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Our Assessment:
B+ : quite entertaining late-Soviet twist on Crime and Punishment and Russia See our review for fuller assessment.
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What is most striking about The New Moscow Philosophy is that, despite its title, it offers not so much a novel vision but rather reinforces an established one: this is a story that in large part feels timeless, and could be set (with only the most minor variations) in the Russia of almost any time over the past hundred and fifty years.
In part this is due to how the book is rooted in Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, a text (and an influence) that it parodies, but many of its other elements also reinforce that.
The lot of them can hardly wait for her room to be vacated, and for the sake of that little room they're capable of saying anything. They'd bury Pumpianskaya alive if given half a chance.The action, which takes place over four days, from a Friday to Monday, follows both their concerns and attempts to find out what became of the old lady and their maneuvering for the room; the mundanely domestic -- everyday life in the crowded apartment -- also contrasts with more ethereal concerns, including a good deal of serious (amateur) philosophizing. The odd circumstances surrounding Pumpianskaya's death also allows for a variety of speculation that includes the metaphysical -- after all: "There's no evidence of a crime, not even of an incident" (which, of course, turns The New Moscow Philosophy into a sort of anti-Crime and Punishment (since the crime and incident in that story was very real from the start)). Pyetsukh also firmly roots the novel in the literary: there are those constant echoes of Crime and Punishment, as well as as references -- direct and indirect -- to other Russian and Soviet literature and history (with endnotes helping readers to understand some of these). And just as Crime and Punishment is, in many respects, timeless, so to The New Moscow Philosophy tries to be similarly universal. Early on Pyetsukh suggests: What's important is something else: namely, that in all probability literature is the root of life, so to speak, if not life itself, only slightly displaced along the x-axis, and consequently it should come as no surprise that in Russia where life goes literature follows, but also that where literature goes life follows, that Russians not only write what they live but in part live what they write, that literature has such spiritual authority hereThis, surely, is the 'Moscow philosophy' that Pyetsukh means to demonstrate with his story -- and he pulls it off quite well. Steeped in literature, The New Moscow Philosophy seems in all ways typically Russian (still with a strong Soviet slant), from its possible-murder mystery -- light-hearted but melancholy -- to the heavy layers of inescapable past that all the characters must deal with. It is a household tale yet includes extensive philosophical exposition, a mix of the everyday and the eternal with, in both cases, a distinctly Russian flair. Amusing and even touching, The New Moscow Philosophy does feel slightly dated in a post-Soviet world; still, it's more than a relic, and one can both admire and enjoy its cleverness. - M.A.Orthofer, 14 June 2011 - Return to top of the page - The New Moscow Philosophy:
- Return to top of the page - Russian author Vyacheslav Pyetsukh (Вячеслав Алексеевич Пьецух, Viatcheslav Pietsoukh, Wjatscheslaw Pjezuch) was born in 1946. - Return to top of the page -
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