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Our Assessment:
B : modestly useful consideration of the writer as migrant See our review for fuller assessment.
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The Writer as Migrant collects Ha Jin's three Campbell Lectures, held at Rice University in 2006.
I viewed myself as a Chinese writer who would write in English on behalf of the downtrodden Chinese.He immediately admits: "I was unaware of the complexity and infeasibility of the position", but Jin's concern for both the writer's audience and for the purpose of writing -- "for whom does the writer speak ?" -- already determine much of his position. For Jin it is clear that: But for whom does the writer speak ? Of course not just for himself. Then, for a group ? For those who are not listened to ?The (surely very real) possibility that a writer does, indeed, speak only for him or herself is dismissed out of hand. No wonder his first piece focuses on Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Lin Yutang, programmatic writers less concerned with art or literature than with conveying specific messages or information -- specifically their conceptions of their homelands and these homeland's histories. (Even Jin has to admit about Solzhenitsyn's work that: "we can see that the books he wrote in Vermont are less literary than the novels he had written before his exile", but that fits with his fundamental idea, that especially in exile the author is concerned with who his audience will be (and with pounding a message home to that audience).) Indeed, art remains secondary throughout Jin's discussions; for him -- as for the Chinese authorities of the past decades -- the message, and how it is received are what count. Jin sees almost only craft, not art (he does gives some Nabokov-examples in the chapter on authors who abandon their mother tongues to write in a second language), and seems unable to conceive of writing simply out of necessity, without any concern for who might eventually read the words (or where the writer is physically located -- in exile or not). As a consequence, he concludes, for example: The German writer W.G.Sebald lived and taught in England for over three decades and knew both English and French well, but he always wrote in his native language. When asked why he had not switched to English, he answered there was no necessity. That he could give such an answer must be because German was a major European language from which his works could be rendered into other European languages without much difficulty.Jin's certainty -- 'must be' -- is embarrassing; at the very least there are other possibilities to consider; beyond that, his reading is almost certainly entirely wrong: it's hard to imagine that the ease with which his writings could (or couldn't) be rendered into other languages figured high among Sebald's concerns (or, indeed, even in his thoughts) when he sat down to write his work. Jin similarly brushes off Milan Kundera's switch to writing in French much too simply. The subjects addressed in these lectures are interesting, from the role Solzhenitsyn and Lin wanted their writing to play to the issue (and cost -- personal and public) of a writer switching to a foreign language, and, finally, the possibility of returning out of exile. But this is a thin book, and with his very selective examples (and interpretation) Jin barely scratches much of the surface. He writes quite well, and gets in many nice statements -- "Only through literature is a genuine return possible for the exiled writer" -- but his perspective is surprisingly limited -- perhaps by his own experience of exile. Many of his pronouncements ("Only through literature is a genuine return possible for the exiled writer" ...) also don't withstand all that much scrutiny. The Writer as Migrant is a decent introduction to the subject, usefully name-dropping many of the best examples (Solzhenitsyn, Lin, Kundera, Nabokov, Joseph Conrad, V.S.Naipaul) but not doing nearly enough with them. - M.A.Orthofer, 16 October 2009 - Return to top of the page - The Writer as Migrant:
- Return to top of the page - Ha Jin was born in China in 1956 and emigrated to the United States. He teaches at Boston University. - Return to top of the page -
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