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Our Assessment:
B- : too perfunctory treatment, of too much See our review for fuller assessment.
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The Mystery of the Three Orchids begins promisingly enough, with Milan fashion house owner Cristiana O'Brian getting a huge shock at the elite fashion show she is hosting.
In the audience, she sees a woman from her past, connected to a man from her past, Russell Sage -- a man who must have been looking for her, and who must now have found her.
Trying to gather herself, she flees to her bedroom in the same building -- and finds a strangled man lying on her bed.
And an orchid.
Listen to me, Signora. What has happened in this house over the last ten hours isn't only tragic, it's frightening, grotesque and absurd.Set over a mere two days, and largely in the building that houses the fashion house, The Mystery of the Three Orchids is a busy little novel, with comings and goings of characters across scenes and rooms as De Vincenzi has to figure out who could have been where, beginning with the first murder, which he realizes is unlikely to have been committed where the body was found. And there are also those distracting orchids, which beg for an explanation; at least these De Vincenzi can use in trying to get the guilty party to reveal themselves. De Vincenzi isn't the most reassuring of investigators here. He has a gut feeling but, for a long time, little proof. And it doesn't help that bodies keep appearing. The best he can offer is: Stay calm, Madame Firmino. Calm ! Nothing has happened and nothing will happen ... maybe.The Mystery of the Three Orchids is jerkily-paced, and almost never settles into any sort of rhythm. Too often, De Angelis doesn't seem to be sure what to do with all the different characters and ideas he's juggling. And even where he gets a bit more reflective, he doesn't follow through particularly well -- and/or throws out uncomfortable statements that he really should be doing more with, one way or another: He knew that a sudden, unexpected question can take a man by surprise, but a woman, never. Lying and distraction come easily to women; their deviousness is automatic.De Angelis doesn't seem entirely comfortable in the confines of the fashion house where he sets most of this mystery, and it feels like he's overextending himself with these many foreigners -- almost cartoon-character criminals, especially of the Chicago-1920s/30s sort. The resolution -- not one readers are likely to have guessed -- is okay, but like the rest of the book feels a bit perfunctory. All in all it makes for a story that has some decent color and twists, but is ultimately pretty forgettable. - M.A.Orthofer, 7 January 2017 - Return to top of the page - The Mystery of the Three Orchids:
- Return to top of the page - Italian author Augusto De Angelis lived 1888 to 1944. - Return to top of the page -
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