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Our Assessment:
-- : frustratingly fragmentary -- but what there is impresses, and the rest makes for an intriguing puzzle See our review for fuller assessment.
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"53 Days" is the novel Georges Perec was working on at his death.
Only about half of it was completed, but extensive notes suggest much of what Perec planned to do.
Long-time Perec friends and Oulipo associates Harry Mathews and Jacques Roubaud put the pieces together and published this version of the text, which was then translated by Perec-biographer David Bellos (who also translated Perec's magnum opus, Life A User's Manual).
It makes for a remarkable volume -- and also a sad testament to what might have been.
Every time some piece of the puzzle begins to come into focus, it fades away in a blur, evaporates in a wisp of thin and dubious haze, or gets bogged down in paperwork without sense or substance. Interrogation follows interrogation, statement follows statement -- and each one brings more tiny contradictions to light which further obfuscate the ungraspable, unseeable reality which the investigators are trying so hard to reconstitute.The Crypt apparently follows the pattern of many of Serval's books -- and frustratingly only a few aspects of it overlap with the reality the narrator is faced with. It is set in a cold, northern country, and few elements are borrowed from the Griantan world. Frustratingly, the manuscript comes to an end right before the climactic denouement, the last page (pages ?) remaining unwritten. The narrator does, however, identify four texts that were used as models for the plot and text, from an Agatha Christie novel (And Then There Were None) to a spy story called The Koala Case Mystery. Only fourteen lines were taken from the latter: after substituting twelve words, they were used verbatim in The Crypt -- making for a typical Perecian puzzle. And so the plot thickens, and grows more convoluted, and the books-within-books add layers to the puzzle, rather than yielding the secret to Serval's disappearance. An intuition nags the narrator: that the truth I am after is not in the book, but between the booksBut even that doesn't get him far enough fast enough. Meanwhile, political unrest in Grianta further complicates matters. And there are those that get wise to the narrator's research and warn him off. The crime behind it all suddenly does appear to make sense to the narrator: a plot to steal a giant ancient statue. But by pursuing it the narrator gets himself caught up in events, discovering too late that it's all been an elaborate plot to ensnare him. But all this is only the first (and largely complete) part: the second part turns it all around again. The writer Robert Serval has disappeared, and a manuscript has been found in his abandoned car. The title: 53 Days ..... This time a man named Salini is given the manuscript, in the hope that he can find "the key to our problem" in it. There's little of the detail found in the first part here -- only the bare outlines, as Perec never got around to actually writing out these scenes -- but enough is made clear to see where this was going. Again there's a trail of false and literary clues. And the end reveals: Salini (to Patricia): Who wrote the book ?'GP' is, of course, Perec himself. The notes and drafts reveal many of the games underlying the novel -- though the translation into English complicates matters considerably. Most significantly: the titles. They -- as much else in the book -- lean on Stendhal. '53 days' refers to the length of time it took Stendhal to write The Charterhouse of Parma (and both Perec's book and Stendhal's begin with mention of the same day, 15 May). 'Un R est un M qui se P le L de la R' refers to a variation on Stendhal's "celebrated definition of the novel" (so Bellos): "Un Roman est un Miroir qui se Promène le Long de la Route, 'a novel is a mirror walking along a road". There are many more Stendhalian allusions, and a good deal of wordplay and more. The notes and drafts suggest much of what Perec did (and hoped to do), and while it doesn't make for a fluid narrative or gripping story it is interesting to see this raw material out of which one can imagine a fiction being built. Mathews, Roubaud, and Bellos have done an admirable job here of presenting Perec's material. The novel it was meant to become is clearly recognisable, and the presentation reader-friendly enough that it is a pleasure rather than a pain to work ones way through. The contrast between the nearly completed first half -- an engaging read and promising start -- and the barely outlined second half is frustrating -- but the book as a whole is still very much worth a look. It is certainly also of interest as a rare behind-the-scenes look at how a novel can be created (neatly shown half done and half only conceived). And for Perec fans it is a must, showing more clearly than most of his texts the workings of this remarkable mind. Mathews and Roubaud have admirably stayed in the background here: there are almost no editorial notes by them, no explanations, no theories. In a way this good: all the reader has is Perec's words -- and yet it's perhaps not entirely honest, since presumably the editorial process did involve making decisions and even imposing a certain 'reading' on the text. A bit of explanation (and an introduction to the text) might have been welcome. As is, the only editorial notes are translator Bellos' (including five lines quoting the editors -- perhaps there was a longer explanation by them in the French edition ?) -- and he too is sparing in his comments and explanations. Perhaps exegesis is better left for elsewhere, but a bit of introduction, history, context, and explanation would probably have helped most readers along. - Return to top of the page - "53 Days":
- Return to top of the page - The great French writer Georges Perec (1936-1982) studied sociology at the Sorbonne and worked as a research librarian. His first published novel, Les Choses, won the 1965 Prix Renaudot. A member of the Oulipo since 1967 he wrote a wide variety of pieces, ranging from his impressive fictions to a weekly crossword for Le Point. - Return to top of the page -
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