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Our Assessment:
B+ : amusing and clever See our review for fuller assessment.
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The Author and Me is an entertaining variation on the self-reflective work that examines the role and positions of writer, protagonist, and reader.
The author has his pride, and his autonomy. He stands before you determined to keep his distance from the narrator of his new book, to distinguish himself from him as sharply as he can, and thus to hold fast to his mastery.The novel proper is presented practically as a monologue, a man subjecting a poor young Mademoiselle he encounters at a terrace café to a diatribe -- ostensibly concerned with his having been served cauliflower gratin rather than the trout amandine he had ordered and been promised. No fan of cauliflower, especially gratin, he rails on and on. In trying to separate himself from his mouthpiece the author employs footnotes, trying to make clear that resemblances between him and his narrator don't mean they should be considered one and the same. He does admit that he, too, is no great fan of cauliflower gratin -- but, for example, denies he would express himself quite so emphatically contra. He insists, too, that: "The author's mind is more spirited, bolder, and even more sensitive" -- and that, as the narrative proceeds, he: "will gain the upper hand and prevail over his subject". The footnotes add a whole new dimension to the novel -- to the point where the (struggling) novelist decides, about midway through, on a more radical show of who is the boss: Surely there can be no better way for the author to ensure his mastery and stand up to his character than to drag him out of his soliloquy by one ear and cast him without warning into another fictionHe does so in the footnote -- number twenty-six of forty -- and gets rather carried away with this secondary story (which, he suggests, might be called My Ant -- as if he could reduce his character to the most insignificant of creatures): at over forty (!) pages, it constitutes about a third of the novel total. The author notes that readers may have their doubts about the extensive harangue against cauliflower gratin -- and that: No, the reader will surely prefer to see all this as an allegory, and will struggle to decipher it: that cauliflower gratin can only be a metaphor for the good old-fashioned novel still stewing in the kitchens of our literature.With claims that: "The world is now a gigantic cauliflower, gratinéed" -- against which all the "subtlety and finesse" of trout amandine can't compete ... -- the narrator's arguments certainly lend themselves to broader interpretation. And the author reinforces much of this in his footnotes: "Literature is misery", he admits, and: No longer does literature invade the real world like a hammered spike; rather it begs to hold on to its place, it strives to take up as little room as possible. Its time has come and gone, all its attempts to adapt and make nice with its age work against it, hasten its death throes; any violence, revolt, and irony it has left fade in those bows and curtseys. How to go on believing in it ? The author stubbornly keeps at it, he's too far in to give up, now more less incapable of any other trade, but his literature is without illusions, sabotaged, suicidal.The "surprise resolution" -- quite the final turn of events, and certainly not the ending the poor Mademoiselle subjected to this lengthy talking-to deserves, is also elaborated on in a footnote, allowing the author the last word, in a final attempt at demonstrating who is in charge. The Author and Me is a creative take on authorial autonomy and the role of the author in the text. The narrative has an audience: in the first instance, the passive Mademoiselle, privy solely to the soliloquy; in the second, the actual reader, who benefits from the author's footnote-commentary on his own work (which, however, as commentary, merely makes for an expanded monologue: there is no dialogue between author and subject, no give and take, no conversation). Yet for what seems the author's complete control, he clearly struggles with it, unconvinced. The Author and Me is also an author's struggle with what fiction is and can be in this day and age. With his creative spin and approaches he tries to push boundaries -- even as he's aware that they've all been pushed before, and that there's little new under the sun. Yet he's unwilling to give in to the same old structures and forms -- even in the final instance, for example, as he brings his story to a conclusion that is both clichéd and entirely absurd. It's an odd but agreeably thought-provoking read -- not too aggressively demanding of the reader (for the most part Chevillard seems happy enough to play by himself -- as evidenced also by his ultimately dispensing of the prop that was the conversation-partner in the narrative-proper, the Mademoiselle) but keeping readers on their toes, and providing some decent entertainment and commentary along the way. - M.A.Orthofer, 24 April 2015 - Return to top of the page - The Author and Me:
- Return to top of the page - French author Éric Chevillard was born in 1964. - Return to top of the page -
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