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Our Assessment:
B : solid and effective, though arguably too simple-schematic See our review for fuller assessment.
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The title -- 'The Extraterrestrials' -- seems to leave little doubt about what this novel is about, and the opening line would seem to dispel any: "Sie kamen über Nacht" ('They came by night').
The novel is narrated by Sol; his wife Astrid initially dismisses the media reports, certain it has to be an elaborate War of the Worlds-type hoax.
But everyone is reporting the same thing, and when all electrical appliances suddenly stop functioning it seems clear that the unimaginable has happened: technologically far more advanced aliens have arrived on earth.
We all just want to be one thing -- and that is why we're standing here -- to be human !That is, however, the last that's heard from them. They don't communicate with the public at large, and if they're in touch with the world's governments, that's kept quiet. They are a presence, but an entirely unknown one. There are just rumors ..... Just after the aliens arrived, Sol overhears an exchange on the street: 'I'm not worried about the extraterrestrials.'And Rabinovici demonstrates why those fears are well-founded -- with the aliens' we-just-want-to-be-like-you assertion soon taking on a decidedly dark and creepy meaning. Rumors circulate and soon are accepted as fact -- even as the aliens themselves make no public statements or appearances. If they're involved, it's so far behind the scenes that the general public never sees any of it. Word spreads that the aliens can promise great technological advances and many benefits to mankind. But they also have this little request ..... Apparently, humans are tasty to them -- something like that, anyway. They'd like to consume some. But they wouldn't feel right just grabbing people at random. It has to be voluntary; the people have to be willing subjects. What's proposed is a contest, for which contestants would volunteer, with grand prizes and the guarantee of a comfortable lifestyle for the victors -- while the losers sacrifice themselves for the greater good. They'll be whisked off to an island, for comfortable last days, and then painlessly euthanized; their heirs will receive generous compensation. There's some outrage, but the (human) powers that be go along with it, and the the media companies are eager to broadcast the contests -- which of course immediately attract huge audiences: the world is glued to the spectacles. Sol is the co-founder of an online gourmet magazine, smack.com, but they quickly shifted focus in these alien times -- and found much greater success with their new talk show, 'Brandheiß' ('red hot'). They're also quickly on board with these contests, while Sol, already ambivalent about the initial shift, begins to drift even further away from the business. Wife Astrid was critical from the start, warning of even just beginning to go down this road; she realizes that by even just putting the idea of such contests up for debate in the talk show, by allowing for a pro and contra, as if there was an acceptable argument for something this outrageous, they were helping to make the whole idea acceptable. Entertaining the possibility helps turn it, almost effortlessly, into a reality -- and, of course, it's all downhill from there. Once humanity has left the moral high road, the compromises come hard and fast. After all, if they're not willing to give the extraterrestrials what they want, who knows how the aliens might react ? Couldn't they do far worse things ? Possibly, but they're never put to that sort of test. Rabinovici shows that humans can readily work themselves up into acting pretty horribly -- all in the name of the greater good, and supposedly avoiding greater harm -- all by themselves. And that's his point: the aliens don't need to do anything; the humans will do it all to themselves. Thuggishness becomes more widespread, the rule of law perverted. And when the neighbor who is like a son to Astrid and Sol volunteers to participate in the contests, and Astrid desperately wants to save him, their fates are also sealed. The Nazi-analogy comes ever closer -- and by the time Sol gets himself deported (by plane, rather than train, though the transport is otherwise similar) and reaches the island-camp where those who have been weeded out are sent it's hard not to see a Nazi concentration camp in it. The irony, of course, is that the community, the humans, made it all possible -- and are doing all the dirty work. The excuse is: Subjugation is our only chance. Assimilation as capitulation. We as extraterrestrial humans.The island resembles, in almost every detail, a (Nazi) work and death camp, with only the weaponry -- and surveillance possibilities (including tracking chips in everyone's earlobes [an unrealistic slip by Rabinovici: the one place you wouldn't implant a tracking chip is in earlobes: removal might be painful, but is otherwise far too easy]) -- the significant differences. Beyond that, in its elemental basics (little and bad food; impossible work demands; filth and vermin), it's all exactly like out of World War II. As are the compromises -- and the morally complicated question of levels of collaboration with the enemy. The human cost is devastating, not only in terms of those lost outright, but for those who live (if one can call it that) and are forced to struggle for survival within this system. And, as Sol repeatedly notes, it isn't the aliens who are doing this: man is doing this to man. Mirroring all the horror of the worst of the Nazi concentration and death camps, Rabinovici has Sol convinced that: "The crime fed off of going unnoticed". It's not just that Sol is a media-man; Rabinovici himself makes the argument that all that's needed to make things right is to make the world aware of what is happening: that if everyone only knew of these horrors being perpetrated they would rise up against those responsible and put an immediate stop to it. That's also how the novel comes to its semi-happy end: they manage to shine light on the situation, and a shocked world immediately reacts (complete, eventually, with court proceedings against the perpetrators). This is actually the least convincing part of the novel: in contemporary societies abuses abound -- not always on this scale, but too often close enough -- and populations tend to do little more than shrug or voice platitudes of disapproval. The main characters manage physical survival, but the damage sits deep; here too Rabinovici shows an aftermath much as that to the Holocaust. Unsettling as it is, the comparison -- drawn so close by Rabinovici -- works well -- even if parts of his lesson perhaps don't: as noted, he seems far too optimistic in suggesting that all it takes is to uncover and reveal the extent of horror to get humanity to (re)act. Where the novel works best -- and is eeriest -- is in its treatment of the essentially unseen extraterrestrials. Sol, like the reader, several times wonders whether they even existed at all, and this uncertainty makes the horror all the more effective, allowing for the horrible thought that mankind might have worked itself up into this destructive frenzy all by itself. One rumor about why the aliens then suddenly disappeared -- that they were disgusted by the humans' behavior -- is a particularly nice last twist. Die Außerirdischen can feel too simple and schematic, too neatly mirroring familiar recent history -- but that resemblance also makes for a stronger impact. The echoes, as they grow louder and then deafening, certainly hit home. And the use of the extraterrestrials is satisfying and inspired. Sol is a somewhat limited character and narrator, making for a very straightforward narrative, descriptive but with only blunted insight. Eventually, of course, he comes to the indescribable, while the simple narration gives the readers more freedom (than s/he may want ...): the novel is meant to be thought-provoking, and one can almost feel the prod of the needle-tip with the each turn. If slightly frustrating, Die Außerirdischen is certainly an effective and gripping read, and offers a great deal of food for thought. - M.A.Orthofer, 16 April 2019 - Return to top of the page - Die Außerirdischen:
- Return to top of the page - Austrian author Doron Rabinovici was born in Tel Aviv in 1961. - Return to top of the page -
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