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Our Assessment:
B+ : fascinating bits of (literary) history See our review for fuller assessment.
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As author Horta notes: "The Thousand and One Nights entered European literature at the beginning of the eighteenth century", with manuscripts collecting vernacular tales coming to the attention of a variety of scholars and soon finding large audiences in translation.
These Arabian Nights (as they were most often translated as) were not a simple fixed, specific collection of tales, but were also selected and edited by translators and publishers, creating what was often a quite different work from the original(s) -- and versions that were often influenced by specific circumstances, which is what Horta focuses on in this book.
Scholars of Lane's work have seldom acknowledged just how comprehensively he prioritized the production of commentary over the literary labor of translating.Some insights warrant additional discussion -- but at least are a helpful starting points for readers, such as: Despite the success of his Arabic lessons, [Lane] seems to have had difficulty following conversations that involved metaphorical language and the use of irony. Throughout his life, he seemed more comfortable with historical and philological texts than with the ambiguities of literary forms.Lane's treatment of female characters, or Burton's pushing the boundaries of what could be published at his time, are interesting examples of the influence of outside circumstances, personal as well as public, on the various translations. The inclusion of discussion of some of the lesser-known translations into English is also helpful: Henry Torrens' promising one remained unfinished, while John Payne's was, in fact, extensively relied upon -- indeed, often outright plagiarized -- by Burton. The Payne-story, in particular, is a fascinating one, as Horta shows that it is unlikely he was well-versed in Arabic, and his translation -- as critics have suggested from the beginning -- is obviously based largely on other translations, rather than any Arabic original, as his: "rewriting of the Arabian Nights was built on aesthetic principles rather than philological or ethnographic knowledge". The difficult position this put Payne in -- he couldn't defend his translation against some of the charges, since they were obviously true --, and the small edition of his translation, allowed Burton to piggy-back on it with little consequence, which Horta explains well. Horta does discuss personal backgrounds and experiences at considerable length, and much of this is relevant in how it influenced the works, such as Lane's experiences in Egypt, and his attitude towards women; still, it's a shame that Horta doesn't focus more on the different editions and translations themselves. He does, however, give a good impression of some of them -- particularly Burton's affected writing, noting, for example, that: In his version of the Arabian Nights, Burton pushed this foreignizing aesthetic of archaic and invented words almost to the point of self-parody. In these tales, the English reader is confronted with diction that is foreign, invented, and, even in Burton's time, archaicAdmittedly, the personal and biographical detail is often interesting too, and there are any number of fascinating titbits, from the fact that Lane was to be paid 1,001 pounds for his translation (but the publisher went bankrupt before the entire sum was paid) to Burton's clever stratagem to gain copyright-protection for his work (as Payne had not (making it easier for Burton to plagiarize from him), the private subscription printing protecting him from the Obscene Publications Act but preventing him from securing copyright protection for it): His solution was to copyright as much of his edition as he could by creating a bowdlerized version, Lady Burton's Edition of Her Husband's Arabian Nights, published in 1886. [...] This "Household Edition" of Burton's was a sales disaster, but it served the purpose for which it was intended.Horta has a great deal of very colorful material (and many colorful characters) to work with, from Diyab or the Cairene go-to-man for foreigners, Osman (originally: William Thomson), not to mention larger-than-life (and self-mythologizer par excellence) Burton. From the consequences of the time pressure on Lane and Payne to get their translations done to other quirks of the publishing world of the time, Horta does provide an often fascinating overview of the production of these different versions of the Arabian Nights. Nevertheless, the focus is very much on the 'marvellous thieves', and there are (many) times when readers might wish for more inter-action with and discussion of the texts themselves. Horta does get into aspects of this, often usefully -- as in his discussion of the role of commentary in Lane's version, or Payne's poetic ambitions and influences -- but on the whole discussion of the Arabian Nights themselves remains somewhat scattered. (Horta does mention -- but not discuss at any length -- the modern standard English edition, by Malcom and Ursula Lyons (Penguin Classics, 2008) -- and it is amusing to note that almost every mention explicitly calls it a: "literal translation", presumably in contrast to most of the previous efforts.) Marvellous Thieves does tell a fascinating story -- or, rather, many fascinating ones -- and is a welcome companion volume to any reading (and especially one of one of these versions) of the Arabian Nights. It is also valuable in showing how much context, and, in this case, the colonial experiences and interactions with a foreign culture influenced and affected the 'translations' -- though there's surely a lot more to be said about this, as Horta does not focus on the resulting texts themselves that much. Marvellous Thieves is very entertaining -- and provided much food for thought. - M.A.Orthofer, 11 January 2017 - Return to top of the page - Marvellous Thieves:
- Return to top of the page - Paulo Lemos Horta teaches at NYU Abu Dhabi. - Return to top of the page -
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