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Our Assessment:
B+ : a wonderful concept, well executed See our review for fuller assessment.
Review Consensus: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review: [This review is based on the original hardcover edition, Atlas of Remote Islands; the book has since been re-published as Pocket Atlas of Remote Islands -- presumably just a smaller-size version of the original, but I have not seen a copy to compare with.]
Born in what was then still the German Democratic Republic, Judith Schalansky as a child understood that she could not really go anywhere: the reality of her world was that: "East Germans could not travel, only the Olympic team were allowed beyond our borders".
(This is a slight exaggeration -- East Germans could travel relatively easily in the Eastern bloc -- but her larger point is taken.)
Atlantes, however, offered a glimpse of a world beyond, with depictions in them that often seemed as revealing as the actual places might be.
Atlas of Remote Islands is her own collection of Fifty Islands I Have Not Visited and Never Will, with maps of each that she drew (as precisely as one would expect to find in an atlas) and, on each facing page, a descriptive piece related to the place -- some bits of history or a general overview.
All text in the book is based on extensive research and every details stems from factual sources. I have not invented anything. However I was the discoverer of the sources, researching them through ancient and rare books and I have transformed them as sailors appropriate the lands they discover.The atlas is divided into five sections, one each of islands in each of the five major oceans: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic. The islands seem chosen mostly for their very remoteness. Each entry gives the name (and variations), what country they are claimed by, their size and the number of residents (including quite a few that are uninhabited). Distance- and time-lines show their distance from the nearest land, as well as the times of their (modern-day) discovery and other significant dates. The islands range from the fairly well-known -- Easter Island, St. Helena (where Napoleon was exiled), Iwo Jima -- to the obscure, such as Antipodes Island ("almost directly opposite the zero meridian of Greenwich") or Deception Island. Schalansky offers a range of pieces about them, both historical and descriptive. Remoteness, unsurprisingly -- it's the common element among these islands --, features prominently, with many so inhospitable and/or out of the way that they remain uninhabited. From the testing of the a hydrogen bomb to Amelia Earhart's disappearance, as well as various voyagers' experiences centuries ago, Schalansky presents engaging titbits from and about these far-flung places. The maps, topographically drawn, with the only real color small bits of orange to represent the few settlements, roads, and structures on some of the islands, are fascinating in and of themselves, too, the islands of different shapes, with some just thin crusts of land surrounding a lagoon (with Takuu barely showing any more, for example, a: "brittle ring of sand only one metre above the high tide-mark") and many jutting surprisingly high out of the oceans. Schalansky closes her Preface with the exclamation: Give me an atlas over a guidebook any day. There is no more poetic book in the world.And indeed, just the map-part -- and the names, dates, and distances recorded for each island -- of this Atlas of Remote Islands would suffice, on its own. The complementary texts have some appeal, too, but, for better and worse, the variety highlights different aspects of the islands and their histories -- a miscellany that is somewhat at odds with the uniform approach to the maps themselves. There are some very good stories here -- and, offering only a brief bit about each island (never more than a page), Schalansky does leave a lot to the reader (and the reader's imagination), but there's something to be said for the purity of a map-book alone. This is, above all, a lovely and well-produced volume; it is also a very enjoyable book to peruse and return to -- neat glimpses of places most of us are unlikely to physically ever even get close to. - M.A.Orthofer, 20 December 2021 - Return to top of the page - Atlas of Remote Islands:
- Return to top of the page - German author Judith Schalansky was born in 1980. - Return to top of the page -
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