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Our Assessment:
B : fine short novel of friendship and looking back on life in Egypt through the twentieth century See our review for fuller assessment. The complete review's Review:
The Coffeehouse is Naguib Mahfouz's last novel (though not his last work), and was being serialized in Al-Ahram in 1988 when it was announced Mahfouz had won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
As translator Raymond Stock notes in his Afterword, it is: "Fittingly final, as it is really a work of literary nostalgia".
Qushtumur the coffeehouse saw us take leave of our youth and our first steps into manhood. We spent our lives between work, culture, and evening conversation.And so it continued, too, with their neighborhood, Abbasiya, transformed along with the rest of Egypt over the years and decades, but Qushtumur remaining reliably the same. (When they were young, east and west Abbasiya were like different sides of the tracks, but it eventually became a more unified (and much more bustling) whole.) Together they also face the many upheavals, from the bombardments of the Second World War to 23 July 1952 -- the coup d'état that "appeared to us like a brilliant dawn" -- to the "era of the second leader" (Anwar Sadat), which was: "the epoch of pulpits, victory, peace, and al-Infitah, as well as the greatest degree of corruption ever recorded". But politics and history are largely backdrop, and only occasionally intrude into the personal lives of the group. And it is the personal lives -- the loves and marriages and children, as well as the careers -- of the four friends that dominate (about the fifth, the narrator, practically nothing is revealed). These ups and downs, across decades, give a sense of the flow of lives and time; with so many characters and over so little space, Mahfouz can not go into much depth, but it still makes for a nice group portrait. The individuals each follow relatively clear paths -- with the exception of ever-vacillating Hamada who, for example, adds "the Allies and the Axis to his vacillation between schools of thought" during the war, undecided which side is worth supporting, and who, having "tried every opinion and conviction" had in turn also adopted "Islam, then Christianity, and then the Jewish faith". Some are luckier in love than others, some have happier and clearer career paths, but they all do have each other and their mutual friendship -- and they have the coffeehouse Qushtumur to retreat to and to regroup in, even as the world spins wildly outside its doors. The Coffeehouse is a 'small' novel: not an ambitious, century-spanning tome, but a sketch of friendship and Egyptian life in the twentieth century. It's hardly an exceptional work, but an agreeable little one, a fitting coda to Mahfouz's straightforward narrative work. - M.A.Orthofer, 28 June 2011 - Return to top of the page - The Coffeehouse:
- Return to top of the page - Egyptian author Naguib Mahfouz (نجيب محفوظ, Nagib Machfus) was born in 1911 and died in 2006 He was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 1988. - Return to top of the page -
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