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Our Assessment:
B : solid, sobering look at the aftermath of the Rushdie/The Satanic Verses-affair See our review for fuller assessment.
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From Fatwa to Jihad considers the disturbing narrowing of free speech and the attendant consequences of this in -- in particular -- Western Europe over the past two decades, and the role the controversies surrounding The Satanic Verses and then the Danish cartoons (published in Jyllands-Posten in 2005) have played in this.
For Malik, these two controversies had little to do with what the fuss was ostensibly all about -- insults to Islam -- but rather were politically motivated, serving (very successfully) to advance the profile and agendas of specific interest groups that are hardly representative of those they often claim to represent.
In addition, Malik argues that reactions, especially by governments (especially the British government) meant to foster 'multiculturalism' and tolerance have instead resulted in a further fragmentation of society, and made for an additional incentive for individuals and groups to define themselves in narrow terms of otherness and separateness.
In the twenty years since the fatwa, Western politicians have continued to show greater willingness to lecture Muslims about the importance of liberty, freedom and democracy than to defend such values in practice. Indeed, the responses of Western nations first to the fatwa and subsequently to jihad have helped undermine civil liberties, erode freedom of speech and weaken democracy.A few years later, when the Danish cartoons were all the rage, there was no need for a fatwa: Western liberals had become much more attuned to Islamist sensitivities and less willing to challenge them. They had, in the post-Rushdie world, effectively internalized the fatwa.Indeed, while: Rushdie's critics lost the battle in the sense that they never managed to stop the publication of The Satanic Verses. But they won the war by pounding into the liberal consciousness the belief that to give offence was a morally despicable act.Of course, once one starts down that slippery slope it quickly gets very messy: In the two decades since the Rushdie affair what has emerged is an auction of victimhood, as every group attempts to outbid all others as the ones feeling most offended.And, of course: It is also a morality tale: be careful what you campaign for. The kind of censorship of offensive thought that the anti-Rushdie protestors demanded was the very kind of censorship of offensive thought that imprisoned the anti-cartoon protestors. Restrictions on speech, the aims of which were supposedly to protect the culture and dignity of minority communities, are now exploited to undermine the civil liberties of those very same communities.Malik also emphasizes that the loudest voices -- and the ones getting all the newspaper attention -- must not be confused with the communities they claim to represent. The government -- in Britain and elsewhere -- often prefers to consider, for example, the 'Muslim community' as one single mass, but, in fact, it is as diverse as most any other community that is so broadly defined. The cult of the specific kind of multiculturalism popular nowadays -- affixing a specific label to a group, treating all members of it only as such, privileging it over others -- is a major root of the problem, Malik suggests. And, again, it's political, as he shows with the horrifying example of the British government-endorsed sub-division into ethnic and faith-based fiefdoms -- 'Umbrella Groups', for example -- where, obviously: Once political power and financial resources became allocated by ethnicity, then people began to identify themselves in terms of their ethnicity, and only their ethnicity.Malik's focus is on Britain -- where he can also speak from personal experience --, and the situation varies from country to country (Muslims in America, he notes, don't face nearly the same situation as those in Britain). But the overreaction of, especially, supposedly 'liberal' intellectuals to first the Rushdie-affair and then the events afterwards, including the attacks on New York and Washington D.C. in 2001, has clearly made things worse rather than better. Instead of engaging in constructive dialogue, the major concern now is too often simply not to give offence -- and yet offence is so easily found, and a stand that's all too easy to take. And it's those that protest most loudly that get the attention, rather than more representative members of the community. As Malik also notes: The growth of many contemporary forms of faith, then, whether radical Islam or the Pentecostal Church, marks not a return to traditional religion but a break with it. A traditional Muslim would be as appalled by the rituals of radical Islam as that Catholic worshipper was by the New Age-ishness of charismatic Christianity.And, as he sees it, respect for religion is all well and good but it's impossible to overlook that nowadays: Islam, like all religions, is being reinvented and redefined in order to meet secular, not religious needsMalik makes a clear case for the obvious, that freedom of speech is of the utmost importance for society -- and that if there must be some limits (none of that 'Fire !'-yelling in crowded theatres ...) that they must be very carefully considered. He is appalled by the self-censorship that is already widely-practiced (notably when he wasn't allowed to quote The Satanic Verses in a piece on Thomas Paine for The Independent, because that was deemed too provocative), and finds politicians, in particular, are at fault for not wanting to step on any (mainly religious) toes -- a hopeless spiral downwards that ultimately benefits no one. A wide-ranging look at the past twenty years, with many good (i.e. disturbing) examples, From Fatwa to Jihad is a depressing survey of how far we've come -- or rather gone, in the wrong direction -- and makes a good case for just how important free speech is (and just how dangerously misguided the contemporary notion of multiculturalism is). An interesting, aggravating read. - M.A.Orthofer, 27 June 2010 - Return to top of the page - From Fatwa to Jihad:
- Return to top of the page - British author Kenan Malik was born in 1960. - Return to top of the page -
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