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Our Assessment:
A- : nice, small collection See our review for fuller assessment.
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Thoughts of Sorts is a translation of the posthumous collection of stray pieces, Penser/Classer.
Eight of the thirteen pieces were previously translated by John Sturrock and included in the collection Species of Spaces and Other Pieces.
When I attempt to state what I have tried to do as a writer since I began, what occurs to me first of all is that I have never written two books of the same kind, or ever wanted to reuse a formula, or a system, or an approach already developed in some earlier work.It's a useful reminder to those who think of Perec as merely an Oulipo-writer, and the brief non-fiction pieces collected in this volume also again demonstrate his remarkable versatility. Certainly, there are certain kinds of games and styles he favored -- as is clear in his complaint that: Contemporary writers (with a few exceptions, such as Michel Butor) have forgotten the art of enumerationAnd the mathematical creeps into several of these projects: there are the eighty-one recipes that allow for three variations of each of the four elements (3x3x3x3=81), or the attempt to introduce Jacques Roubaud's limit on the number of books one's library should hold (361) -- which immediately gets bogged down by the question of what should qualify as a 'book' (single volumes ? multi-volume works ? an author's output ? a theme ?). The title-piece -- Perec's thoughts on sorting and classifying -- is particularly revealing, since so much of his work does, in some way deal with issues of sorting, ordering, classifying, etc. So it is telling when he admits that: My problem with sorting orders is that they do not last; I have scarcely finished filing things before the filing system is obsolete.And, equally significantly: All utopias are depressing, because they leave no place for chance, for difference, for the miscellaneous. It's all been sorted into an order, and order reigns.In 'On the Art and Craft of Sorting Books', addressing that age-old problem, Perec also observes: If you do not keep on sorting your books, your books unsort themselves: it is the example I was given to try to get me to understand what entropy was: personal experience has provided me with frequent demonstrations of it.Throughout these pieces, and throughout his work, that struggle between order and entropy is constantly played out, and much of the charm of the work is in how Perec allows entropy to creep into even his strictest orders, pushing his taxonomic designs to their limits (and even, in some senses, breaking them down). Thoughts of Sorts is a very enjoyable collection, from the useful 'Statement of Intent' to its consideration of the physical act of reading and Perec's 'Thoughts of Sorts/Sorts of Thoughts'. Pieces such as the recipes, or his revisiting Malet & Isaac -- his school history text --, are perhaps of more limited use and interest, but are amusing variations on his underlying theme, and can certainly be skimmed over more quickly. There are enough stand-out (and revealing) pieces that this is yet another must-read for any Perec-fan. - M.A.Orthofer, 12 September 2009 - Return to top of the page - Thoughts of Sorts:
- Return to top of the page - The great French writer Georges Perec (1936-1982) studied sociology at the Sorbonne and worked as a research librarian. His first published novel, Les Choses, won the 1965 Prix Renaudot. A member of the Oulipo since 1967 he wrote a wide variety of pieces, ranging from his impressive fictions to a weekly crossword for Le Point. - Return to top of the page -
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