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Our Assessment:
B+ : small, beautifully written tale See our review for fuller assessment.
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If You Kept a Record of Sins is narrated by Lorenzo, and begins with his arrival in Bucharest, for the funeral of his mother.
The narrative, the account of his days in Romania then, is a monologue addressed to the mother, a woman with whom the back and forth of conversation, or any form of active engagement is no longer possible.
As we soon realize, this isn't a great stretch from the state of their relationship even before her death: if not quite estranged, mother and son had long had an increasingly disengaged relationship, drifting so far apart that little remained connecting them in any way.
Look at them, he whispered, meaning his five friends. Look how ugly they are. But here they could start over. In Italy, they didn't mean shit. And now -- he was shouting a little -- now, here they are.For all the opportunity, for all her business success, Lula seems never to have found the life she might have been hoping for. The symbolism of entering the oversize egg is then neatly mirrored in that of the coffin, as one of the people Lorenzo gets to know is the successful coffin-maker Viarengo, a close friend of his mother's. Viarengo tells Lorenzo that his mother often visited his workplace -- and that liked she lying down in the coffins, something his workers also regularly did ("They do it to check the handles, Viarengo said, though it's not really necessary"). On this pilgrimage to this world of his mother's that he was entirely unfamiliar with Lorenzo, too, lets himself be put in a coffin, the lid put on, and then lifted up ..... Throughout his trip, Lorenzo thinks back to his childhood and his relationship with his so often absent mother, and his -- and Emilio's -- struggles to maintain the illusion of a regular family unit. Communication openly breaks down, in Lula's inability to maintain even the routines of regular telephone calls, much less personal visits -- but then her parents aren't much better, as Lorenzo describes the rare encounters with that part of the family, including the devastating one when Lula first wants to introduce the boy to his grandparents. Post-Ceaușescu Romania is a fitting locale, with its constant reminders of trying to move on but not quite being able to let go of the past. Among the few sites Lorenzo visits while in Bucharest is the so-called Ceaușescu Palace: The guide had walked us through only one floor, and then we had to leave. But worst of all, she never mentioned Ceaușescu. Not even once. We'd gone in there to learn about him, what he'd been capable of, but instead he was the emptiness the guide talked around, in her composed speech on tonnage, meters, numbers.Lorenzo does learn more about his mother and her life in Romania, but the figure remains what she always was to him, elusive. It's a melancholy novel, but the measured and never plaintive tone keeps it from ever sinking into the maudlin. Beautifully written, If You Kept a Record of Sins reverberates profoundly with the loneliness of its characters -- haunting in the voice of Lorenzo, reaching out to a mother who is no longer -- and never really was -- there. - M.A.Orthofer, 31 March 2021 - Return to top of the page - If You Kept a Record of Sins:
- Return to top of the page - Italian author Andrea Bajani was born in 1975. - Return to top of the page -
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