift, which would appear to be: "nothing short of a complete biographical record" -- but, he notes: It merely describes me, it says nothing real about me. It speaks of me, but does not reveal what I am.In particular, what's missing is what he believes to be the most significant formative experience he had, and Confusion is the "confession of feelings" where he reveals it. The story the professor, Roland, relates takes him back to his own student-days. He was far from being a born academic. In childhood he found: "Surrounded by books, I despised them" and he barely manages to graduate from high school. Packed off to university, he is no more enthused by what he finds there: The suspicion I had entertained even as a schoolboy that I had entered a morgue of the spirit, where uncaring hands anatomized the dead, was revived to an alarming degree in this factory churning out second-hand Alexandrian philosophyBut he had at least managed to leave home and was studying in Berlin, and the city offered everything he wanted. Not bothering to attend any lectures, he lived it up. And since he was "a strikingly good-looking young man" he found himself with "a clear advantage over the pasty-faced shop-boys" as far as the local girls went -- and he certainly took advantage. A surprise visit from his father, who catches him in flagrante, bring his dissolute escapades and lifestyle to a crashing end, and they agree it would be better if he went to complete his studies elsewhere. So off Roland goes, to a sleepy university town far removed from Berlin and fast women. Almost immediately, however, Roland finds himself in the thrall of something completely new: seeking out one of his professors to introduce himself, he finds the man talking to some students -- but with an enthusiasm that Roland had never before encountered. Like the other listeners, Roland finds himself completely carried away: I had never before known language as ecstasy, the passion of discourse as an elemental actConveniently, the room he rents is in the same house where the professor lives with his wife, and soon Roland is entirely under the sway of the professor and his enthusiastic scholarship, immersing himself completely in his studies -- and allowing himself to be guided by the older man. The picture isn't quite so simple, however: the professor isn't always so enthusiastic, and sometimes his lectures drone on as boringly as any professor's. Then there's the matter of his wife, who Roland doesn't get to know any better for quite a while; the couple's relationship seems somewhat strained and sober, and she doesn't seem to rouse the same kind of passion in the professor that discussing English literature can. And then there are the professor's mysterious absences, when he just takes off for a few days, without explanation. Roland also wonders why the professor never completed his magnum opus, a planned The History of the Globe Theatre, and the professor tells him he no longer has the stamina for such a grand undertaking: Once I had more strength, but now it's gone. I can only talk -- then it sometimes carries me away, something takes me out of myself. But I can't work sitting still, always alone, always alone.Naïve Roland doesn't get what really ails the professor, even though there is not too much subtlety here. And, indeed, the professor is weak -- though it's not (just) the weakness of old(er) age -- and, yes, loneliness is part of the heart of his problem. Roland becomes his amanuensis, and the project really takes off, with both fully immersed in it. But one passion being followed does not mean that all passions are being satisfied, and, of course, things get complicated again, as the weak professor can't suppress his urges. Zweig isn't subtle about what is going on here: his physical descriptions of the characters, notably the professor's wife, and some of the interaction among the characters suggests fairly early on exactly what the situation is. As to the characters themselves, they remain evasive and, more often, unable to directly face the various issues between them . As passionate as the professor is about his academic subject, he barely opens up about anything else -- even as he desperately wants to ("I was so much looking forward to speaking freely to you for once", he tells Roland). Another encounter has Roland give chase to the professor's wife -- whom he does not recognize -- in the water, swimming after her, but she always eluding him. Things naturally come to a head, the repressed to the fore. Roland steps back and away, removing himself from the situation: decades later now it remains as a pivotal episode, but also one he was able to put behind him. Roland emerged from this heated youthful confusion whole, unlike the broken professor, who never conquered his; there's an incidental mention in the story's closing passage that makes clear that Roland did not follow down the professor's path, and that, along with the Festschrift, reveals that Roland's life and career have turned out to be much more conventional (and, perhaps, ultimately less impassioned). Nevertheless, Roland is grateful for being exposed to the professor and his passion(s). The sad professor's life and fate is a tad melodramatic, though Zweig's overheated prose is appropriate for this story of just-post-adolescent feverish confusion (and the more resigned confusion of an older man who hasn't managed to come to grips with his own desires and needs). Even if it harbors few surprises, Confusion is very well told and quite riveting. The professor's wife is a somewhat neglected figure in this triangle of personalities, which is a shame, since it would be interesting to learn more of her perspective (and position). But there's a good deal going on here, and Zweig unfolds his story well -- and there's a great appeal to his style, convincingly conveying just how feverish these youthful (and not so youthful) intertwining passions -- intellectual and personal -- were. - M.A.Orthofer, 2 May 2012 - Return to top of the page - Confusion:
- Return to top of the page - Austrian author Stefan Zweig lived 1881 to 1942. - Return to top of the page -
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