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Our Assessment:
B+ : neatly spun out and presented See our review for fuller assessment.
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Yesterday is, at its most basic, a day-in-the-life account, the narrator describing what he and his wife Isabel experienced the day before.
It was certainly an eventful day -- beginning with nothing less than a public execution -- though much of the time the narrator seems to have moved through it rather casually.
Me: It strikes me that the day up to now has been quite empty.This sense of dissatisfaction lingers, but as the day progresses it, and the experiences they've had -- "the parade of yesterday's events" -- swirl increasingly together in a spiral of reflection and review. What had started out as a step by step recollection of events unfolding comes together, in his mind, as timeless: freed from time: he comes to see: "all the events of the day, isolated and clear, free of chronological order". He finds: An unreal sequentiality ! Yes, that's it. I now know that's how it is.With the help of his wife he can, ultimately, contain himself again, allowing for the day to come to a quieter everyday end (and leading to the following day, when he chronicles this yesterday that almost got out of hand). Yesterday seems straightforward enough at first, but already the extremes of some of the situations -- the story of the condemned man; the happenings at the zoo -- tend towards the surreal and absurd. But the narrator's voice remains controlled and sure, and if the experiences he describes seem somewhat unusual, only odds and ends perturb him. As the day wears on, however, he loses more and more of his hold. Emar's presentation, following a and focused on chronology, is a neat variation on this idea, ultimately drawing the narrator into a dizzying loop in which the mileposts, as it were, -- the events of the day -- remain recognizable even as it all tends towards a kind of blur. It's a creative spin, and well-executed -- and, with the episodes themselves also engaging, makes for an appealing read, a curious but quite satisfying novel. - M.A.Orthofer, 25 May 2022 - Return to top of the page - Yesterday:
- Return to top of the page - Chilean author Juan Emar (ctually: Álvaro Yáñez Bianchi) lived 1893 to1964. - Return to top of the page -
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