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Our Assessment:
B+ : a bit old-fashioned but nicely done See our review for fuller assessment. The complete review's Review:
The Murdered Banker opens with a Milan fog so dense that it's almost impossible to see anything -- and, yes, author de Angelis is signaling very obviously that the mystery to follow will be similarly murky; he does not disappoint in that regard.
I'm telling you myself, this story has hardly begun.A lot is brought to light -- and matters are complicated by secrets many are keeping (including both Marchionnis). De Vincenzi could easily wrap the case up almost any way he wants -- but he's a truth-seeker, and wants to get to the bottom of this. Confessions -- by several parties -- be damned: If the affair goes to the investigating magistrate, I can't do anything, because my intuition and my psychological impressions will have no weight. They'll be caught in a machine that will grind them up. Since I know they're innocent of the crime, I must attempt the impossible to save them !But, of course, his heroics pay off, as he neatly traps the perpetrator. Yes, much of this is old-fashioned, carefully staged (and occasionally overwritten ...) by de Angelis, De Vincenzi at times literally moving his suspects around like chess pieces. De Vincenzi is also presented as an intuitive detective, working by gut-feeling -- with his poet's mind ... -- but he's still professional enough that this doesn't get too annoying. De Angelis is of the school of writers who believe, as De Vincenzi says: What is a crime, sir, when it's not a crime of passion ? It's a work of art ! A work perversely and criminally artistic.But de Angelis doesn't get caught up entirely in that -- The Murdered Banker also plays by the basic whodunnit procedural rules. It's a bit basic, a bit of its times (the 1930s !), but it also holds up surprisingly well. Sufficiently polished, sufficiently clever, The Murdered Banker is a fine little mystery and worthwhile rediscovery. - M.A.Orthofer, 24 March 2016 - Return to top of the page - The Murdered Banker:
- Return to top of the page - Italian author Augusto De Angelis lived 1888 to 1944. - Return to top of the page -
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