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Our Assessment:
B : often fascinating personal account and glimpse of a slice of East German life See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review: [Note: This review is based on the German original, and all translations are my own; I have not seen the English translation.]
It All Tastes of Farewell is the second volume of Brigitte Reimann's diaries, following on I Have No Regrets and covering the years 1964 to 1970.
The focus here is on her slow progress with her novel Franziska Linkerhand -- a novel that was then only published posthumously, in 1974 (and unabridged only in 1998; it has still not been translated into English) -- while her personal life remains tumultuous: another marriage (to Hans Kerschek, called Jon here) goes south here, and by the end of these diaries she is preparing for her fourth marriage, to Dr. Rudolf Burgartz (ten years her junior), and increasingly debilitated by the cancer that would kill her, aged only thirty-nine, in 1973.
It is also a time of political change in the German Democratic Republic, any hope for a continuing turn towards liberalization already dim by the mid-1960s and finally completely dashed by the Prague Spring.
Gott, war ich glücklich ! Monatelang diese Tagsüber verdrängte Angst, ich hätte vielleicht Krebs ...(Typically, the earlier entries in fact give no hint how much this had been troubling her -- though admittedly this is from a period when she wasn't writing much in her diary (perhaps because of these fears ?).) As readers familiar with her biography are all too aware, the respite was short-lived: on 11 September she gets the bad news: she has cancer and her right breast has to be removed. It's not even the first thing she mentions in that day's entry, and beyond noting that it came as a 'terrible shock' she only devotes a few lines to it. So also after the operation, she devotes only a few lines to it -- and, beyond the annoyance at the weakness in her arm from the procedure and what they cut away, it barely rates a mention afterwards. Admittedly, again, there are long gaps between entries here, but the impression here and throughout is of a person who just wants to -- and admirably manages to -- move on. (Of course, in some respects, such as her more intimate relationships with men, she moves on almost shockingly easily, or even desperately.) Illness -- back problems as well as the cancer -- and hospital stays come more to the fore at the later stages, but Reimann doesn't wallow much, complaining mostly about the inconvenience and being kept from writing. Writing remains central to Reimann, and it is her Franziska Linkerhand-project that consumes her; it is one of the few stable elements in her life -- though also marked by instability as she often struggles with parts of it. The (shifting) political situation complicate matters too, with a constant give and take with the authorities, as also the early chapters of the novel circulate and she gets reactions to them; by 1968 her disillusionment with the system and her annoyance with her own self-censorship have come much more to the fore. She finds her earlier books limited, but also notes that some of what she wants to express is untenable in the society and political system she operates in: Ich möchte schreiben, nur so kann ich existieren, nur, mein Gott, was ich schreiben möchte ... Ich werde es tun, Arbeit für die Schublade. Das Buch allerdings muß fertig werde, das enthält wenigstens eine Spur dessen, was ich zu sagen habeOften emotional, especially in her relationships -- things get way out of hand on a number of occasions --, Reimann nevertheless has her writing to turn back to, the foundation that is ultimately her bedrock even as all else is inconstant. As a melancholy Reimann admits at one point, getting at the crux of her difficulties with men: Ich sagte: der Schriftsteller is stärker als die traurige Frau. Ja, sagte er, bei dir siegt immer der Schriftsteller.As to the writing itself, the contrast with Christa Wolf is revealing. As Reimann herself notes, she respects Wolf's style but it isn't for her; she finds Wolf's writing: 'essayistic -- I mean: she does not fabulate' ("sie erzählt nicht"). Or, in blunter terms, as Reimann quotes then-still Aufbau Verlag editor Klaus Gysi about the difference between Reimann and Wolf's books: "Die Reimann weiß wenigstens, wie ein Mann riecht" ('Reimann at least knows what a man smells like'). Reimann obviously quotes the words approvingly -- and even says she's 'touched' by the remark -- and, while a very raw way of putting it, it does indeed peg the two authors perfectly. Politically active -- in the writers' organizations that played such a significant role in East Germany -- Reimann has increasing difficulties reconciling her fundamental belief in the workers' state with the realities of the regime. In 1965 already she worries about a coming ice-age: "Überall herrscht Konfusion, die Stücke und Bücher werden jetzt en masse sterben" ('There's confusion everywhere, plays and books will die en masse now'), and she is devastated by the events in Czechoslovakia in August 1968. As events unfold in Czechoslovakia, she is is incredibly frustrated: Ich habe geweint: unseretwegen, über uns, aus Zorn. Zornig auch gegen mich selbst -- Mitmacher, Schweiger.As with everything else, however, she is also able to move on: politics and her disillusionment feature, and there are consequences to her reactions to the Prague Spring, but she does not obssess or indeed let it affect her day-to-day life any more than it must (given the role of the authorities over so many aspects of her life -- from housing to publication). It's not indifference -- Reimann has and continues to express strong opinions -- but, just as with the cancer, she won't let it dominate her life. She manages to compartmentalize this too. Only men drift constantly into her life, and add to her turmoil. She likes to drink (a lot), and though she often withdraws she also enjoys those long nights in the company of others. And those intimate nights in the company of others. Even she seems bemused by her messy casual relationships -- though admirably there's very little sense of shame here. More problematic are the deeper relationships, such as with husband 'Jon', which of course suffers from their frequent separation and their lust (he too has an affair). The presentation of the material is well done -- with the one caveat that there are a lot ellipses, material not included because of repetition or for legal reasons. A more than thirty-page chronology of (world and local) events; a summary chronology of Reimann's life; sixty pages of helpful endnotes; as well as a names-index provide most of the supporting material readers need. While much is only addressed fleetingly, the diary does touch on much of the East German cultural activity as well as the politics in these times; if not an ideal primary text on these, the diaries nevertheless are useful complementary material for anyone interested in this period and subject-matter. Reimann is a fascinating figure -- an obsessed writer, enthusiastic reader ("Wochenlang Thomas Mann gelesen" ('reading Thomas Mann for weeks on end') she notes after finally getting the complete works; "Ich kann über nichts anderes mehr sprechen, das wird schon manisch" ('I can't speak of anything else any more; I'm completely obsessed')) -- even as she worries, late on, briefly about no longer reading as much -- hard drinker (and smoker, which passes almost unnoticed in those times when it was so ubiquitous that it barely rates a mention), phenomenally active and involved. She presents herself as very emotional -- mentioning incredibly heated arguments and long crying-jags -- yet the diary-entries are very controlled: she is almost always able to step back in her accounts, though she also doesn't convey a sense of cold distance in doing so. The absence of self-pity is welcome -- and, given some of what she goes through, quite remarkable. Obviously, the entries only form part of a picture -- but it's a rich part, and there's a great deal of fascinating incidental information to go along with it. Perhaps difficult to appreciate without at least some sense of East German (literary) life in the 1960s, It All Tastes of Farewell is nevertheless both fascinating and gripping (not least, sadly, in the reader's awareness of what's coming, a life that will be cut short). - M.A.Orthofer, 28 December 2019 - Return to top of the page - It All Tastes of Farewell:
- Return to top of the page - East German author Brigitte Reimann lived 1933 to 1973. - Return to top of the page -
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