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Our Assessment:
B+ : good fun See our review for fuller assessment.
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Museum Visits offers a selection of Éric Chevillard's 'short prose', as the editors of this volume decide to call the texts -- Daniel Medin noting in his Foreword that they aren't really short stories, as they: "often consist entirely of observations and imaginings, verbal theatrics and gags, usually at the expense of of the "story" Chevillard could have told had he wanted to".
So, right here is where Henri IV ran a hand through his beard, here's where a raindrop landed on Dante's forehead, this is where Buster Keaton bit into a pancake, here Rubens scratched his ear -- let's keep moving, please, ladies and gentlemen -- here is where the marquise de Sévigné coughed, here Arthur Rimbaud muddied his pants [....]And so on. The focus is on the incidental -- everyday and evanescent, a different kind of history (and, of course, physically -- locale-wise -- impossible; the guide and group can not be in the space where all these things supposedly happened). Similarly, in 'The Museum Visit', the narrator explains how he is an enthusiastic visitor of museums -- but, unlike all other museum-goers, has no interest in the art on display; instead, he explains, when he goes to a museum: "I have come for the floors". Among the sharpest pieces is the litany of ejaculation of 'Autofiction', a lovely take-down of the genre, the narrator substituting one expression for spewing self for another, to very good and amusing effect. In 'Moles' the narrator's focus is the more conventional and expected one: "Beckett -- that's of greater interest to us", he notes as he writes about a man who grew up living next to Samuel Beckett but who only keeps mentioning that he "used to love tossing moles into his yard". The narrator learns nothing about Beckett, and laments the wasted opportunity the man had in his childhood, certain that if they had been in the man's place: "There would have been no question of moles whatsoever in our relations with Beckett". The thirty-four pieces are generally very short -- two or three pages long, with the longest, 'Faldoni', another person-portrait of an unusual character, by far the longest, at sixteen pages. These are fun pieces, well-crafted -- Chevillard writes with a sure hand, and translator Daniel Levin Becker's English renderings read equally well -- and engaging, especially in their unusual perspectives; the humor -- often dead-pan -- also helps. Museum Visits is an enjoyable collection, well-suited to dipping into. - M.A.Orthofer, 27 February 2024 - Return to top of the page - Museum Visits:
- Return to top of the page - French author Éric Chevillard was born in 1964. - Return to top of the page -
© 2024 the complete review