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Index of Literary Essays
under review
the complete review
Literary essays under review at the complete review include a wide variety of non-fiction.
Most of the essays included here are literary in style and subject, but many are more generic.
Works of biography, history, science, etc. are, however, only listed here if their essayistic character appears to take precedence over their biographical, historical, etc. character.
The subject matter of each volume is briefly described (where it is not self-evident).
- multiple authors: Babel (B) - Adventures in Translation
- ACHEBE, Chinua:
- ACOCELLA, Joan: Willa Cather and the Politics of Criticism (B+)
- ADAIR, Gilbert: The Real Tadzio (B+) -- Thomas Mann's Death in Venice
- ALBERTI, Leon Battista: Biographical and Autobiographical Writings (B+)
- ALTER, Robert: The Art of Bible Translation (B)
- AMÉRY, Jean: Charles Bovary, Country Doctor (A-) -- Portrait of a Simple Man
- AMIS, Martin:
- AMLINGER, Carolin: Schreiben (B+) -- Eine Soziologie literarischer Arbeit
- ARMSTRONG, Karen: A Short History of Myth (B-)
- ASONG, Linus: Detective Fiction and the African Scene (-) -- From the 'Whodunit ?' to the 'Whydunit ?'
- ATHILL, Diana: Stet (B+) -- an editor's life
- AZAM ZANGANEH, Lila: The Enchanter (B+) -- Nabokov and Happiness
- BÄCKER, Heimrad: Documentary Poetry (B+)
- BAIL, Murray: Notebooks: 1970-2003 (B+)
- BALINT, Benjamin: Kafka's Last Trial (B) -- The Case of a Literary Legacy
- BARNES, Julian:
- BARON, Naomi S.: Words Onscreen (B) -- The Fate of Reading in a Digital World
- BAYARD, Pierre:
- BÉNABOU, Marcel:
- BENEDICT, Nora C.: Borges and the Literary Marketplace (-) -- How Editorial Practices Shaped Cosmopolitan Reading
- BENNETT, Ronan: Double Jeopardy (B) -- The Retrial of the Guildford Four
- BERNHARD, Thomas: My Prizes (A-) -- Bernhard on the prizes he has won
- BERNSTEIN, Stephen: Alasdair Gray (B)
- [BIOY CASARES, Adolfo: Borges]
- BLATT, Ben: Nabokov's Favorite Word is Mauve (B) -- What the Numbers Reveal About the Classics, Bestsellers, and Our Own Writing
- BLOCH, William Goldbloom: The Unimaginable Mathematics of Borges' Library of Babel (B)
- BLOM, Philipp: To Have and to Hold (B) -- on collecting
- BOLAÑO, Roberto: Between Parentheses (A-) -- Essays, Articles and Speeches, 1998-2003
- BONNET, Jacques: Phantoms on the Bookshelves (B) -- book-mania
- BORGES, Jorge Luis:
- BOWERS, Neal: Words for the Taking (A-) -- poetic plagiarism
- BOYLE, James: Shamans, Software, and Spleens (A-) -- copyright
- BRACEWELL, Michael: The Nineties (C) -- pop culture
- BRECHT, Bertolt: Stories of Mr. Keuner (A) -- aphorisms
- BRIGGS, Kate: This Little Art (B) -- on translation
- BROCH, Heramnn: Geist and Zeitgeist (B+) -- The Spirit in an Unspiritual Age
- BROOK, Chris (ed.): K Foundation burn a Million Quid (A)
- BROOKS, Peter:
- BROTTMAN, Mikita: The Solitary Vice (C) -- Against Reading
- BURGER, Hermann: Tractatus Logico-Suicidalis (A-) -- On Killing Oneself
- BURTON, Robert: The Anatomy of Melancholy (A+)
- CALASSO, Roberto: The Art of the Publisher (B)
- CARRÈRE, Emmanuel: 97,196 Words (B) -- essays
- CARTER, Angela: Shaking a Leg (B) -- collected writings
- CASANOVA, Pascale: The World Republic of Letters (A-)
- CHONG, Phillipa K.: Inside the Critics' Circle (B) -- Book Reviewing in Uncertain Times
- CLASSEN, Albrecht: The Medieval Chastity Belt (B) -- A Myth-Making Process
- CODRESCU, Andrei: The Posthuman Dada Guide (B) -- tzara and lenin play chess
- COETZEE, J.M.: Stranger Shores (B) -- literary essays
- CORDASCO, Rachel S.: Out of This World (-) -- Speculative Fiction in Translation from the Cold War to the New Millennium
- CORLISS, Richard: Lolita (A-) -- Nabokov and Kubrick film
- CREWS, Frederick: Postmodern Pooh (B) - critical parody
- DABASHI, Hamid: The Shahnameh (B) -- The Persian Epic as World Literature
- DALOS, György: The Guest from the Future (B) -- Anna Akhmatova and Isaiah Berlin
- DANTO, Arthur C.: The Madonna of the Future (B) -- art criticism
- DANTZIG, Charles: Why Read ? (B+)
- DART, Gregory: Unrequited Love (B+) -- stalking
- DAVIS, Lydia: Proust, Blanchot and a Woman in Red (B)
- DE BOTTON, Alain::
- DEKKERS, Midas: The Way of all Flesh (B+) -- ruins and decay
- DENING, Greg:
- DESPENTES, Virginie: King Kong Theory (A-)
- DISCH, Thomas: The Stuff our Dreams are made of (B-) -- science fiction
- DONIGER, Wendy: Redeeming the Kamasutra (B+)
- DONOGHUE, Denis: Words Alone (B+) -- the poet T.S.Eliot
- DUNCAN, Dennis: Index, A History of the (B+) -- A Bookish Adventure from Medieval Manuscripts to the Digital Age
- DUROZOI, Gérard: History of the Surrealist Movement (A-)
- DYER, Geoff:
- ECO, Umberto:
- ELKIN, Lauren: The End of Oulipo ? (B), with Scott Esposito -- An Attempt to Exhaust a Movement
- ELKINS, James: What Happened to Art Criticism ? (B)
- ELLIOTT, Anthony: The Mourning of John Lennon (B)
- EMMERICH, Michael: The Tale of Genji (B+) -- Translation, Canonization, and World Literature
- ENQUIST, Per Olov: Kartritarna (A-)
- EPSTEIN, Jason: Book Business (B+)
- ERPENBECK, Jenny: Not a Novel (B+) -- A Memoir in Pieces / Collected Writings and Reflections
- ESTERHÁZY Péter: Utazás a tizenhatos mélyére (B+) - soccer and more
- ESTERMANN, Alfred: Schopenhauers Kampf um sein Werk (B+) - Schopenhauer and his publishers
- ETHERINGTON, Ben (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to World Literature (-), with Jarad ZIMBLER
- FEENEY, Denis: Beyond Greek (B) - The Beginnings of Latin Literature
- FERRANTE, Elena: In the Margins (B) -- On the Pleasures of Reading and Writing
- FIGUEIRA, D.M.: Translating the Orient (B+) - The Reception of Sakuntala in Nineteenth-Century Europe
- FISCHER, Susanne: »Julia, laß das!« (-) - Arno Schmidts Zettelkasten zu Julia, oder die Gemälde
- FLEMING, John: Stoppard's Theatre (B)
- FORD, Mark: Raymond Roussel and the Republic of Dreams (A-)
- FOSSE Jon: An Angel Walks Through the Stage (B+) -- and Other Essays
- FOSTER, Don: Author Unknown (B+) -- On the Trail of Anonymous
- FOUCAULT, Michel: Death and the Labyrinth (B+) -- on Raymond Roussel
- FOURNEL, Paul: Need for the Bike (B+) -- bicyling
- FRANCIS, Gavin: Sir Thomas Browne (B) -- The Opium of Time
- FRANZEN, Jonathan:
- FRASER, Robert: The Novels of Ayi Kwei Armah (B)
- FRAYN, Michael: Celia's Secret (B+) -- behind-the-scenes joke
- FUENTES, Carlos: This I Believe (B) -- An A to Z of a Life
- GADDIS, William: The Rush for Second Place (B) -- various
- GAO Xingjian: The Case for Literature (B+)
- GASS, William H.:
- GHANOONPARVAR, M.R.: Translating the Garden (B)
- GIDE, André: Imaginary Interviews (B)
- GINGERICH, owen: The Book Nobody Read (B+) -- Chasing the Revolutions of Nicolaus Copernicus
- GOSPODINOV, Georgi: The Story Smuggler (A-)
- GRACIÁN, Baltasar: The Oracle (B+) -- classical self-help
- GRAY, Alasdair:
- GREEN, Jack: Fire the Bastards ! (B) -- sins of the book reviewers
- GRENIER, Roger: Palace of Books (A-) -- various
- GROSSMAN, David: Lion's Honey (B+) - The Myth Of Samson
- GROSSMAN, Edith: Why Translation Matters (B)
- GROSSMAN, David: Writing in the Dark (B+) -- Essays on Literature and Politics
- HAN, Byung-Chul: Die Krise der Narration (B)
- HENDERSON, Jeffrey (ed.): The Loeb Classical Library and Its Progeny (B+) (with Richard Thomas)
- HENDRIX, Grady: Paperbacks from Hell (B) - The Twisted History of '70s and '80s Horror Fiction
- HEPPENSTALL, Rayner: Léon Bloy (B)
- HERBERT, Zbigniew :
- HEYWARD, Michael: The Ern Malley Affair (B+)
- HILL, Geoffrey: Style and Faith (B+) -- literary criticism
- HINGSTON, Michael: Try Not to be Strange (B+) -- The Curious History of the Kingdom of Redonda
- HITCHINGS, Henry: Dr.Johnson's Dictionary (US title: Defining the World) (B+)
- HOCKX, Michel: Internet Literature in China (B)
- HOFSTADTER, Douglas: Translator, Trader (B+) -- An Essay on the Pleasantly Pervasive Paradoxes of Translation
- HOLUB, Miroslav:
- HONEGGER, Gitta: Thomas Bernhard (B+) -- biographical study
- HORTA, Paulo Lemos: Marvellous Thieves (B+) -- Secret Authors of the Arabian Nights
- HOUELLEBECQ, Michel: Public Enemies (B-) -- Dueling Writers Take On Each Other and the World; with Bernard-Henri Lévy
- HUGILL, Andrew: 'Pataphysics (B) -- A Useless Guide
- ICKS, Martijn: The Crimes of Elagabalus (B) -- The Life and Legacy of Rome's Decadent Boy Emperor
- ISAKSSON, Hans: Lars Gyllensten (B) -- monograph
- IZZO, Jean-Claude: Garlic, Mint, and Sweet Basil (-) -- Essays on Marseilles, Mediterranean Cuisine, and Noir Fiction
- JACKSON, Kevin: Invisible Forms (B+) -- literary curiosities
- JAMES, Clive: Cultural Amnesia (B+) -- Necessary Memories From History and the Arts
- JIN, Ha: The Writer as Migrant (B)
- JOHNSON-DAVIES, Denys: Memories in Translation (B) - A Life Between the Lines Of Arabic Literature
- JOSIPOVICI, Gabriel: What Ever Happened to Modernism ? (B)
- JULLIEN, François: The Book of Beginnings (B+) - opening sentences of foundational texts
- KALDER, Daniel: The Infernal Library (UK title: Dictator Literature) (B) -- On Dictators, the Books They Wrote, and Other Catastrophes of Literacy
- KALLIFATIDES, Theodor: Another Life (B+) -- On Memory, Language, Love, and the Passage of Time
- KARASHIMA David: Who We're Reading When We're Reading Murakami (B)
- KEATS, Jonathon: Virtual Words (B) - Language on the Edge of Science and Technology
- KEENE, Donald: Five Modern Japanese Novelists (B)
- KEHLMANN, Daniel: Wo ist Carlos Montúfar ? (B) - various
- KELLMAN, Steven G. (ed.): Switching Languages (B) - translingual anthology
- KELLY, Katherine (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to Tom Stoppard (-)
- KELLY, Stuart: The Book of Lost Books (B-) -- An Incomplete History of all the Great Books You'll Never Read
- KERN, Adam L.: Manga from the Floating World (A-) - Comicbook Culture and the Kibyōshi of Edo Japan
- KERTÉSZ, Imre: The Holocaust as Culture (B+)
- KESHAVARZ, Fatemeh: Jasmine and Stars (B-) -- Reading More Than Lolita in Tehran
- KILITO, Abdelfattah:
- KIRSCH, Adam: The Global Novel (B) -- Writing the World in the 21st Century
- KLÍMA, Ivan: Between Security and Insecurity (B-)
- KONSTANTINOU, Lee: The Last Samurai Reread (B) -- the Helen DeWitt novel
- KORDA, Michael:
- KRÁL, Petr: Working Knowledge (B)
- KRZHIZHANOVSKY, Sigizmund: Countries That Don't Exist (B) -- Selected Nonfiction
- KUNDERA, Milan: The Curtain (B+) -- the novel
- LAHIRI, Jhumpa:
- LANDERS, Clifford E.: Literary Translation (B) -- A Practical Guide
- LAPOUJADE, David: Worlds Built to Fall Apart (B) -- Versions of Philip K. Dick
- LARKIN, Emma: Secret Histories (US title: Finding George Orwell in Burma) (B)
- LARSON, Charles R. The Ordeal of the African Writer (B)
- LEHMANN, Chris: Revolt of the Masscult (B-)
- LEM, Stanislaw: A Stanislaw Lem Reader (Ed.: Peter Swirski) (B-)
- LEOPARDI, Giacomo: Zibaldone
- LESSER, Wendy: Scandinavian Noir (B) -- In Pursuit of a Mystery
- LEVIN BECKER, Daniel: Many Subtle Channels (B) -- In Praise of Potential Literature
- LEVY Dore J.: Ideal and Actual in The Story of the Stone (B)
- LEWIS, C.S.: An Experiment in Criticism (B) -- about literary criticism
- LEWY, Guenter: Harmful and Undesirable (B+) -- Book Censorship in Nazi Germany
- LICHTENSTEIN, Rachel: Rodinsky's Room (with Iain Sinclair) (B+) -- Jewish history in London
- LOVELL, Julia: The Politics of Cultural Capital (B) -- China's Quest for a Nobel Prize in Literature
- LÜTHI, Louis: A Die With Twenty-Six Faces (B+) -- alphabet books
- MAAR, Michael:
- MABANCKOU, Alain: The Tears of the Black Man (B)
- MACFARLANE, Robert: Mountains of the Mind (B+) -- A History of a Fascination
- MAC ORLAN, Pierre: A Handbook for the Perfect Adventurer (B)
- MAGRIS, Claudio: Snapshots (B)
- MAHFOUZ, Naguib: Naguib Mahfouz at Sidi Gaber (B) -- Reflections of a Nobel Laureate 1994-2001
- MALIK, Kenan: From Fatwa to Jihad (B) -- The Rushdie Affair and its Legacy
- MANETTI, Giannozzo: A Translator's Defense (B+)
- MANGUEL, Alberto:
- MARAINI, Dacia: Searching for Emma (B) - Gustave Flaubert and Madame Bovary
- MARÍAS, Javier:
- MARKS, Dennis: Wandering Jew (A-) - The Search for Joseph Roth
- MATHEWS, Harry:
- MAZZONI, Guido: Theory of the Novel (B+)
- McGURL, Mark: Everything and Less (B+) -- The Novel in the Age of Amazon
- MENDELSUND, Peter: What We See When We Read (-) -- A Phenomenology
- MICHAUX, Henri:
- MICHON, Pierre: Rimbaud the Son (F)
- MILLER, Toby: The Avengers (B) -- study of the TV series
- MINTON QUIGLEY, Jenny (ed.): Lolita in the Afterlife (B) -- On Beauty, Risk, and Reckoning with the Most Indelible and Shocking Novel of the Twentieth Century
- MITCHELL, W.J.T.: The Last Dinosaur Book (C+) -- dinos as cultural icon
- MITTELMEIER, Martin: Naples 1925 (C) -- Adorno, Benjamin, and the Summer That Made Critical Theory
- MIZUMURA Minae: The Fall of Language in the Age of English (B)
- MOORE, Steven: Dalkey Days (B) -- a Dalkey Archive Press memoir
- MORETTI, Franco:
- MORGAN, Ann: Reading the World (US title: The World Between Two Covers) (B) - Confessions of a Literary Explorer
- MORRILL, Donald: The Untouched Minutes (B) -- home invasion
- MOTTE, Warren:
- MULDOON, Paul: To Ireland, I (B) -- Clarendon Lectures in English Literature
- MULISCH, Harry:
- MURAKAMI Haruki: Novelist as a Vocation (B+)
- MURRAY, Janet H.: Hamlet on the Holodeck (B-) -- the future of fiction
- MURRAY, Les: The Quality of Sprawl (B+) -- thoughts about Australia
- MYERS, B.R.:
- NABOKOV, Vladimir:
- NADDAFF, Ramona A.: Exiling the Poets (B+) -- censorship in Plato's Republic
- NAFISI, Azar: Reading Lolita in Tehran (B+)
- NERUDA, Pablo: Passions and Impressions (B)
- NGUGI wa Thiong'o:
- NICHOLSON, Geoff: The Lost Art of Walking (B) - The History, Science, Philosophy, and Literature of Pedestrianism
- NOIVILLE, Florence: Literary Miniatures (B) -- author profiles
- NOOTEBOOM, Cees: 533 Days (B+)
- NOWICKI, Wojciech: Salki (B) -- traveling in contemporary central and eastern Europe
- O'GRADY, John P.: Grave Goods (B+) -- Essays of a Peculiar Nature
- O'NEILL, Patrick:
- OZ, Amos:
- OZICK, Cynthia:
- PAJAK, Frédéric: Uncertain Manifesto (B)
- PAMUK, Orhan: The Naive and the Sentimental Novelist (B) -- Charles Eliot Norton Lectures, 2009
- PARKER, Dorothy: Constant Reader (B) -- The New Yorker Columns 1927-28
- PAZ, Octavio: An Erotic Beyond: Sade (A-)
- PEREC, Georges:
- POOL, Gail: Faint Praise (A-) -- The Plight of Book Reviewing in America
- PULLEYN, Simon (ed.): Homer: Odyssey, Book I (A-) -- translation and commentary
- QIAN Zhongshu: Humans, Beasts, and Ghosts (B+) -- Stories and Essays
- QUEENAN, Joe: One for the Books (B) -- his reading life
- QUIGNARD, Pascal: The Roving Shadows (B+)
- RABASSA, Gregory: If This Be Treason (B) -- Translation and its Dyscontents
- RAFFA, Guy P.: Dante's Bones (B) -- How a Poet Invented Italy
- RAHBARAN, Shiva: Iranian Writers Uncensored (B) -- Freedom, Democracy, and the Word in Contemporary Iran
- REES, Emma L.E.: The Vagina (B-) -- A Literary and Cultural History
- RENOUARD, Maël: Fragments of an Infinite Memory (B) -- My Life with the Internet
- RICARD, François: Agnès's Final Afternoon (B) -- An Essay on the Work of Milan Kundera
- RÍOS, Julián: The House of Ulysses (B+) -- a fictional reading of Joyce's classic
- ROUSSEL, Raymond: How I Wrote Certain of my Books (A-)
- RUBIN, Jay: Haruki Murakami and the Music of Words (B)
- RUBY, Ryan: Context Collapse (B+) -- A Poem Containing a History of Poetry
- RUGGIERO, Guido: Love and Sex in the Time of Plague (B+) -- A Decameron Renaissance
- RUSSELL, R.B.: Fifty Forgotten Books (B)
- RYANG, Sonia: Reading North Korea (B) -- An Ethnological Inquiry
- SAFOUAN, Moustapha: Why are the Arabs not Free ? (B) -- The Politics of Writing
- SALMON, Catherine: Warrior Lovers (A-) (with Donald Symons) -- Erotic Fiction, Evolution and Female Sexuality
- SANTANA-ACUÑA, Álvaro: Ascent to Glory (B+) -- How One Hundred Years of Solitude Was Written and Became a Global Classic
- SARTRE, Jean-Paul: The Family Idiot (Abridged Edition) (B+) -- Gustave Flaubert, 1821-1857
- SCHALANSKY, Judith: Atlas of Remote Islands (B+) -- Fifty Islands I Have Not Visited and Never Will
- SCHMIDT, Arno:
- SCHMIDT, Michael: Gilgamesh (B) -- The Life of a Poem
- SCHMIDT, Werner: Peter Weiss (B) -- Leben eines kritischen Intellektuellen
- SCHWEIZER, Bernard: Hating God (B) -- The Untold Story of Misotheism
- SECORD, James A.: Victorian Sensation (A-) -- study of a literary sensation
- SELF, Will:
- SERNER, Walter: Last Loosening (B+) -- A Handbook for the Con Artist & Those Aspiring to Become One
- SETZ, Clemens J.: Die Bienen und das Unsichtbare (B) -- invented languages
- SHEA, Ammon: Reading the OED (B+) -- One Man, One Year, 21,730 Pages
- SHKLOVSKY, Viktor:
- SILVERSTEIN, Michael: Talking Politics (B) -- The Substance of Style from Abe to 'W'
- SINYKIN, Dan: Big Fiction (B) -- How Conglomeration Changed the Publishing Industry and American Literature
- SKURNICK, Lizzie: Shelf Discovery (B) -- The Teen Classics We Never Stopped Reading
- SMITH, A.C.H.:Orghast at Persepolis (B) -- Peter Brook/Ted Hughes production
- SMITH, Emma: Shakespeare's First Folio (B+) -- Four Centuries of an Iconic Book
- SMITH, Ken: Junk English (B)
- SOKAL, Alan: Fashionable Nonsense (B-) -- unscientific postmodernism
- SONTAG, Susan: Where the Stress Falls (B)
- SOYINKA, Wole:
- SPACKS, Patricia Meyer: On Rereading (B)
- SPUFFORD, Francis: The Child That Books Built (B)
- STANDAERT, Michael: Skipping Towards Armageddon (B) -- The Politics and Propaganda of the Left Behind Novels and the LaHaye Empire
- STAVANS, Ilan: What is American Literature ? (B)
- [STEAD, C.K.: Book Self -- The Reader as Writer and the Writer as Critic]
- STEIN, Gertrude: Writings 1903-1932 (B+) -- includes essays and portraits
- STEINER, George:
- STEPHENSON, Neal: Some Remarks (B) -- Essays and Other Writing
- ŠUKYS, Julija: Silence is Death (B+) -- The Life and Work of Tahar Djaout
- TABAN Lo Liyong: Another Last Word (B) -- East African literature and politics
- TANIZAKI Jun'ichirō: In Praise of Shadows (B+)
- TAVARES, Gonçalo M.: Reading is Walking (B) -- The Encyclopedia Series
- [THIRLWELL, Adam: Miss Herbert (also: The Delighted States) -- A Collage of Novels, Romances, & Their Unknown Translators, Containing Ten Languages, Set on Four Continents, & Accompanied by Maps, Portraits, Squiggles, Illustrations, & a Variety of Helpful Indexes]
- THOMAS, Chantal: The Wicked Queen (B+) -- the pamphlets denouncing Marie-Antoinette
- TOLEDO, Camille de: Coming of Age at the End of History (B)
- TOURNIER, Michel: The Mirror of Ideas (B-) -- duality
- TOUSSAINT, Jean-Philippe:
- TREAT, John Whittier: The Rise and Fall of Modern Japanese Literature (A-)
- TRESILIAN, David: A Brief Introduction to Modern Arabic Literature (B)
- TURLE, Bernard: Diplomat, Actor, Translator, Spy (B+) -- on the translating life
- UGRESIC, Dubravka:
- VENUTI, Lawrence: The Scandals of Translation (B+)
- VICKERS, Graham: Chasing Lolita (B) -- How Popular Culture Corrupted Nabokov's Little Girl All Over Again
- VITALE, Serena: Pushkin's Button (B-)
- WACHTEL, Andrew Baruch: Remaining Relevant after Communism (B+) -- The Role of the Writer in Eastern Europe
- WALDROP, Rosmarie: Lavish Absence (B+) - Recalling and Rereading Edmond Jabès
- WALSH, Megan: The Subplot (B) -- What China Is Reading and Why It Matters
- WATERS, Lindsay: Enemies of Promise (B+) -- Publishing, Perishing and the Eclipse of Scholarship
- WECHSLER, Robert: Performing without a Stage (B-) -- translation
- WENINGER, Robert: Framing a Novelist (--) -- Arno Schmidt
- WHITE, Curtis: The Middle Mind (B+)
- WHITE, Patrick : Patrick White Speaks (C+)
- WILES, Ellen: Saffron Shadows and Salvaged Scripts (B) -- Literary Life in Myanmar Under Censorship and in Transition
- WILSON Robert Anton: Coincidance (B-) -- various
- WILMSEN, Edwin N.: Journeys with Flies (B) -- anthropological
- WINTERSON, Jeanette: Art Objects (A-) -- various
- WISE, Christopher (ed.): Yambo Ouologuem: Postcolonial Writer, Islamic Militant (B-)
- WITKIEWICZ, Stanisław Ignacy: Narcotics (B)
- WITTSTOCK, Uwe: February 1933 (B+) -- The Winter of Literature
- WOLFE, Tom: Hooking Up (B-) -- various
- WOOD, Gareth J.: Javier Marías's Debt to Translation (A-) -- Sterne, Browne, Nabokov
- YEH, Catherine Vance: The Chinese Political Novel (B) -- Migration of a World Genre
- YI T'aejun: Eastern Sentiments (B) -- anecdotal essays
- ZAGAJEWSKI, Adam: Slight Exaggeration (B+)
- ZAID, Gabriel:
- ZBARSKY, Ilya: Lenin's Embalmers (B-)
- ZUCKERBERG, Donna: Not All Dead White Men (B) -- Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age
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