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Our Assessment:
B : intriguing novel of overlapping lives and fates See our review for fuller assessment.
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Much of the action of Jerusalem takes place in the early morning hours of a 29 May, as in short sequences of chapters Tavares offers a dance of characters and their overlapping lives and fates that morning.
As the morning progresses, other chapters go back years in filling in the backgrounds and earlier connections between the characters.
I believe in everything I learned before I turned six. Everything I was told after that is a lie.Somewhat to his credit, Theodor wasn't convinced that she was -- like everyone always told her -- crazy, but marrying her probably wasn't the best way to prove his point -- and eventually he did have her institutionalized. He, meanwhile, has grander visions, as he works on an epic study of the history of horror, certain that: I will be able to see the results of my studies on a graph, the health and sickness not of a single man, not of a single individual, but of men in their totality; of a collective, of the whole of the most relevant and abject human behavior.He believes: If he could understand how History thought, if he treated it like an organism that had a brain, and if through documentation and research, he arrived at graphs and formulas explaining events throughout the centuries, Theodor would reach what thousands of men -- great and small, violent or peaceful -- had tried: to master History.Mental instability and delusion figure prominently in the novel, and quite a bit of it takes place in the asylum. Several characters, including Mylia and Kass, are also physically infirm, which affects their abilities and actions; Jerusalem is a novel which shows at every turn that Theodor's hopes for collecting and collating facts and analyzing them in order to determine patterns and make predictions is hopeless: individuals remain unpredictable, with their physical and mental states rendering them unreliable. Yet the inexorable pull these fates exert on one another -- the orbits they are drawn into, and the actions they undertake -- does suggest there is some underlying inevitability ..... The asylum is run along what could be considered misguided notions, as: At Georg Rosenberg,there was a moral concern that went beyond the actions of each individual who was considered mentally ill. The goal was to understand what they were thinking about; exceptional attention was paid to that which cannot be seen: the inside of one's mind.Tavares' characters' dance suggests the flow and unpredictable turns of history, large and small. Theodor's thesis -- of the world coming to its end and limit when there was a: "zero sum of violence received and exerted" -- is a grandiose abstraction, and yet the events that play out here suggests that, on some small scale, he may be onto something. In its vagueness, Jerusalem isn't entirely satisfying. While the pull of the different stories -- the focus shifting, scene to scene -- gives an agreeable feel to the novel (complete with sleepless, early morning dazedness -- that atmosphere is well conveyed), but too much of too many of the storylines and backgrounds remains obscured. Jerusalem is intriguing, but ultimately too loose a dance and arrangement. - M.A.Orthofer, 9 September 2009 - Return to top of the page - Jerusalem:
- Return to top of the page - Portuguese author Gonçalo M. Tavares was born in 1970. - Return to top of the page -
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