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Our Assessment:
B+ : entertaining pieces on the (dreadful) state of literary affairs See our review for fuller assessment.
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Thank You for Not Reading is a collection of short pieces -- mainly non-fiction, but with a few more creative efforts tossed in as well.
They are Essays (in the broadest sense of the word) in Literary Trivia -- attempts at making sense of and describing the odd world of publishing, writing, and even (occasionally) reading.
(T)rivia has swamped contemporary literary life and become, it seems, more important than the books. A book's blurb is more important than the book itself, the author's photograph on the book jacket more important than its content, the author's appearance in wide-circulation newspapers and on TV is more important than what the author has actually written.It is this literary culture - or rather: the absence thereof -- that dominate this book, as Ugresic describes and addresses all parts of it, often amusingly, sometimes wistfully. (Remarkably she isn't very cynical, preferring to play at the wide-eyed Eastern European, a bit stunned and overwhelmed by Western ways but, with few exceptions, accepting and adapting to them.) The world she describes is a familiar one to writers: of agents who are impossible to reach (and ineffectual), of a world where the book proposal is more important than the book, and the chances of a 'European' literary work getting published seem somewhere between small and negligible. Ugresic describes some of her own experiences, and though she does so humorously they make for the usual litany of complaints about an industry that has lost all respectability. Ugresic also considers the larger literary culture, including the phenomenon of the best-seller (she is particularly baffled by the success of Pablo Coehlo), the inescapable all-inclusiveness of mainstream culture ("Come back, cynics, all is forgiven !" is the title and plaintive last line of one of the pieces), and the loss of any true sense of literature ("The concept of literature is disappearing, and its place is increasingly being taken by books"). As someone who takes literature seriously this new world is a disturbing one to her -- but, of course, one that is so overwhelming that there is little to be done save write little pieces like these against (or at least about) it. The world she would like to live (or at least work) in no longer exists. She believes: To be an intellectual today means above all to be a conformist, to adapt to the alleged laws of the market.Or: The intellectual today is a socialite who adapts to political, cultural and intellectual mainstream trends and represents what is expected of every decent thinking person.Most of these observations aren't novel, and Ugresic doesn't offer many striking new insights, but her presentation is effective and can be thought- (or discussion-) provoking, and so it's a worthwhile exercise. Ugresic also focusses on her Eastern European roots -- doubly foreign, in her case, as she was still a child of the Titoist system (and in fact only fled post-communist Croatia) -- and on trying to find a place in the Western-dominated, post-communist new world. There are the obvious differences from the world which she grew up in: The greatest shock for an East European writer who turned up in the Western literary marketplace was provoked by the absence of aesthetic criteria.(This fact, of course, allows her to go an amusing (if, in its general outlines, already very familiar) riff on the consequences of this situation.) Only occasionally are there moments where hope glimmers -- such as the libraries of Slavic departments in European universities, where books that have already disappeared in the countries they came from can still be found. Ugresic has some fun with being a writer in a marginal language and from a marginal place (offering "The Top Ten Reasons to Be a Croatian Writer"), and also discusses the phenomenon of the writer in exile. The thirty-one pieces collected here cover a fair amount of territory: Ugresic is literature-obsessed, but -- as she shows here -- there are a lot of facets to the subject. At heart she still believes in the power and significance of writing and literature (of a specific sort -- true literature, not the debased mess that flourishes in these times), and she winningly fights the good fight here. With (astonishingly) only occasional bitter notes creeping in, Ugresic offers amusing and sharp short pieces, with episodes and anecdotes to make her points (and to entertain). A fun -- though also depressing -- collection of reflections on an awry world. - Return to top of the page - Thank You for Not Reading:
- Return to top of the page - Yugoslavia-born author Dubravka Ugrešić (1949-2023) was awarded the prestigious Heinrich Mann Prize in 2000 and the Neustadt International Prize for Literature in 2016. - Return to top of the page -
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