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Our Assessment:
B+ : an (intentionally) ugly, dark tale See our review for fuller assessment.
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Perversity is a nicely sordid little tale featuring a brother and sister, Emile and Irma -- "nicknamed La Rouque, the Red One, because of the red gold hair which she wore cut short at the nape of her neck".
Emile is a clerk in an office; he's been married twice but: "had never given pleasure to a woman".
After the failure of his second marriage he had moved into a hotel -- and then: "he suggested to his sister, apparently for motives of economy which she shared, that they should live together, and he settled in her lodgings".
Emile associated the icy winter night and this lifeless and desolate perspective with his own discouragement and the further he advanced, the more worried, broken and helpless he felt.Yet Bébert's treatment of him, and what he experiences in his company, also riles him up. Long numbed by the sameness of his blindered routine, he struggles when he is shaken out of it. He's long had: "that look of an automaton which secretly repelled everybody with whom he came into contact" -- indeed, his appearance: "terrified the children of the Quarter" -- but he's always been harmless; now he struggles with the longings and desires that have long lain dormant (in this man who: "had an abnormal need of sleep", indeed who seems to have been sleepwalking through much of his life). There is also Belle-Amour -- "an innocent and very ancient creature" -- who lives in the same house and admires Emile. Emile's general suspicion of women keep him wary, but eventually he takes advantage of her feelings for him, the weak victimizing the weaker in his inept way of trying to deal with his inner turmoil. Emile descends into a kind of flailing perversity -- with Bébert continuing to antagonize him. Unsurprisingly, it all culminates in tragedy. The odd premise -- Emile moving in with his prostitute-sister -- seems, at first, a bit baffling. Emile seems to do well enough financially to afford his own place -- he was married, after all, so he must have been able to afford a separate household. He's also not otherwise any kind of family-man, as he doesn't seem to be place great value in his sister's proximity or company, instead continuing to live following a simple and solitary routine -- as indeed: "He felt more at ease when he was alone". But the implication is clear -- if not very obviously to him --: he harbors, buried very, very deep, a passion for his sister -- and it is this, more than anything, that the appearance and behavior of Bébert bring to the fore. But since Emile is unequipped to deal with it, it all leads to disaster. Perversity impresses both as dark character-study and in its depiction of this milieu -- an ugly tale, but a convincing, twisted psychological study. Despite the setting, with its prostitutes and bordellos, and the novel's title, Perversity is more about violence and domination than sex -- though certainly Emile's warped relationship to (and hence with) women play a significant role in how things unfold here. It's all quite ugly -- but well-presented here. - M.A.Orthofer, 23 January 2025 - Return to top of the page - Reviews: Other books of interest under review:
- Return to top of the page - French author Francis Carco lived 1886 to 1958. - Return to top of the page -
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