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Our Assessment:
A- : enjoyable variety, infectious literary enthusiasm See our review for fuller assessment.
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Between Parentheses collects several speeches by Roberto Bolaño, a large collection of short pieces written for a Catalan and then a Chilean newspaper -- a regular column Bolaño wrote, called 'Between Parentheses' --, as well as a variety of occasional pieces; the final piece is Mónica Maristain's Playboy interview with the author (see also the Spanish original).
Between Parentheses is not a 'collected non-fiction' -- "this volume isn't defined by its zeal for exhaustiveness", warns editor Echevarría, and even dispenses with the 'Between Parentheses'-columns for which the Spanish originals could not be found -- but it is a substantial collection and offers a great deal for any Bolaño-fan.
(Familiarity with and interest in modern Spanish-language literature
are not necessarily prerequisites for proper enjoyment of the collection -- Bolaño's
winning style makes even discussion of the unfamiliar appealing -- but certainly help.)
Allende's work is bad, but it's alive; it's anemic, like a lot of Latin Americans, but it's alive. It won't live long, like many sick people, but for now it's alive.There you have it: that's all that needs be said about Allende and her work -- and such summing-up is a feat Bolaño pulls off repeatedly throughout this volume, both in praising and dismissing authors. (As to the National Prize: Teitelboim took it that year; Allende only received it in 2010; Skármeta has so far come up empty.) The authors Bolaño repeatedly draws attention to -- aside from perennial favorite, Nicanor Parra , and the grand old masters, foremost among them Borges -- include many who have now deservedly vaulted to the fore but at the time were largely unknown outside the Spanish-speaking countries. Among those he points to are: César Aira: "a man whose position in contemporary literature in Spanish is as complicated as the position of Macedonio Fernández was at the turn of the century" -- and: Aira is an eccentric, but he's also one of the three or four best Spanish-language writers alive today.Horacio Castellanos Moya: He's a melancholic and he writes as if from the bottom of one of his country's many volcanoes. This sounds like magical realism. But there's nothing magic about his books, except possibly the boldness of his style.Javier Cercas: (whom he met when Cercas was only seventeen): Cercas has come home to write the big books that are up in his head. He's back home to become one of the best writers in the Spanish language. Only great challenges make it worthwhile to pack up and move all one's books.Rodrigo Rey Rosa, whose prose he finds: "methodical and judicious": To say that Rodrigo Rey Rosa is the most rigorous writer of my generation and at the same time the most transparent, the best crafter of stories and the brightest star, is to say nothing new.Enrique Vila-Matas, whose Bartleby & Co. he writes about, concluding that he is: "a writer who has no equal in the contemporary landscape of the Spanish novel" There's also praise for less well-known works -- Juan Rodolfo Wilcock's "The Temple of Iconoclasts is one of the best books of the twentieth century", he maintains (and devotes two separate pieces to this work that also obviously influenced his own Nazi Literature in the Americas): without a doubt one of the funniest, most joyful, irreverent, and most corrosive books of the twentieth century.There are very rare missteps -- Thomas Harris' Hannibal wouldn't be the novel to make a case for him (though Bolaño does emphasize: "He isn't a great novelist.") -- but on the whole Bolaño's touch and feel are remarkably sure (writing about Philip K. Dick, he suggests: "Dick is good even when he's bad"; Martin Amis' Experience is summed up as: "a brilliant, pedantic, bland autobiography") and it's reassuring to hear that among authors he doesn't like are Michael Chabon and Chuck Palahniuk. In any case, the taste of any writer who champions Gombrowicz -- with the beautiful rallying cry, "All is not lost, Ferdydurkists" -- and manages to slip in mention of Hans Henny Jahnn can surely be trusted Between Parentheses is a hodgepodge of pieces (with a very strong literary bent), but there are rich pickings and well-turned sentences and ideas throughout. What's most appealing about these writings is the pervasive joyful optimism and enthusiasm: Bolaño's belief in literature and all its wonder shines through. In this these writings resemble Borges' non-fiction -- and differ from, say, Nabokov's: equally convinced of the greatness of 'art', Nabokov had little interest or patience for anything that did not meet his exacting standards. Bolaño, on the other hand, was willing to consider anything -- and could find positives even in failures, with very few writers dismissed out of hand. Typically, Bolaño suggests: How to recognize a work of art ? How to separate it, even if just for a moment, from its critical apparatus, its exegetes, its tireless plagiarizers, its belittlers, its final lonely fate ? Easy. Let it be translated. Let its translator be far from brilliant. Rip pages from it at random. Leave it lying in an attic. If after all of this a kid comes along and reads it, and after reading makes it his own, and is faithful to it (or unfaithful, whichever), and reinterprets it and accompanies it on its voyage to the edge, and both are enriched and the kid adds an ounce of value to its original value, then we have something before us, a machine or a book, capable of speaking to all human beings: not a plowed field but a mountain, not the image of a dark forest but the dark forest, not a flock of birds but the Nightingale.Some of these pieces are incidental, but few are trivial: even where these were perhaps thought of as little more than filler-columns, Bolaño offers thoughts and observations, or a way of looking at something, that are of interest. And his literary opinions are always worth paying attention to (even if much of the material he mentions is not (yet) available in English translation). Between Parentheses is an entertaining, appealing collection -- a bit of a sprawling mess (and rather than simply reprint the 2004 Spanish collection, it would have been nice if the English version had been expanded to be a 'complete non-fiction'), but still quite the treasure-trove. Certainly recommended to anyone interested in the author, or modern Spanish-language literature. - M.A.Orthofer, 2 June 2011 - Return to top of the page - Between Parentheses:
- Return to top of the page - Chilean author Roberto Bolaño lived 1953 to 2003. - Return to top of the page -
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