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Index of Books dealing with Religion
under review
the complete review
(Note: Only fiction in which religion plays a very significant role is included on this index).
- (Anonymous): Master Incapable (-) -- A Medieval Daoist on the Liberation of the Mind
- AL-E AHMAD, Jalal: Lost in the Crowd (B) -- 1964 hajj account
- ALTER, Robert: The Art of Bible Translation (B)
- ARMSTRONG, Karen: A Short History of Myth (B-)
- AZAM ZANGANEH, Lila (ed.): My Sister, Guard Your Veil; My Brother, Guard Your Eyes (B)
- BARNES, Julian: Nothing to be Frightened of (B) -- Barnes worries about death
- BOYER, Pascal: Religion Explained (B)
- BURUMA, Ian:
- CALLOW, Simon: The Night of the Hunter (B+)
- CARRÈRE, Emmanuel: The Kingdom (B) - early Christianity
- COPSON, Andrew: Secularism (B) - Politics, Religion, and Freedom
- DAWKINS, Richard: The God Delusion (B+)
- DENNETT, Daniel C.: Breaking the Spell (B+) - Religion as a Natural Phenomenon
- EAGLETON, Terry: Reason, Faith and Revolution (B-) - Reflections on the God Debate
- FAUSTINO, Mara: Heaven and Hell (B)
- HARRIS, Sam:
- HILL, Geoffrey: Style and Faith (B+)
- HITCHENS, Christopher: god is not Great (B-) - The Case against Religion
- ILIFFE, Rob: Priest of Nature (B+) - The Religious Worlds of Isaac Newton
- LAINE, James W.: Shivaji (B) - Hindu King in Islamic India
- LOPEZ jr., Donald S.:
- MALIK, Kenan: From Fatwa to Jihad (B) - The Rushdie Affair and its Legacy
- MANETTI, Giannozzo: A Translator's Defense (B+) - translating the Psalter
- MATSON, Wallace: Grand Theories and Everyday Beliefs (A-) - Science, Philosophy, and their Histories
- McGRATH, Alister: The Twilight of Atheism (B-)
- MONDA, Antonio: Do You Believe ? (B) - Conversations on God and Religion
- MOSLEY, Nicholas: Experience and Religion (B) - A Lay Essay in Theology
- PAULOS, John Allen:
Irreligion (B) - A Mathematician Explains why the Arguments for God just don't Add Up
- PENNOCK, Robert T.:
- POLKINGHORNE, John: The God of Hope and the End of the World (--)
- ROBINSON, Marilynne: Absence of Mind (B) - The Dispelling of Inwardness from the Modern Myth of the Self
- ROSENHOUSE, Jason: Among the Creationists (B) - Dispatches From the Anti-Evolutionist Frontline
- ROY, Olivier: Secularism Confronts Islam (B)
- RUSE, Michael: Can a Darwinian be a Christian ? (B)
- SATRAPI, Marjane: Embroideries (B)
- SCHWEIZER, Bernard: Hating God (B) - The Untold Story of Misotheism
- STANDAERT, Michael: Skipping Towards Armageddon (B) - The Politics and Propaganda of the Left Behind Novels and the LaHaye Empire
- STAVRAKOPOULOU, Francesca: God (A-) - An Anatomy
- TROJANOW, Ilija: Mumbai to Mecca (B) - A Pilgrimage to the Holy Sites of Islam
- VUILLARD, Éric: The War of the Poor (B) - Thomas Müntzer
- WEIGEL, George: The Cube and the Cathedral (D)
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- BANVILLE, John: The Infinities (B+) - Greek gods in contemporary times
- BEARD, Richard: Lazarus is Dead (B)
- BENNETT, Ronan: Havoc, In Its Third Year (B+)
- BLOY, Léon: The Woman Who Was Poor (B)
- BOULLE, Pierre:Trouble in Paradise (C)
- BURGESS, Anthony: Earthly Powers (B+)
- ČAPEK, Karel: The Absolute at Large (B)
- COSSÉ, Laurence: A Corner of the Veil (C) - consequences of finding proof of God's existence
- DELEDDA, Grazia: The Church of Solitude (B)
- DELIBES, Miguel: The Heretic (A-)
- EÇA DE QUEIRÓS, José Maria:
- ENDO Shusaku: Deep River (B) - Japanese tourists on spiritual journey in India
- ENQUIST, Per Olov: Lewi's Journey (B+)
- ESSA, Ibrahim: The Televangelist (B-)
- GODBOUT, Jacques: Operation Rimbaud (B) - the Ten Commandments
- GOLDSTEIN, Rebecca Newberger: 36 Arguments for the Existence of God (B) - A Work of Fiction
- GÓMEZ-JURADO, Juan: God's Spy (C-)
- GOYTISOLO, Juan: A Cock-Eyed Comedy (B-)
- HALLDÓR Laxness: Under the Glacier (A-) - originally titled: Christianity at Glacier
- HARRIS, Robert: Conclave (B)
- HWANG Sok-Yong: The Guest (B+)
- JAMES, P.D.: Death in Holy Orders (A-)
- JAYÁNTA Bhaṭṭa: Much Ado about Religion (B)
- [KNAUSGAARD, Karl O.: A Time to Every Purpose Under Heaven (US title: A Time for Everything) - angels, Biblical stories]
- al-KONI, Ibrahim: The Night Will Have Its Say (B)
- LAMPO, Hubert: The Coming of Joachim Stiller (B) -s someone's (second) coming, anyway
- MACLEOD, Ken: The Night Sessions (B)
- MALIAN, Narek: Point Zero (B)
- MARANI, Diego: God's Dog (B) - Church dystopia
- MARÉCHAL, Sylvain: The Woman Priest (B)
- MOSLEY, Nicholas: Inventing God (B)
- MURDOCH, Iris: The Time of the Angels (B+)
- NAKAMURA Fuminori: Cult X (B)
- NOOTEBOOM, Cees: All Souls Day (B+)
- NOTHOMB, Amélie: Thirst (B+) - the Passion of Christ
- OGALI, Ogali A: No Heaven for the Priest (D)
- PACIFICO, Francesco: The Story of my Purity (B)
- PAZZI, Roberto: Conclave (B)
- PHILLIPS, Marie: Gods Behaving Badly (B+)
- RAUD, Rein: The Reconstruction (B)
- RUSHDIE, Salman: Shalimar the Clown (B)
- SARAMAGO, José: Cain (B+)
- SASSON, Vanessa R.: Yasodhara and the Buddha (B)
- SCHMIDT, Arno: The School for Atheists (A-)
- SCHMITT, Eric-Emmanuel: Monsieur Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran (B+)
- SHAROV, Vladimir: Be as Children (B+)
- TASSO, Torquato:
- ULITSKAYA, Ludmila: Daniel Stein, Interpreter (B-)
- VERHULST, Dimitri: Christ's Entry into Brussels (A-)
- WOOD, James: The Book Against God (B)
- YI Mun Yol: Son of Man (A-)
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