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Our Assessment:
(--) : surreal oddity, fascinating in parts See our review for fuller assessment.
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Ghérasim Luca was one of many Romanian writers that moved relatively easily between his native Romania and France, a significant figure on the more surreal fringe of the large group that emerged around World War II (writers ranging from Cioran and Ionesco to surreal compatriot Gellu Naum).
In this volume, Krzysztof Fijałkowski provides a helpful introduction to 'Luca the Absolute' and this unusual pair of texts.
I mutilated the head (the sex) using several razor blades and, as a supreme ejaculation, with the last one I sliced the doll's eye. This convulsive-sadistic action thus took on a concrete, bewitching value.There are pictures of several of the O.O.O.'s, too, including the The Letter L -- including a close-up of the treated head. Quite unsettling, to put it mildly -- but then Luca is after effect, and he certainly achieves it here. 'The Passive Vampire', then, is like a fantasia on the same theme -- beginning: Objects, these mysterious suits of armour beneath which desire awaits us, nocturnal and laid bare, these snares made of velvet, of bronze, of gossamer that we throw at ourselves with each step we take;And that's among the clearer parts. Still, Luca's flights of fancy have some appeal, including the passage that suggests why he chose the title he did: I close my eyes, as active as a vampire, I open them within myself, as passive as a vampire, and between the blood that arrives, the blood that leaves, and the blood already inside me there occurs an exchange of images like an engagement of daggers. Now I could eat a piano, shoot a table, inhale a staircase.Needless to say, a little of this goes a long way; admirably, Luca mixes it up enough to sustain at least moderate interest. Some of the ideas don't work too well -- a formula to explain Van Gogh's cut-off ear ... -- but even there he often redeems himself with yet another fine turn of phrase or observation ("I like badly-type texts crisscrossed by rows of x x x x x x x because they give me the vague feeling of being confronted by mystery"). At its worst, Luca claims to have found a kind enlightenment -- always a suspect claim: Since I have started living out my dreams, since I've become the contemporary of the centuries to come, I no longer know death under the annihilating guise it has maintained in today's society.But even in such moments he has his moments: My delirium of interpretation was the response of a man terrified by his own audacity, the attempt to attain the seeming calm of an initiate and bite mystery on the shoulder as if it were a woman.Much of The Passive Vampire is, indeed, a 'delirium of interpretation'. There is certainly some appeal to it -- here is a mind thinking and feeling out of most of the conventional boxes -- but also only within limits. Still, at only a hundred-odd pages, it's a worthwhile surreal ride. - M.A.Orthofer, 31 March 2010 - Return to top of the page - The Passive Vampire:
- Return to top of the page - Romanian author Ghérasim Luca lived 1913 to 1994. - Return to top of the page -
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