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Our Assessment:
B+ : bleak, but nicely turned See our review for fuller assessment.
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Sundays in August swirls like most of Modiano's novels, closing with the narrator looking back on a short period long ago of which he could say: "We were never as happy as we were then", while its beginning is more than seven years after those brief happy days.
The story that is revealed, in slowly twisting fashion, stepping back and then further back moves from dark to bleak; the concluding scene's contrast only adds to the final poignancy.
Pretend ? We just had to convince ourselves that we were different people than the Jean and Sylvia who, once upon a time, had haunted the banks of the Marne. We had nothing in common with those two anymore.But identities -- or at least the true self -- prove hard to change, much less leave behind -- and Jean and Sylvia are undone by other masqueraders. Even as Jean can see through their disguise -- or at least see it as disguise -- he doesn't see enough, he falls into their trap, even as he senses it closing around them. And even then, certainty eludes him about what happened, and what he has lost. The novel begins with Jean running across Villecourt in Nice, many years after they last met. Villecourt was the common-law husband of Sylvia, a woman who clearly also meant a great deal to Jean -- though the extent of their relationship is only gradually revealed. Unlikely as it seems -- at least from what we later learn --, when Villecourt brings up the subject, Jean wonders: I wasn't even sure whether, after seven years, he was confusing her with someone else.Their shared history, back then, involved the girl -- and the diamond she wore, which became, back then: "The only solid, consistent thing in our lives, the sole inalterable point of reference". The diamond is significant enough that it has a name -- the Southern Cross -- and a: "long and bloody history". It certainly feels cursed: many of its owners don't have a happy history: guillotined, murdered, shot. Twice it changed hands during the Second World War, then disappeared -- "until it reappeared on Sylvia's black sweater". It's great value means that it presents an opportunity -- cash, equaling freedom. Yet it's no wonder that when the point comes that Jean and Sylvie truly take possession of it he is unsettled: "The diamond scared me as much as the gash on her cheek." The story doesn't unfold entirely backwards, but Modiano glides back and forth in time, then and now, in recalling those times with Sylvia, and Villecourt, and other interested (and uninterested) parties. "Everything eventually blurs together", Jean says -- Modiano's operating principle, employed to very good effect here. At heart a fairly simple story, Sundays in August is as twisted and bleak -- and, ultimately, satisfying -- as any noir, a fatalistic sense of inevitability tinged with just enough uncertainty hanging over it. - M.A.Orthofer, 2 September 2017 - Return to top of the page - Sundays in August:
- Return to top of the page - French author Patrick Modiano was born in 1945. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2014. - Return to top of the page -
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