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Our Assessment:
B : decent overview and starting point in print and/vs. digital reading debate, though too awash with the anecdotal See our review for fuller assessment.
From the Reviews: - Return to top of the page - The complete review's Review:
Words Onscreen is a fairly wide-ranging look at the differences between reading in print- -- and especially book- -- form, and reading in digital form (i.e. on screens).
Yet however valuable these digital renderings are for the purpose of study, the originals are magical.Readers presumably know what she means and feels, but "magical" isn't a really helpful term in explaining what is so special about the original -- and this reliance on the 'aura' of the (physcial) book in general is a bit too pervasive throughout this work. Worse is how much of her argument and discussion relies on anecdotal evidence, including many of the studies that she refers to and relies on (including some of her own). She is aware of the weaknesses of many of these and does even make note of that; regarding her discussion of reading comprehension she even sets apart a whole paragraph wondering: Which comprehension findings should we trust ? Maybe all of them -- or none. The studies differ in subject age, reading material, testing methodology, and users' prior experience with reading onscreen, making comparison difficult. Another problem may be that comprehension materials were not sufficiently nuanced.A dreadful number of the surveys she relies on are self-reported answers (to questions such as: 'How many books did you read last year ?') -- notoriously unreliable. Baron herself acknowledges, here and there: "It would be useful to do a real study." My oh my, yes it would -- because there are very few included here that seem at all 'scientific' in even very loose terms. Hard data, about reading and reading comprehension, is difficult to find (and much of the best of it, collected by Amazon and other e-read-sellers who closely track what and how users read, is not made available even to (independent) researchers), but that doesn't necessarily justify relying on anecdotal stuff. Asking readers whether they prefer reading in print over digital is a loaded question, one way or another -- especially when they're Baron's own students -- and self-reporting on this, or almost anything else, surely does not provide anything that might be considered reliable data. [As someone who can't recall the last time they answered any sort of poll or survey truthfully -- I answer such question(naire)s strategically, rather than in any way honestly (and inevitably misrepresent myself demographically) -- and who closely tracks every detail about their reading, which makes me understand how far from accurate any off-the-top-of-the-head response to my reading (from the extent of/time devoted to it to any other specifics) would be, any 'information' gathered in this sort of way seems entirely untrustworthy and close to worthless.] There are a few useful take-aways from the information Baron has collected, even if some -- such as that readers have greater difficulty with (or rather are less likely to make their way through) long-form-pieces onscreen -- are hardly surprising. Nevertheless, Baron's wide-ranging discussion is interesting in the many aspects of reading it considers and which should be taken into consideration. The conclusions may be dubious -- or are at least often based on dubious pseudo-data -- but she's looking at the right things and asking some of the right questions, if not necessarily in the right way. The rapidly changing nature of e-reading-technology also plays a huge role in this: onscreen reading is relatively new in any case, but has changed dramatically in shifting from desktop and laptop onscreen reading to dedicated e-readers, tablets, and mobile phones. Presumably there will be continuing change, with e-reader technology in particular addressing some of the concerns Baron raises. Baron's work is a useful reminder of what is at issue and at stake -- and also a helpful reminder to readers that they may be doing themselves a disservice believing they'll read/digest/understand a digital text and take away the same amount of information from it as they would from handling a print-version, or that reading on a tablet with internet and e-mail distractions just a click away is no different from reading a book. A few petty complaints too: Baron notes: "By some estimates, Clarissa contains around a million words" -- and then notes in a footnote that "estimates vary" as to the word-count of Richardson's novel. Baron may not like working with digital texts, but surely it would be the simplest thing in the world to download one of the many freely available copies of the text and do a simple electronic word-count, and then present an actual fact rather than just rely on yet one more anecdotal ("By some estimates") claim. Word-counts being one of the other things so much easier to do with digital texts than printed ones. It's something she could have easily tasked an assistant with ..... (Different editions do have different word-counts, so there is no definitive answer, but note could be made of that. Better than what she offers here, in any case.) The other pedantic note: Baron notes she's not great with names and proper spelling but it's hard not to cringe at: "Finnegan's Wake". Bonus demerits for publisher Oxford University Press as well -- not even the indexer caught that one. Personal background/information: I did read this book in print-form, and I admit that I find digital almost as hard to deal with and off-putting as Baron does. I have an e-reader -- a tablet, but one I use almost solely for e-reading (distractions are not an issue for me when using it; I'm not tempted to switch to e-mail or the internet when I pick up the cursed device) -- but I find it very, very difficult to bring myself to pick it up and read anything on it. I also am not and would never be part of the Amazon (or similar) environment, i.e. permit another party to in any way monitor my e-reading, if at all avoidable (the handful of library downloads I have tried, which I assume are monitored, have not been great successes -- i.e. I barely opened them). I have never purchased an e-title and can not imagine doing so; all the e-titles I have have been provided by publishers for review purposes or, in the case of out-of-copyright older texts, have been downloaded from internet archives (preferably not Google books; certainly not if only downloadable when signed in to Google). - M.A.Orthofer, 15 February 2015 - Return to top of the page - Words Onscreen:
- Return to top of the page - Naomi S. Baron teaches at American University. - Return to top of the page -
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