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Our Assessment:
B+ : small but powerful (and dark) collection; good introduction to the poet See our review for fuller assessment. The complete review's Review:
In Time's Rift -- published with the German originals facing the English translations by Graham Foust and Samuel Frederick -- is a slim volume of forty-two poems by Ernst Meister.
Time is long or short,The concision of expression suggests the poems are simple, but there's considerable precision to Meister's choices; unlike many German poets, Meister does not rely extensively on the compound words that are so easy to fall back on in German (and can be difficult to translate into English) yet still manages to achieve a similar effect of precision. Meister initially seems to tend towards abstraction -- going so far as to reduce identity to thought: Since I don't know(In German: "muß ich / Gedanke sein".) In the closing verse of the opening poem he claims: I knowThe finality -- and eternity -- of death looms large over much of the collection -- as in: Time is long or short,He identifies with being: Oh, in one's(In German: the beautiful "Todeshaut".) And he reflects on: Death: how it might be.(Here is one of the few lines where the wordplay can't be entirely adequately reproduced in English: "Hollow, cavern-hollow" conveys the meaning but not the alliteration of: "Hohl, höhlenhohl".) With its title alluding to Pascal's Pensées, as the translators explain in their Introduction, the whole collection has a strong philosophical bent -- yet Meister also offers a fresh spin on concepts in his poetic expression. A good, interesting collection, in a solid translation (but, more importantly, with the German originals always at hand ...), In Time's Rift is a welcome volume and certainly suggests (as does his Georg Büchner Prize) that Meister is a significant poet deserving greater attention. - M.A.Orthofer, 31 August 2012 - Return to top of the page - In Time's Rift:
- Return to top of the page - German poet Ernst Meister (1911-1979) won the Georg Büchner Preis. - Return to top of the page -
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