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Our Assessment:
A- : rich but very dark See our review for fuller assessment.
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As the title suggests, Arabian Nights and Days echoes the Arabian classic, The Arabian Nights.
Indeed, Mahfouz follows on that classic collection, his novel opening with the morning on which sultan Shahriyar -- to whom "the lady of the stories" Shahrzad has been recounting the fantastic tales, to keep at bay the fate that has awaited all his previous brides -- decides, finally, whether or not to spare Shahrzad's life.
If a relief, his change of heart and tradition, allowing her to live, does not make for a traditional happy end, however -- no: 'and they lived happily everafter'; indeed, upon receiving the news from her father, Shahrzad admits that nevertheless: "I am unhappy".
Which rather sets the mood for the entire novel, not one of the relief and joy one might have expected, but of the ugly reality of the aftermath of soul-(of himself and his kingdom-) crushing conduct that Shahriyar had indulged in (and forced on those around him) for so long, leaving a dispirited (except for those actual spirits ...) and amoral near-vacuum.
"I sacrificed myself," she said sorrowfully, "in order to stem the torrent of blood."She may have saved her life, but there was much she could not stem in those three years of story-telling; the toll has been terrible -- indeed: "Only hypocrites are left in the kingdom". This then is the world Mahfouz sets his story in -- hardly one that has found peace. Strange happenings and violent death are still all too common, and the locals can at best cling to a state of denial: "Everything is possible in this crazy city," said Shamloul the hunchback.Supernatural beings appear, but they burden their finders, making terrible demands of them; any powers that they give -- or appear to give --, whether a second life, a cap that makes its wearer invisible, or the powers Solomon's ring bestow, prove to be more of a hardship and challenge than boon. The fate of one -- "From stealing, to committing stupid pranks, to murder. He had fallen into the abyss" -- is just a variation on many others. Several are forced, one way or another, into murder, beginning with Sanaan al-Gamali, who first finds himself driven to a heinous act; he also finds himself, in the initial aftermath: "going about free and large, being treated with esteem" as, typically, the guiltiest are often those who suffer least. He thinks his number may be up when he's invited by the governor Ali al-Salouli -- the kind of invitation one can't refuse -- but instead finds himself welcomed with open arms, the governor practically heaping opportunity on him but the despairing Sanaan driven to yet another horrific act that destroys his and his families hopes. Samaan is not the last to one compelled to kill a high-ranking official; the chief of police, Gamasa al-Bulti is as well. He too is beheaded -- a punishment meted out quickly and (all too) easily to a number of the characters in the novel, not all of whom are guilty of the crimes they've been charged with -- but while his head is hung in the doorway to his home as a warning to others, Gamasa in fact lives on, or again, in different corporeal form -- though, mostly, hardly less troubled than in his previous incarnation: "I am entrusted with the killing of evil people", he admits, and it is an obligation he will continue to carry out, in the guise of what is soon widely only considered to be that of a madman. The place seems cursed to wallow in its rot: What an extraordinary sultanate this is, with its people and its genies ! It raises aloft the badge of God and yet plunges itself in dirt.Arabian Nights and Days proceeds in loosely linked chapters that recount various episodes and (mis)adventures -- some of them variations on the original Arabian Nights-tales, and involving familiar names (such as Aladdin and Sindbad). Characters come up in various episodes, again and again -- notably Gamasa -- giving some sense of unity to the novel, but it's really somewhat of a mix between story-collection and novel. Shahrzad and Shahriyar are lesser figures here, only rarely figuring significantly; among the few episodes in which Shahriyar is somewhat central is one where he travels disguised as a foreign merchant -- and encounters a fake version of himself, someone passing himself off as Shahriyar -- typical of the novel in which identities (and fates) are often mixed and confused. (It's an inspired little story, Ibrahim the water-carrier having found a treasure and deciding to put it to use by play-acting being Shahriyar and crowning himself sultan on a deserted island, and making a ragtag group of "the bare-footed hungry" his courtiers -- and acting out, night after night, "a tribunal in which justice would take its course after it had been unable to do so in the world", reädjudicating a miscarriage of justice in the 'real' world, again and again and again, as if that could somehow make it right.) If Shahrzad is hardly central, a long episode does focus on her sister, Dunyazad -- perfectly matched with Nur al-Din, but long unable to connect with him. When the sultan is in need of money, the wealthy Kareem al-Aseel makes only one demand: the hand of Dunyazad. Dunyazad is meant for another but despairs at disobeying the order to marry Kareem; she's put in an essentially impossible situation -- but with some supernatural assistance (which was also part of the original problem) there is, for once, a just and happy resolution (though for good measure Kareem is conveniently murdered -- Gamasa al-Bulti, in new guise, doing what is necessary). Among the other colorful episodes is that involving a mystery woman new to town, Anees al-Galees, whose husband conveniently has not yet joined her. She is: "a fascinating sorceress, loving love, loving wealth, and loving men", and she easily seduces the local men, and impoverishes them by letting them heap gifts on her; amusingly, even when the authorities are onto her, her seductiveness makes it difficult to keep her from quickly restoring her privileged place. She does finally get her due -- a neat scene of complete dissolution -- in what is also a good lesson for the men who succumbed to her. Compact in its telling but expansive in the breadth and reach of the tales, Arabian Nights and Days presents a world of indistinct time and place, as Mahfouz clearly means his stories to be commentary on the contemporary world as much as any ancient one. Murder, often gratuitous, of the rich and powerful, and injustice -- in the form of who is punished, and for what crimes (including ones they did not commit) -- make for a world of wrong. It makes for a somewhat dark story -- not quite unremitting, but repeatedly leading to grim outcomes. There's a density to the telling of many of the episodes, but a surprising richness, too; Mahfouz shows an expert hand here, and Johnson-Davies renders much of this very well in English (though occasionally the expression can sound very fancy-cryptic). Mahfouz's writing is both tremendously evocative and to the point; some of the most succinct scenes -- as in the horrific early one of child-rape -- barely even describe what happens, yet are no less forceful for that. (Indeed, Mahfouz barely describes the sex in the novel -- there's quite a bit of it -- but most of it is more suggestive than the longest graphic descriptions could be; what is perhaps the most explicit description -- in its entirety: "They dissolved into a burning passion. Mounting the summit of provocation, they withdrew from mere existence" -- is among the few that almost goes too far (though it seems likely that's more an issue of English-word-choice (and limitations)).) Arabian Nights and Days is a very strong work of fiction, but not among Mahfouz's most approachable; the (more or less) episodic presentation a bit at odds with the larger novel-concept that doesn't, ultimately, come entirely together. Many of the parts impress greatly, however -- and the way it borrows from, echoes, and counters the original Arabian Nights is fascinating. If not entirely successful in this form, it is nevertheless clearly the work of a master, and well worthwhile. - M.A.Orthofer, 21 August 2020 - Return to top of the page - Arabian Nights and Days:
- Return to top of the page - Egyptian author Naguib Mahfouz (نجيب محفوظ, Nagib Machfus) was born in 1911 and died in 2006 He was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 1988. - Return to top of the page -
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