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Our Assessment:
B : solid collection See our review for fuller assessment. The complete review's Review:
Vítězslav Nezval's 1937 collection The Absolute Gravedigger is, as the translators note in their Afterword in many ways a political one -- hardly surprising, given the time and locale.
The title of the collection (and of one of the sections) even alludes to Marx's The Communist Manifesto -- "What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own gravediggers".
But Nezval's surrealist approach make these far from the usual political fare.
In those daysBy contrast, the shorter poems in 'The Windmill'-section are much closer to traditional realism -- and with a more melancholy feel, including in the beautiful 'The Library' (which begins: "The library / is an unsuitable room"). In 'The Absolute Gravedigger'-section Nezval pictures, in distinctive style, a variety of labors -- of the blacksmith, plowman, milkmaid. Even the poem titled 'The Fetishist' takes place in a workshop, the 'Cartesian diver'-protagonist on a cobbler's stool. There's a rawness to much here, and 'The Blacksmith', in particular, is a powerful extended piece, right down to the "dissonant revolutionary anthem" tapped out "by the savage blows" of his sledgehammer: This anthem'Bizarre Town' is the longest sequence, forty-three scenes from this alter-world that reflects our own world. These are the most accessibly warped-surreal pieces of the collection, with beautiful strange imagery and scenes such as: In the fountainThe collection closes with the longer 'The Iberian Fly' -- "a major poem of the 1930s", the translators say in their Afterword, calling it: "Nezval's Guernica". The Afterword also usefully shows how Nezval "emended the poem for book publication", toning down some of the more obvious references -- but even if no longer named, "the little man with the Chaplin mustache" is of course easily identifiable. It is indeed a powerful picture of the (Spanish Civil War) times -- reading all the more eerily obviously with the knowledge of the extension of these earlier horrors that was to come soon after. The Absolute Gravedigger is an appealing little volume, with many striking pieces, with some context and useful background provided in the Afterword, where the translators also discuss some of their translation choices and approaches (as, unsurprisingly, some of this is hard to translated directly). It is also an impressively varied collection: while certainly of Nezval's surrealist-period, this manifests itself in a variety of ways and approaches -- welcome shifts of poetic strangeness from section to section. - M.A.Orthofer, 29 November 2016 - Return to top of the page - The Absolute Gravedigger:
- Return to top of the page - Czech author Vítězslav Nezval lived 1900 to 1958. - Return to top of the page -
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