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Our Assessment:
A- : clever, sharp, dense satire See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review:
The debate around Volker Braun's Hinze-Kunze-Roman, written in 1981 but only published in 1985 (and then in both East and West Germany), made for one of the last big literary controversies in the German Democratic Republic.
Nominally the story of the functionary Kunze and his driver Hinze, Hinze-Kunze-Roman ("Hinze-Kunze-Novel") is also a literary text, its author intruding, describing what he can and can't do.
It is, very much, a text about censorship, and the authorial voice reminds the reader of the consequences of any literary work requiring the sanction of the state to be published.
(It is this, in particular, that delayed publication of the text in East Germany, with Braun making the debate as public as he can here.)
Was hielt sie zusammen ? Wie hielten sie es miteinander aus ? Ich begreife es nicht, ich beschreibe es.The answer Hinze und Kunze give to the questions is the same reason, Braun claims, why he writes: "Im gesellschaftlichen Interesse" ("For the good of society"). The society in question is that of the Workers' State -- East Germany, anno 1980 --, and from Braun's wry tone it is clear that the stock answer is not quite as simple as it might appear. The disparity between socialist ideal and socialist reality was a stark one -- and obvious and all to familiar to his original intended audience. Braun does not have to interpret: the descriptions of the official absurdities and empty phrases speak for themselves. Braun constantly reminds the reader of the constraints of this society -- specifically on him as a writer, but also more generally on the public. Early on Hinze drives Kunze somewhere: the street names, the destination, the purpose are left blank in the text, the expected secrecy around all official functions hardly surprising: Aber Hinze wartete draußen. Er hat auch später nichts erfahren, und auch der Leser wird es nicht. Vergessen wir nicht, daß wir im gesellschaftlichen Interesse schreiben und auch lesen. Weshalb sonst kann so vieles nicht direkt gesagt werden ?Cheekily Braun here then does the unthinkable, immediately offering an example of a story where it is "undenkbar, sie aufzuschreiben" ("unthinkable, to write it down"). Braun continues the debate throughout the novel, finally abandoning his characters and describing a reading of his own works (where he read "die gefährlichsten Texte: Liebesgedichte" ("the most dangerous texts: love poems"). And the debate raged on outside the framework of the novel as Braun then tried to publish the work, tussling with the censor and the powers that were over the question of what could be said and printed in this society supposedly so open to self-criticism and analysis. The uneasy relationship between Hinze and Kunze itself also makes for an effective examination of the situation in East Germany at the time. Hinze's wife Lisa, in whom Kunze is sexually interested, complicates the personal dynamic between the two characters, while their jobs -- their official roles in the state -- also limit their range of responses and actions. Justifications abound which find some basis in ideology, but ideology has become a frail and unconvincing support. Hinze and especially Kunze toe the official line, but recognize it also as dangerously empty. Braun's sharp, precise writing impresses throughout. A dense, rich text, he frequently reverts to straightforward dialogue between the characters (again avoiding interpretation). Throughout, the writing is very effective. A dark satire, Hinze-Kunze-Roman is among the strongest novels from the last decade of the GDR. An historically important work, Hinze-Kunze-Roman is also a significant and worthwhile literary text. Recommended. - Return to top of the page - Hinze-Kunze-Roman:
- Return to top of the page - (East) German poet and dramatist Volker Braun was born in 1939. He has won numerous literary prizes, including the Heinrich Mann Prize, and the Georg Büchner Prize. - Return to top of the page -
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