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Our Assessment:
F : insubstantial; baffling See our review for fuller assessment.
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Pierre Michon is a highly acclaimed French author.
He has won several literary prizes, and he is widely translated.
Several of his books have come out in English translation from small publishers I admire -- Mercury House, Archipelago Books -- and now Yale University Press is publishing this one (and re-publishing the Mercury House translations by Wyatt Mason) in their Margellos World Republic of Letters series.
Everyone knows that precise moment in October. Maybe it is the truth, in a soul and in a body; we see only the body. Everyone knows the disheveled hair, the possibly blue-white eyes, light as the day, that do not look at us but gaze over our left shoulder where Rimbaud sees a potted plant that is climbing toward October and burns up carbon, but for us, that gaze looks toward the future vigor, the future abdication, the future Passion, the Saison, the saw over the leg in Marseille; and for him no doubt as for us, that gaze is also on poetry, that conventional specter conventionally verified in the disheveled hair, the angelic oval face, the aura of sulkiness, but beyond all conventionality there also behind our left shoulder and gone when we turn around. We see only the body. And in the lines, can we see the soul ? In all that light, the wind passes.As the section preceding this one already made clear, what is discussed here is Étienne Carjat's iconic October 1871 photographic portrait of Rimbaud. (Regrettably, it is not reproduced in this volume.) Michon reads a lot into the picture -- that's the kind of guy he is. He's also the kind of manipulative writer that doesn't just want to speak for himself but commits the cardinal sin of making the reader complicit without express permission -- all this nonsense about 'we', as if the way he sees it goes for all of us. And even this -- one of the more sensible passages he offers (really) -- includes formulations such as: "a potted plant that is climbing toward October and burns up carbon"; perhaps I'm missing the potted-plant allusion from Rimbaud's poems, but to say any plant 'burns up carbon' is a pretty odd way of putting it -- a willfully odd way. But then, that's Michon's 'style' ..... In closing his book, Michon repeatedly poses questions. Arguably, he's explored some of them in reaching this point -- but never really adequately. Worse yet, he frames them beside grand pronouncements that fail in any way to convince (of anything): For I raise my voice to speak to you from very far away, father who will never speak to me. What endlessly relaunches literature ? What makes men write ? Other men, their mothers, the stars, or the old enormous things, God, language ? The powers know. The powers of the air are this breath of wind through the leaves.There's astonishingly little substance to Michon's writing -- but, basing his piece on widely-known facts and a vivid personality, arguably a writer could get away with that. Style can be a vehicle of conveyance, too, and Michon certainly offers a sort of style -- yet it is one that comes across to me as entirely empty, too. Admittedly, there are certainly issues of translation here, too -- "Michon's work calls for every translation trick in the book" the translators note in their Introduction -- but I think my objection is more fundamental (as noted, I've not found any of his other works a success either). True art may be unknowably sublime -- hence the resorting to theological-like excuses ('The powers know', but us mere mortals ? forget it, it's beyond our feeble comprehension ...). But Michon indulges in these in a particularly off-putting way. There are grains of insight sparkling in Rimbaud the Son, but they're lost in Michon's peculiar presentation; he's not so much guilty of obscurantism as consumed by his own flights of fantasy that lead him, his work, and his readers astray. Way, way astray. Presumably, appreciation of what Michon does and how he does it is an issue of taste; no question, it's decidedly not mine. This work, like much of his other work, strikes me not so much as objectionable but rather as simply a comprehensive failure (remarkably: in less than eighty pages). It's not so much vapid as vacant, offering an illusion of substance -- the subject-matter the work uses as a foundation -- and lots of fancy, twisted sentences but coming, and going, to naught. In sum: an absolutely terrible book. - M.A.Orthofer, 6 October 2013 - Return to top of the page - Rimbaud the Son:
- Return to top of the page - French author Pierre Michon was born in 1945. - Return to top of the page -
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