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Our Assessment:
B+ : some very fine pieces, little that is frustratingly incomplete See our review for fuller assessment.
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The Secret of Evil is, as Ignacio Echevarría explains in his Preliminary Note, a selection of: "stories and narrative sketches gleaned from the more than fifty files found on Roberto Bolaño's computer after his death".
(Three of them were also previously published in the collection Between Parentheses.)
The story is very simple, although it could also have been very complicated. Also, it's incomplete, because stories like this don't have an ending.'Stories like this' takes on a second meaning in such a posthumous collection, where it's often not clear what state of completion the author had reached with a given piece. Just to hedge his bets Echevarría also suggests about Bolaño: "All his narratives, not just The Secret of Evil, seem to be governed by a poetics of inconclusiveness." Sure, that's also just an excuse further rationalizing publishing Bolaño's left-overs, but happily this looks to be the cream of the left-over lot and despite the occasionally inconclusive or sketch-like feel to the pieces, this is much more than just a collection of fragments. Several of the pieces are autobiographical, and some also feature Bolaño's alter ego, Arturo Belano. 'The Old Man and the Mountain' describes Belano's relationship with (Ulises) Lima -- a beautiful little sketch of the poetic duo that also feature in The Savage Detectives. The collection also ends with the moving 'The Days of Chaos' -- all the more resonant because of the time when Bolaño sets it, and the reflective tone. It concludes, heartbreakingly (Bolaño didn't make it that far, dying in 2003): This was in the year 2005.There are other variations on biography, too, which take Bolaño further. 'The Colonel's Son' is an amusing take on a narrator reading: "a summary of my days on this bitch of a planet" into a: "very low-budget film, pure B-grade schlock" that he catches on TV (though he can't even remember the title) and which he describes in great detail. 'Daniela' is a short introduction to a woman born in 1915, who introduces herself as: "a citizen of the universe" and describes her deflowering at the age of thirteen. Real people also figure prominently in several of the best (and most complete) stories: in Scholars of Sodom Bolaño tries to write about V.S.Naipaul; in Labyrinth he takes as his starting point a photograph of several prominent French intellectuals, including Philippe Sollers and Julia Kristeva, taken around 1977 [see the picture at The New Yorker site] in what becomes a typical Bolañian flight of fantasy grounded in the literary. 'The Vagaries of the Literature of Doom' may already be familiar from Between Parentheses, in which it is also included, but remains worth revisiting; it is a beautiful take on Argentine literature, beginning with the summing up that: As a poem, Martín Fierro is nothing out of this world. As a novel, however, it's alive, full of meanings to explore, which means that the wind still gusts (or blasts) through it, it still smells of the out-of-doors, it still cheerfully acepts the blows of fate.Bolaño notes Borges' dominating influence -- not just Borges' work, but the influence his opinions and even mere existence had: With Borges alive, Argentine literature becomes what most readers think of as Argentine literature. [...] When Borges dies, everything suddenly comes to a stop.(He also closes the piece with the reminder: "Corollary. One must reread Borges.") And there's the great riff built off of summarizing Osvaldo Lamborghini's efforts (an author also referenced in 'The Colonel's Son'): The problem with Lamborghini is that he ended up in the wrong profession. He should have gone to work as a hit man, or a prostitute, or gravedigger, which are less complicated jobs than trying to destroy literature. Literature is an armor-plate machine. It doesn't care about writers. Sometimes it doesn't even know they exist. Literature's enemy is something else, something much bigger and more powerful, that in the end will conquer it. But that's another story.It may occasionally seem ridiculous how much more of Bolaño's work keeps appearing in English -- a new volume every few weeks, it sometimes seems -- but he was prolific, and he had a lot of stories to tell and things he wanted to try out. The Secret of Evil may be a collection of work that, for the most part, he didn't consider ready for publication, but it is still a very fine collection and its appearance welcome. Better, even, than some of the early work, The Secret of Evil isn't just of interest for diehard Bolaño fans. - M.A.Orthofer, 24 April 2012 - Return to top of the page - The Secret of Evil:
- Return to top of the page - Chilean author Roberto Bolaño lived 1953 to 2003. - Return to top of the page -
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