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Our Assessment:
B : interesting, though many of them period-pieces See our review for fuller assessment.
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Knight's Move is a collection of short pieces that Shklovsky first published in a small theatre-journal between 1919 and 1921, and then published in book form in 1923.
There are many reasons for the strangeness of the knight's move, the main one being the conventionality of art, about which I am writing.Shklovsky begins with a powerful piece on Petersburg during the Blockade, a description of the incredible hardships that had to be dealt with -- incredible cold (freezing even the toilets) and no fuel except whatever was around that could be burnt -- books and even entire wood buildings (so that: "The city began slowly to transform itself into an engraving by Piranesi"). Since these pieces were written for a theatre-journal, it's not surprising that many of them focus on the state of the theatre in the Russia of that time. Shklovsky is a strong advocate for the new: he wants playwrights to write new plays, theatres to produce them -- and the theatregoers to engage with them. Instead, of course, he finds all too often the same old repertoire -- which he has little use or patience for. With the spreading of the Bolshevist ideals, he also warns of the flawed attempt to produce art that will find Red Army-favour. He warns of an theatre-craze sweeping the nation -- but all the wrong sort of theatre: The hysterical obsession with acting is enveloping the entire Soviet Union like an adipose resurgence of tissues.Much of Shklovsky's commentary focusses on the artists of the day, and while many remain familiar enough -- Tatlin, Khlebnikov, Mayakovsky -- these are still, for the most part, period pieces. They're short -- and sharp -- enough to still be readable today, but the time- and site-specific references bog things down quite a bit. Nevertheless, Shklovsky's philosophy of art -- not tied to any programme, free to do as it must and wants to, i.e. truly revolutionary -- shines through throughout. There's also a nice touch of wariness: Not true, no. Not the whole truth. Not even a fourth of the truth.A lot of interesting stuff; certainly worth engaging with. - Return to top of the page - Knight's Move:
- Return to top of the page - Viktor Shklovsky (Виктор Борисович Шкловский, Victor Chklovski, Viktor Sklovskij) (1893-1984) was a leading Russian Formalist. - Return to top of the page -
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